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Passage one:
Tensof thousands of baby penguinsface starvation(饥饿)after two giant icebergs brokeoff theAntarctic ice sheetand blocked their parents’ ro ad to the feeding areas. Adelineand emperor penguins nesting onthe Rossisland rookeries are now forcedtowalklong distances over the icebergs to obtain food fortheir chicks, born duringtheNovember- December breedingseason..
1. What doestheunderlinedword “obtain” probably mean?
A eat
B get Csell D buy
Passage two:
A man’s positionamong the black-tent people depends on his ancestors,relativ es, and fellow tribesmen.If they are honored, heis also honored. If they are disgraced,hetoo is disgraced . Thereforeone carefully guardsthehonorofhis family,his lineage(宗系), and his tribe.
2.Theword “disgrace”means _________ in this text.
A honor Bendanger C proud D shame
Passage three;
Therulerhad been so cruel and dishonest thatafter therevolution he was banished.Afew members ofthe Senate (参议院)opposed thisdecision,butthe majorityvotedthattheruler shouldleave the countryfor ever.
3.The underlinedword “banished” mean__________.
A killedby stoningBsent away
CimprisonedD punished by whipping
Passage four:
What makesonepersonmore intelligentthan another?What makes
oneperson a genius,likethe brilliant Albert Einstein, andanotherperson a fool? Arepeople born intelligent or stupid,oris intelligence the r esult of whereandhowyou live? Theseare veryoldquestion and theanswers to them are still not clear.
We know, however, that just being bornwith a good mind is not enough. In some ways, the mindis likealeg or anarmmuscle. It needsexercise.Mental(done with the mind)exercise isparticularly importantfor young children.Manychild psychologists (心理学家)think that parentss houldplay with their children moreoften and give them problemsto t hinkabout.The children are then morelikelytogrow up brightandintelligent. If, onthe other hand,childrenare left aloneagreatdealwith nothing todo,they are more likely to becomedull and unintelligent.
Parents shouldalso be careful what they say to young children.Accord ing to some psychologists, if parentsare alwaystelling a child that he orshe isafooloranidiot, then the child is morelikely to keep doing silly and foolish things. So it is probably betterfor parents tosay very positive(helpful)things totheirchildren, such as “That wasave ry clever thingyou did.” or“Youare such asmartchild.”
4.The words “intelligent”and “brilliant” inthe firstparagraphprobably mean___while“dull”in the secondparagraph means___.
A. bright andsplendid…slow in thinking andunderstanding
B. pretty andhandsome…ordinary-looking
C.great andimportant…common
D. hopeful andhelpful…careless
5.Aperson ___ ismore likely to become a genius.
A. whose parentsare clever
B. oftenthinkingabout difficult problem
C.oftenhelped byhis parents andteachers
D.bornwithagoodbrain and putting itto active use
6.Which of thefollowingis not true according tothearticle?
A.Parentsplayan important part intheir children’s growth.
B. The lessyou useyourmind the duller you may become.
C.Intelligence is obviouslythe result ofwhere andhowyou live.
D. Parents shouldalways encouragetheir children.
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