13 地下水及其地质作用——【普通地质学(长安大学)】
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Rocks and sediments such as shale and clay, have such
tiny pore spaces that they are nearly impermeable. Such materials are called aquitards隔水层.
Hale Waihona Puke • 3、地下水面(地下水位) • 某地区地下彼此连通连续的水面,为饱水带顶面. • 相邻水井的水面——地下水面。 • 地下水位:地下水的出露高度(不同地方地下水位高度并不同,与地
• 孔隙度η=Vn/V×100% η—孔隙度(孔隙的数量)
There are four main types of pore spaces,or voids,in rocks: (1) spaces between mineral grains, (2) fractures, (3) solution cavities, and (4) vesicles.
• 2、岩石的透水性(perviousness) • 岩石的透水能力取决于空隙大小与贯通程度,以及空隙多少 • 空隙大小:如果孔隙细微——不透水层 • 贯通程度:能否自由透水。 • 空隙多少:透水多少 • 透水层:水能自由通过的地层。 • 隔水层:(不透水层)水不能自由通过的地层 • 含水层:饱含地下水的地层。
第13章 地下水及其地质作用
•第一节 地下水的基本概念 •第二节 地下水的类型 •第三节 地下热水 •第四节 地下水的地质作用 •第五节 地下水的开发与利用
地下水(underground water)
•存在于地下沉积物或岩层空隙中的 水。它是水资源重要的组成部分。 •地下水与生命密切相关; •水是社会文明的标志。
表起伏无关)。 • 包气带:地下水面以上部分岩层空隙中的气体与大气相通,含不饱和
液态水。 • 饱水带saturated zone :地下水面以下的部分,岩石空隙中充满了水。
Since most glaciers are in remote places, they are not a major source of fresh water for people.
Groundwater is a very important source of drinking water, and water used for irrigation and industry.
• 影响孔隙度的4因素: • 颗粒的粗细:粗者孔隙度η低,细者孔隙度高; • 颗粒的分选性:分选好者η高,分选差者η低; • 颗粒均匀的砂和砾石孔隙度为30%-35%,而砂和砾石的混合物的孔隙度
为15%-20%。 • 颗粒形态:圆形者孔隙度高,不规则则η低 • 胶结程度:胶结程度差者孔隙度高,好则η低。
第一节 地下水的基本概念
一. 地下水的赋存条件 二. 岩石裂隙 三. 岩石的透水性 四. 地下水面 五. 地下水的化学成分 六. 地下水的补给和排泄
一. 地下水的赋存条件
• 1、岩石空隙 • 孔隙—松散沉积物或沉积岩颗粒之间的空间; • 裂隙—岩石中的破裂; • 洞穴Cave—可溶性岩石溶蚀后形成的空洞
When ice is excluded and just liquid fresh water is considered, more than 94% is ground water.
Obvious, the greatest volume of freshwater is locked up in glaciers.
The tiny pore spaces between clay particles mean very low permeability.
Permeability渗透性 is the ability of a material to transmit a fluid. If pore spaces are too small, surface
Porosity孔隙度 is the percentage of the total volume of rock or sediment that consists of pore spaces.
The quantity of groundwater that can be stored depends on the porosity孔隙度 of the materials.
tension keeps the water from moving.
Permeable rocks and sediments have larger
interconnected pore spaces and transmit groundwater freely. Such materials are called aquifers含水层.
Only about six-tenths of one percent of Earth’s water if found underground. However, when the oceans are excluded and only
sources of fresh water are considered, the importance of groundwater becomes more apparent.
• As the diameters of the pores increase, permeability increases.
• Large pore spaces in well-sorted sandstone account for its high permeability
• Gravel, with very large pores, is more permeable than sand and can yield large volumes of water to wells.