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Macroeconomics, 8e (Parkin) Testbank 1

Chapter 2 The Economic Problem

2.1 Production Possibilities and Opportunity Cost

1) T he production possibilities frontier

A) r efers to the technology used in such goods as computers and military aircraft.

B) o nce applied to U.S. technology but now refers to Japanese technology.

C) m arks the boundary between attainable combinations of goods and services and

unattainable combinations.

D) i s also called the supply curve.

Answer: C

Topic: P roduction Possibilities Frontier

Skill: R ecognition

2) T he production possibilities frontier is the boundary between

A) t hose combinations of goods and services that can be produced and those that can be


B) t hose resources that are limited and those that are unlimited.

C) t hose combinations of goods and services that can be produced and those that cannot.

D) t hose wants that are limited and those that are unlimited.

Answer: C

Topic: P roduction Possibilities Frontier

Skill: R ecognition*

3) T he production possibilities frontier is the boundary between those combination of goods

and services that can be

A) p roduced and those that can be consumed.

B) c onsumed domestically and those that can be consumed by foreigners.

C) p roduced and those that cannot be produced.

D) c onsumed and those that cannot be produced.

Answer: C

Topic: P roduction Possibilities Frontier

Skill: C onceptual

4) T he production possibilities frontier is

A) u pward sloping and reflects unlimited choices.

B) u pward sloping and reflects tradeoffs in choices.

C) d ownward sloping and reflects unlimited choices.

D) d ownward sloping and reflects tradeoffs in choices.

Answer: D

Topic: P roduction Possibilities Frontier

Skill: R ecognition

5) T he production possibilities frontier

A) d epicts the boundary between those combinations of goods and services that can be

produced and those that cannot given resources and the current state of technology.

B) s hows how many goods and services are consumed by each person in a country.

C) i s a model that assumes there is no scarcity and no opportunity cost.

D) i s a graph with price on the vertical axis and income on the horizontal axis.

Answer: A

Topic: P roduction Possibilities Frontier

Skill: R ecognition

6) T he production possibilities frontier illustrates

A) a ll goods that can be produced by an economy

B) t he combination of goods and services that can be produced efficiently

C) a ll goods and services that are desired but cannot be produced due to scarce resources.

D) a ll possible production of capital goods

Answer: B

Topic: P roduction Possibilities Frontier

Skill: C onceptual

7) T he production possibilities frontier itself shows

A) t he maximum amount of resources available at any given time.

B) c ombinations of goods and services that do not fully use available resources.

C) t he maximum rate of growth of output possible for an economy.

D) t he maximum levels of production that can be attained.

Answer: D

Topic: P roduction Possibilities Frontier

Skill: R ecognition

8) A production possibilities frontier figure does NOT illustrate

A) t he limits on production imposed by our limited resources and technology.

B) t he exchange of one good or service for another.

C) o pportunity cost.

D) a ttainable and unattainable points.

Answer: B

Topic: P roduction Possibilities Frontier

Skill: A nalytical

9) A ny production point outside the production possibilities frontier is

A) u nattainable.

B) a ssociated with unused resources.

C) a ttainable only if prices fall.

D) a ttainable only if prices rise.

Answer: A

Topic: P roduction Possibilities Frontier

Skill: A nalytical
