欧亨利 O Henry

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• The heart of the west(西部之心): describing the western grasslands and cowherd people live----描写西部草原生活 • Chinese cabbage and king(白菜与国王): Central America ----中美洲 • Four million(四百万): the city life, especially New York life----城市生活,特别是纽约生活
1.Humorous:幽默 2.Realistic:写实 3.O Henry’s Twisting End : 欧亨利式结尾
幽默是美国文学的传统之一,欧亨利一 生经历坎坷,长期与下层小人物接触,使 的他的幽默充满了夸张 嘲讽 风趣 诙谐 机 智的幽默中 ,含有抑郁,凄楚的情绪。
• words melting sorrows and joys曲笔溶悲喜 • Starting from Washington Owen, many writers are good at writing those funny but meaningful story. • O. Henry inherited this tradition, and was influenced by the contemporary writers. • Moreover, he has a a lifetime of frustrations. All above makes his unique sense of humor - filled with bitter laughter. At the back of the humor, exaggerations, there are something more calling this "tearful smile", which has deepened the social significance of the work, with long-term artistic charm.
• In 1894, he started a humorous weekly The Rolling Stone(《滚石》) . When the weekly failed, he joined the Houston Post as a reporter and columnist. • In 1897, he was convicted of embezzling(挪用) money and sentenced to five years in prison. • In 1897, his wife died on July 25, from tuberculosis(肺结核). • While in prison Porter started to write short stories to support his daughter Margaret. • Porter was released on July 24, 1901, for good behavior after serving three years.
1891年,欧· 亨利在First National Bank of Austin 做一名职员,正当他的生活颇为安定之时, 却发生了一件改变他命运的事情。1896年,奥斯 汀银行指控他在任职期间盗用资金。他为了躲避 受审,逃往洪都拉斯。1897年,后因回家探视病 危的妻子被捕入狱,判处5年徒刑。在狱中曾担任 药剂师,他在银行工作时,曾有过写作的经历, 担任监狱医务室的药剂师后开始认真写作。他开 始以欧· 亨利为笔名写作短篇小说,于《麦克吕尔》 杂志发表。
• Porter's most prolific writing period started in 1902, when he moved to New York City to be near his publishers. While there, he wrote 281 short stories. He wrote a story a week for over a year for the New York World Sunday Magazine. • In 1907, he married Sara Lindsay Coleman, but the marriage was not happy, and they separated a year later. • O. Henry's last years were shadowed by alcoholism, ill health, and financial problems. He died of cirrhosis(肝硬化) of the liver on June 5, 1910, in New York.
• The so-called O. Henry’s twist ending means: the end of the article makes sense not only unexpected but logical and convincing.(意料之外,情理之中) • e.g. "Gift of the Magi", "the last piece of ivy leaves“ and “The cop and the anthem”.
• In 1862, O Henry was born in Greensboro, North Carolina. • In 1865, when he was three, his mother died, and he was raised by his paternal grandmother and aunt.
3.O Henry’s Twisting End : 欧· 亨利以擅长结尾闻名遐迩,美国文 欧亨利式结尾 学界称之为“欧· 亨利式的结尾”。
他善于戏剧性地设计情节,埋下伏笔, 作好铺垫,勾勒矛盾,最后在结尾处突然 让人物的心理情境发生出人意料的变化, 或使主人公命运陡然逆转,使读者感到豁 然开朗,柳暗花明,既在意料之外,又在 情理之中,不禁拍案称奇,从而造成独特 的艺术魅力。
O Henry 欧•亨利
I. II. III. IV. V. 简介及生平 写作特色 主要作品欣赏 评价与影响 更多内容
﹡A.个人简介 ﹡B.入狱风波 ﹡C.笔名来历 ﹡D.生活大事记
• 1. Real name:Williams Sydney Porter 威廉姆斯· 西德尼· 波特 • 2. Birthplace: Greensboro, North California • 3.Family Background: his father, a physician • 4. Education: receive little formal schooling • 5. Working Experiences: did a variety of odd jobs (药房学徒、牧牛人、会计员、土地局办事员、 新闻记者、银行出纳员)

欧亨利的笔名是从何而来的呢?其实就来自于欧 亨利那段逃亡生涯当中一次很偶然的机会。 欧亨利逃亡到洪都拉斯的时候混得是相当差,于 是他又跑回了新奥尔良。没进监狱之前在这混迹了很 长时间,波特的文学生涯其实也是从这会儿开始的, 而他的笔名也是拜此所赠。 新奥尔良当时有一家人人皆知的酒吧,大家都把 它叫做烟厂酒吧,酒吧老板叫做亨利。 一天,波特和两个记者在酒吧里一边聊一边吃 东西,聊到兴头的时候,波特转身跟老板喊:噢,亨 利!再照样来一份。几个人在这等着菜,波特从口袋 里掏出一篇写好的稿子说,弟兄们,我不想署上自己 的名字,我可是一个通缉犯,我用什么名字才好呢? 一个记者听到了,马上灵机一动对他说:何不 干脆就署上噢亨利呢?!这就是欧亨利的来历,你不 是天天在这喝酒吗,把这个名字挂在嘴上。 于是他就拿起了面前的稿子,在上面签上了欧亨 利的笔名。
• As a child, Porter was always reading, everything from classics to dime novels(无 价值小说), his favorite work was One Thousand and One Nights(一千零一夜).
• When he was 15 he became a pharmacy(药房) apprentice(学 徒). • In 1882,he moved to Texas to improve his health as a herding(畜 牧) cattle person. • In 1887, he married Athol and his wife encouraged him to pursue his writing. • In 1891, he began working at the First National Bank of Austin as a teller .
His pseudonym(笔名): It is believed that Porter found his pen name while in jail, where one of the guards was named Orrin Henry. Other sources say that the name was derived from his calling “Oh Henry!” after the family cat, Henry. Guy Davenport wrote that the name was a condensation of “Ohio Penitentiary”(俄亥俄监狱)
• 幽默是美国的文学传统之一。从华盛顿· 欧文开始,许多作家 都善于写那些有趣可笑而又意味深长的故事。欧文的幽默是 在善意的揶揄之中含有淡淡的讽刺;马克· 吐温的幽默以充满 俚语的口语,滑稽、俏皮的描写和极夸张的形象,揭示了生 活中的真理;欧文· 肖的幽默则在注重描述人物性格的幽默风 趣上。 • 欧· 亨利承袭这一传统,受同时代作家的影响,加之一生经历 坎坷,使得他独特的幽默与众不同——充满了辛酸的笑声, 有持久的吸引力。
• • • • • • • • •
1862.9.11 出生 3岁,母亲去世 15岁,药房当学徒 1882年,在Texas一牧场作牛仔两年 1887年, 与Athol结婚并生一女孩 1894年,创办 the rolling stone周报 1896年,躲避受审,逃亡洪都拉斯 1897年,因回家探视病危的妻子被捕入狱,被判处5年徒刑。 1901年,因“行为良好”提前获释,来到纽约专事写作。 1907年,欧· 亨利再婚。 • 1910年6月3日,他病倒了。两天后,即6月5日,与世长辞, 死于肝硬化,年仅48岁。
欧· 亨利的小说具有很强的写实性。 此时正值美国内战后的“镀金时代”, 拜金主义盛行,其作品的矛盾冲突的中心 似乎都是贫与富。 欧· 亨利人物的思想相对来说却都比较 简单,动机也比较单一,通俗易懂,主人 公多为生活在底层的普通民众(clerks, policemen, waitresses),他的故事写的均是 世态人情,并且易有浓郁的美国风味。
﹡A.写作主题 ﹡B.写作特征
1) The United States western life (西部生活 ) 2) Latin American life (拉美生活) 3) big city life of America (大都市生活)