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A Statistical Analysis of China’s Traffic Tunnel Development
Yong Zhao a,b,Pengfei Li c
a Engineering Design and Appraisal Center of China Railway Corporation,Beijing100844,China
b China Railway Economi
c an
d Planning Research Institute,Beijing100038,China
c The Key Laboratory of Urban Security an
d Disaster Engineering,Ministry of Education,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing100124,China
Traffic tunnels include tunnel works for traffic and transport in the areas of railway,highway,and rail transit.With many mountains and nearly onefifth of the global population,China possesses numerous large cities and megapolises with rapidly growing economies and huge traffic demands.As a result,a great deal of railway,highway,and rail transit facilities are required in this country.In the past,the construction of these facilities mainly involved subgrade and bridge works;in recent years, given higher environmental requirements,implementation of the large-scale development of the western region,and worsen-ing aboveground traffic jams in large cities,tunnel works are increasingly favored.Since the beginning of the21st century, tunnel works in China have sharply increased.Incomplete statis-tics show that by2016,a total of30000km of traffic tunnels in China had been completed,and over40000km of traffic tunnels were under construction or being planned[1,2].China has become a true tunnel superpower.
2.Statistical analysis of railway tunnel development data
2.1.Overview of railway tunnels
By the end of2016,the total length of railway tunnels in service in China exceeded14120km,the length of railway tunnels under construction was about9300km,and the length of railway tunnels under design and planning was about10400km[1,3].By2020,the total number of tunnels in service in China is expected to reach 17000,with a total length of more than20000km[1];by2030, the total length will exceed30000km.
2.2.Overview of railway tunnels in service
Of the railway tunnels that are already in service in China,102 extra-long tunnels(each longer than10km)add up to a total length of about1411km,and make up10%of the total length of railway tunnels in service.Among these extra-long tunnels,nine tunnels(each longer than20km)add up to a total length of about 219km.High-speed railway and inter-city railway tunnels add up to about4080km[4],or28.9%of the total length of railway tunnels in service.The longest railway tunnel in service is the New Guanjiao Tunnel on the Xining–Golmud section of the Qinghai–Tibet Railway,which is32.6km long,and the longest high-speed railway tunnel in service is the Taihang Mountain Tunnel on the Shijiazhuang–Taiyuan High-Speed Railway,which is27.8km long.
2.3.Overview of railway tunnels under construction
By the end of2016,the total number of railway tunnels under construction was about2400,adding up to a total length of about 9300km.These include742medium-long tunnels(with lengths of 3–10km),with a total length of about4034km,and175extra-long tunnels(each longer than10km),with a total length of about 2389km.Of the latter,six tunnels are over20km long,with a total length of150.5km[1].About1600high-speed and inter-city rail-way tunnels are under construction,with a total length of about 3450km[4];these make up about40%of the total length of rail-way tunnels under construction.The longest railway tunnel under construction is the Gaoligong Mountain Tunnel between Dali and Ruili,which is34.5km long.
2.4.Overview of planned railway tunnels
Among the railway tunnels that are currently under design and planning,801are medium-long tunnels(with lengths of3–10km), adding up to a total length of about4326km.There are also170 extra-long tunnels(each longer than10km),with a total length of about2450km;of these,11tunnels are over20km long,with a total length of288km.The number of planned high-speed and inter-city railway tunnels is1922,adding up to a total length of about4180km;these make up40.2%of the total length of planned railway tunnels[1].
2.5.Analysis of railway tunnel data
From an analysis of the statistics on China’s railway tunnels,the following conclusions were drawn:
(1)Since the start of the21st century,railway tunnels have entered a stage of rapid development.For more than100years, until2000,the lengths of the completed railway tunnels in China
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added up to only 3820km in total;however,in the 16years from 2001to 2016,an additional 10300km of railway tunnels were completed and put into operation.
(2)Extra-long tunnels keep getting longer.Before 2000,there were only three completed extra-long tunnels (each longer than 10km)in China,with a total length of 45.5km;however,in the 16years from 2001to 2016,99such tunnels were completed,with a total length of 1366km.In addition,175extra-long tunnels are under construction,with a total length of about 2389km,and 170extra-long tunnels are being planned,with a total length of about 2450km.
(3)The proportion of high-speed railway tunnels continues to grow.Before 2007,no high-speed railway tunnel was in service in the mainland of China;however,in less than 10years,by the end of 2016,more than 4000km of high-speed and inter-city rail-way tunnels were completed in China.Furthermore,of the 1082km of railway tunnels that opened in 2016,800km were high-speed railway tunnels;these account for 73.9%of the total length of the new tunnels that were put into operation.
3.Statistical analysis of highway tunnel development data By the end of 2016,15181highway tunnels had been put into operation in China,with a total length of 14040km.Among these,815tunnels were longer than 3km,adding up to a total length of 3622.7km,and 3520tunnels were 1–3km in length,adding up to a total length of 6045.5km [2,5].The growth rate of the opening of highway tunnels in China in recent years is given in Fig.1.
According to statistics [6],the total length of highway tunnels in China has grown by a rate of more than 1000km Áa –1,which is the fastest rate in the world.Of the ten expressway tunnels more than 10km in length that have been completed around the world,nine are in China;furthermore,18expressway tunnels are under construction or will be constructed on the largest construction scale (in terms of excavation length)in the world.China has become a highway tunnel superpower,as is evidenced by the completion of super-long mountain tunnels such as the Qinling Zhongnan Mountain Tunnel,which is the longest two-tube expressway tunnel in the world;large-diameter
shield tunnels,such as the Chongming Yangtze Underwater Tunnel in Shanghai and river-crossing tunnels in Nanjing and Wuhan;under-river tunnels in Shanghai and Nanchang;and wide immersed tunnels,such as the undersea tunnel along the Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macao Bridge.
4.Statistical analysis of rail transit tunnel data
By the end of 2016,a total of 133urban rail transit lines had been opened in 30cities in the mainland of China,with a total length of 4153km;this included 2564km of subway tunnels,which account for 61.7%of the total length of rail transit lines in China [7].
In 48cities across China,228rail transit lines are under con-struction,with a total length of 5636.5km,including 4925km sub-way lines.Furthermore,incomplete statistics show that by the end of 2016,rail transit projects in 58cities in the mainland of China had been approved,with a total length of about 7305km under planning [7].
An analysis of data on rail transit tunnels in China showed that the share of subway tunnels in rail transit lines is growing.For example,of the additional 534.8km rail transit lines that were built in 2016,510.7km or 95.5%belonged to subway works.The construction scale is growing rapidly and many Chinese cities have entered into a period of rapid development.The scale of planned construction also continues to grow.5.Conclusions
Since the beginning of the 21st century,China has entered a peak period of traffic tunnel construction.Despite the brilliant achievements that have already been accomplished,many challenges remain.With the development of transport facilities in Western China,more tunnels will be built in general,tunnels of over 10km in length will become the new normal [8],and more tunnels will be built to cross rivers or seas.China’s tunnel engineers will encounter more complex geological conditions and environmental challenges.Relentless innovation in new technologies,materials,and equipment will provide broader prospects for technical progress in China’s traffic
Fig.1.Growth rate of the opening of highway tunnels in China in recent years.
4Y.Zhao,P.Li /Engineering 4(2018)3–5
[1]Zhao Y,Tian SM.Data statistics on China’s railway tunnels.Tunn Constr
[2]Jiang SP.Quality and technical countermeasures in highway tunnel engineering.
Mod Tunn Technol2017;54(4):1–12.Chinese.
[3]Wang XL,Zhao ment on construction of railway tunnels in
China by statistical data.Mod Tunn Technol2006;43(5):7–17.22.
Chinese.[4]Zhao Y,Xiao MQ,Xiao GZ.China high speed railway tunnels.Beijing:China
Railway Publishing House;2016.Chinese.
[5]Jiang SP.Development of highway tunnel technology in China’s mainland since
the10th Five-Year Plan.Highw Tunn2012;4:1–5.15.Chinese.
[6]Jiang SP.Data statistics on China’s highway tunnels.Tunn Constr2017;37
[7]China Association of Metros.Statistics and analysis report of urban rail transit in
2016.China Metros2017;1:20–36.Chinese.
[8]Hong KR.State-of-art and prospect of tunnels and underground works in China.
Tunn Constr2015;35(2):95–107.Chinese.
Engineering 2 (2016) xxx–xxx
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a Engineering Design and Appraisal Center of China Railway Corporation, Beijing 100844, China
b China Railway Economi
c an
d Planning Research Institute, Beijing 100038, China
c The Key Laboratory of Urban Security an
d Disaster Engineering, Ministry of Education, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China


以前修建这些设施主要以路基、桥梁工程为主,近些年,随着环保要求的提高,西部大开发以及大城市地面交通拥堵状况的加剧,隧道工程越来越受到人们的青睐,特别是进入21世纪以后,中国的隧道工程发展迅猛,据不完全统计,截至2016年,中国已经建成总长度超过30 000 km的交通隧道工程,并且正在建设和规划的交通隧道工程超过40 000 km[1–2]。


2.1. 铁路隧道概况
截至2016年年底,中国投入运营的铁路隧道总长度已经超过14 120 km,在建铁路隧道总长度约9300 km,正在设计和规划的铁路隧道总长度约10 400 km[1,3]。

预计到2020年年底,中国投入运营的隧道总量将达到17 000座,总长度将突破20 000 km[1],到2030年,将突破30 000 km。

2.2. 运营铁路隧道概况
在已经投入运营的铁路隧道中,长度大于10 km的特长隧道约102座,长度约1411 km,占运营隧道总长度的10%,其中,长度大于20 km的隧道共9座,总长度约219 km。

高速铁路隧道及城际铁路隧道约4080 km[4],占运营铁路隧道总长度的28.9%。

运营的最长铁路隧道为青藏铁路西宁至格尔木段的新关角隧道,长度为32.6 km;运营最长的高速铁路隧道为石太客运专线的太行山隧道,长度为27.8 km。

2.3. 在建铁路隧道概况
截至2016年年底,在建铁路隧道总数约2400座,总长度约9300 km。

其中,长度为3~10 km的中长隧道约742座,长度约为4034 km;长度大于10 km的特长隧道约175座,长度约为2389 km,其中,长度大于20 km的隧道共6座,总长度为150.5 km[1]。

在建高速及城际铁路隧道约1600座,累计长度约3450 km[4],约占在建铁路隧道总长度的40%。

在建最长的铁路隧道为大理至瑞丽的高黎贡山隧道,长度为34.5 km。

2.4. 规划铁路隧道概况
正在设计和规划的铁路隧道中,长度为3~10 km的中长隧道约801座,长度约为4326 km;长度大于10 km 的特长隧道170座,总长度约为2450 km,其中,长度大于20 km的特长隧道11座,累计长度为288 km。

4Author name et al. / Engineering 2(2016) xxx–xxx
路及城际铁路隧道约1922座,累计长度约为4180 km,约占规划铁路隧道总长度的40.2%[1]。

2.5. 铁路隧道数据分析

2000年以前,在100多年的时间里,中国建成的铁路隧道总长度仅有3820 km,而2001—2016年短短16年时间里,就新增运营铁路隧道10 300 km。


中国在2000年以前建成的长度超过10 km的特长隧道仅有3座,长度为45.5 km,而2001—2016年短短16年的时间里,就建成了99座、累计长度约1366 km的特长隧道,并且在建的特长隧道尚有175座,长度约为2389 km,即将开工和规划的特长隧道约170座,总长度约为2450 km。


中国大陆在2007年以前,没有1座高速铁路隧道投入运营,到2016年年底不到10年的时间里,中国建成了长度超过4000 km的高速和城际铁路隧道工程。

并且2016年开通运营的1082 km 铁路隧道中,高铁隧道有800 km,占新增运营隧道总量的73.9%。

3. 公路隧道发展数据统计分析
截至2016年年底,中国投入运营的公路隧道为15 181座,总长14 040 km。

其中,长度大于3 km的隧道815座,累计长度为3622.7 km;长度为1~3 km的隧道3520座,累计长度为6045.5 km[2,5]。


通过统计[6]可以看出,中国公路隧道以每年1000 km以上的建设速度增长,建设速度世界第一;世界上已建成的10座长度10 km以上的高速公路隧道中,有9座在中国,在建和拟建的高速公路隧道尚有18座,建设规模世界第一。


4. 轨道交通隧道数据统计分析
截至2016年年底,中国大陆共30个城市开通运营城市轨道交通,共开通运营线路133条,运营线路总长度为4153 km,其中,地铁隧道总长度为2564 km,占轨道交通线路总长度的61.7%[7]。

全国有48个城市正在建设轨道交通线路228条,线路总长度为5636.5 km,其中,地铁线路4925 km。

另据不完全统计,截至2016年年底,中国大陆地区已获得轨道交通建设项目批复的城市有58个,规划线路总长度约7305 km[7]。

图1. 中国公路隧道通车增长速度。

5 Author name et al. / Engineering 2(2016) xxx–xxx
通过对中国轨道交通隧道数据分析可知,在轨道交通线路中,地下铁路隧道比重越来越大,如在2016年全国新增534.8 km的轨道交通线路中,地铁工程就有510.7 km,占比95.5%。



5. 结语
进入21世纪以来,中国的交通运输隧道建设进入高峰期,虽然已经取得了辉煌的成就,但是仍面临诸多挑战,随着中国交通运输向西部的发展,将会建设更多的隧道工程,长度超过10 km的隧道将成为新常态[8],同时穿江越海的隧道也会越来越多,中国隧道工程师将会遇到更加复杂的地质条件和环境挑战。


[1] Zhao Y, Tian SM. Data statistics on China’s railway tunnels. Tunn Constr 2017;
37(5):641–2. Chinese.
[2] Jiang SP. Qualit y and technical countermeasures in highway tunnel
engineering. Mod Tunn Technol 2017;54(4):1–12. Chinese.
[3] Wang XL, Zhao Y. Comment on construction of railway tunnels in China by
statistical data. Mod Tunn Technol 2006;43(5):7–17. 22. Chinese.
[4] Zhao Y, Xiao MQ, Xiao GZ. China high speed railway tunnels. Beijing: China
Railway Publishing House; 2016. Chinese.
[5] Jiang SP. Development of highway tunnel technology in China’s mainland
since the 10th Five-Year Plan. Highw Tunn 2012;4:1–5. 15. Chinese.
[6] Jiang SP. Data statistics on China’s highway tunnels. Tunn Constr 2017;37
(5):643–4. Chinese.
[7] China Association of Metros. Statistics and analysis report of urban rail transit
in 2016. China Metros 2017;1:20–36. Chinese.
[8] Hong KR. State-of-art and prospect of tunnels and underground works in
China. Tunn Constr 2015;35(2):95–107. Chinese.。
