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专业词汇Special Terms


Diesel Engine

二冲程船用柴油机two stroke marine diesel engine

四冲程船用柴油机four stroke marine diesel engine

高(中,低)速柴油机high(medium,lower)speed engine


气缸盖cylinder cover(cylinder head)

苏尔寿发动机Sulzer engine

B&W型发动机Burmeister and Wain engine

哥塔维根型发动机Gotaverken engine


V型发动机V-type engine

直流扫气式发动机uniflow scavenging type engine

回流扫气式发动机loop flow scavenging type engine

横流扫气式发动机crow-flow scavenging type engine

十字头式发动机crosshead engine

筒形活塞式发动机trunk-ppiston engine

涡轮增压式发动机turbocharge engine

固定部件fixed parts

耐磨部件wear parts

运动部件moving parts

互换部件interchangeable parts

气缸套cylinder liner

示功阀indicator cock(indicator valve)

安全阀safety valve

气缸启动阀cylinder air starting valve

缸套顶圈head ring for cylinder liner

排气阀exhaust valve

进气阀air inlet valve(suction valve)

气阀传动机构valve driving mechanism

顶杆tapper rod

推杆push rod

摇臂rocker rod (rocking lever)


十字头式活塞crosshead type pistion

筒形活塞trunk pistion

活塞头pistion crown(head)

活塞裙pistion skirt

活塞体pistion body

活塞销pistion pin(gudgeon pin)

活塞环pistion ring

气环(压缩环)compression ring

刮油环oil scraper ring(oil ring,scraper ring)

布油环oil distributing ring

耐磨环wear ring

活塞环槽pistion ring groove

活塞冷却水管pistion cooling pipe

往复管reciprocating pipe

伸缩管telescope pipe

铰链管articulated pipe

活塞杆pistion rod

活塞杆凸缘pistion rod flange

活塞杆填料函stuffing box for pistion rod

活塞杆填料箱gland box for pistion rod.packing gland for pistion rod

填料函壳体stuffing box casing

填料函张力弹簧tension spring for stuffing box

填料函密封环sealing ring for stuffing box

填料函刮油环scraper ring for stuffing box

填料函压环pressure ring for stuffing box

填料函压盖stuffing box gland

十字头cross head

十字头销cross head pin

十字头销轴承cross head bearing(cross head pin bearing)

十字头滑块cross head shoe(guide shoe)

十字头导板cross head guide(guide rail,guide way,guide plate)

连杆connecting rod

连杆小端轴承connecting rod small end bearing

连杆大端轴承connecting rod large end bearing;connecting rod bottom end bearing 曲柄销轴承crankpin bearing

曲轴crank shaft

曲轴臂crank arm

曲轴销crank pin


曲轴箱道门crankcase door(crankcase manhole)

曲轴箱防爆门crankcase explosion door

主轴承main bearing (bed plate bearing)

倒挂式主轴承main bearing of under slung type

轴承轴瓦上半块bearing bush-upper half

轴承衬下半块bearing shell-lower half

主轴承撑杆螺栓main bearing stay bolt

主轴颈crank shaft journal(main journal)

机座bed plate

底座横隔板bed plate transverse member


底角螺栓holding down bolt (anchor bolt)

贯穿螺栓through bolt (tie rod,tie bolt)

贯穿螺栓护盖protecting covering for tie rod
