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The three devices are used in all languages, but some are used more frequently in one language than in other languages. For example, syntactical devices and lexical devices are used more frequently in English than in Chinese; and semantic devices are used more frequently in Chinese than in English.
1.2 The definition of parataxis Parataxis is a way of writing or speaking that
favors short, simple sentences, with the use of coordinating rather than subordinating conjunctions. (from Greek for “act of placing side by side”; Para=beside + tassein=arrange). It is a literary technique, contrasted with hypotaxis.
Prof. Yang Ronggui had an investigation of A Dream in Red Mansions by counting hypotaxis sentences in the corresponding parts of the Chinese version and the English version. According to the statistics, there are about only
1 What are Hypotax来自百度文库s and Parataxis? In general, hypotaxis is harmony in form,
and parataxis is harmony in meaning. 1.1 The definition of hypotaxis
Hypotaxis is the grammatical arrangement of functionally similar but "unequal" constructs (hypo="beneath", taxis="arrangement"), i.e., constructs playing an unequal role in a sentence. A common example of syntactic expression of hypotaxis is subordination in a complex sentence.
1.3 The three devices to form a sentence
Words are connected in three ways to form a sentence: syntactical devices, lexical devices and semantic devices. Syntactical devices and lexical devices pertain to hypotaxis, and semantic devices pertain to parataxis.
about 28% of hypotaxis sentences in the Chinese version,
1.4 Professor Wang Li’s argument
A famous linguist Wang Li (王力) is the first Chinese scholar who presented the concept of hypotaxis and parataxis. He states in China’s Grammatical Theory (《 中国语法理论》,商务印书馆1945年) that they are two basic means to form language. He holds that hypotaxis is a means by which “loose” individual words are connected into “concentrated” phrase and further discourse (through the change of word forms and connection of words); parataxis depends on the meaning, i.e. the internal logic relationship to form language. He also points out that the two means coexist in a language with more emphasis on one than the other. Parataxis is more often used in Chinese and hypotaxis is not a must, while hypotaxis is more often used in Western languages, in which connecting mean6s
It is also used to describe a technique in poetry in which two images or fragments are coordinated without a clear connection. Readers are then left to make their own connections implied by the paratactic syntax. Ezra Pound, in his adaptation of Chinese and Japanese poetry, made the coordination 4of images an important part of English language
On C-E Translation from the Perspective of Hypotaxis and Parataxis
1 Hypotaxis and Parataxis 2 Two Ways of Forming an English Sentence 3 Major Differences in Structure 4 Sentence Combination
1.2 The definition of parataxis Parataxis is a way of writing or speaking that
favors short, simple sentences, with the use of coordinating rather than subordinating conjunctions. (from Greek for “act of placing side by side”; Para=beside + tassein=arrange). It is a literary technique, contrasted with hypotaxis.
Prof. Yang Ronggui had an investigation of A Dream in Red Mansions by counting hypotaxis sentences in the corresponding parts of the Chinese version and the English version. According to the statistics, there are about only
1 What are Hypotax来自百度文库s and Parataxis? In general, hypotaxis is harmony in form,
and parataxis is harmony in meaning. 1.1 The definition of hypotaxis
Hypotaxis is the grammatical arrangement of functionally similar but "unequal" constructs (hypo="beneath", taxis="arrangement"), i.e., constructs playing an unequal role in a sentence. A common example of syntactic expression of hypotaxis is subordination in a complex sentence.
1.3 The three devices to form a sentence
Words are connected in three ways to form a sentence: syntactical devices, lexical devices and semantic devices. Syntactical devices and lexical devices pertain to hypotaxis, and semantic devices pertain to parataxis.
about 28% of hypotaxis sentences in the Chinese version,
1.4 Professor Wang Li’s argument
A famous linguist Wang Li (王力) is the first Chinese scholar who presented the concept of hypotaxis and parataxis. He states in China’s Grammatical Theory (《 中国语法理论》,商务印书馆1945年) that they are two basic means to form language. He holds that hypotaxis is a means by which “loose” individual words are connected into “concentrated” phrase and further discourse (through the change of word forms and connection of words); parataxis depends on the meaning, i.e. the internal logic relationship to form language. He also points out that the two means coexist in a language with more emphasis on one than the other. Parataxis is more often used in Chinese and hypotaxis is not a must, while hypotaxis is more often used in Western languages, in which connecting mean6s
It is also used to describe a technique in poetry in which two images or fragments are coordinated without a clear connection. Readers are then left to make their own connections implied by the paratactic syntax. Ezra Pound, in his adaptation of Chinese and Japanese poetry, made the coordination 4of images an important part of English language
On C-E Translation from the Perspective of Hypotaxis and Parataxis
1 Hypotaxis and Parataxis 2 Two Ways of Forming an English Sentence 3 Major Differences in Structure 4 Sentence Combination