02-第二章 全球环境中的运作战略

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2.1 全球视野下的运作[A Global View of Operations]

•全球化运作的原因Reasons to Globalize

•文化和职业道德问题Cultural and Ethical Issues

2.2 制定使命和战略[Developing Missions And Strategies]



2.3 通过运作获得竞争优势

[Achieving Competitive Advantage through Operations]

•差异化竞争Competing On Differentiation[品种+质量等]

•成本竞争Competing On Cost

•响应竞争Competing On Response

2.4 运作管理的10个战略决策[Ten Strategic OM Decisions]

•产品和服务设计Service and product design

•质量管理Quality management+统计过程控制

•流程策略Process and capacity design+产能规划


•布置策略Layout design

•人力资源与工作设计Human resources, job design+工作测量

•供应链管理Supply-chain management+电子商务与运作管理

•库存管理Inventory management[物料需求计划与ERP+准时制与精益生产系统Inventory, material requirements planning, and JIT]



2.5 运作战略问题[Issues In Operations Strategy]




2.6 战略制定和实施[Strategy Development And Implementation] •识别关键成功要素Identify Critical Success Factors

•建立和充实组织Build and Staff the Organization

•运作管理与其它任务的整合Integrate OM with Other Activities 2.7 全球运作战略[Global Operations Strategy Options]

•国际化战略International Strategy

•多国战略Multi-domestic Strategy

•全球化战略Global Strategy

•跨国战略Transnational Strategy

[案例]波音-波音的全球战略取得了竞争优势 Global Company Profile: Boeing 海尔+丰田+通用+IBM+

波音公司的787梦幻客机( Dreamliner)在工程和全球战略方面都很独特。 梦幻客机包括了大量最新的航空技术,从机舱分段和发动机设计到超轻型钛和石墨压层、碳素纤维、环氧树脂以及合成物质等方面。




2.1 全球视野下的运作


•降低成本Reduce costs (labor, taxes, tariffs, etc.)

•改进供应链Improve supply chain

•提供更好的商品和服务Provide better goods and services

•了解市场Understand markets

•学习如何改进运作Learn to improve operations

•吸引并留住国际人才Attract and retain global talent

[案例] 在马尼拉制造美国动画




Achieving Global Operations -Four Considerations-

•全球化设计Global product design

•全球化的流程和技术Global process design and technology

•全球化的选址分析Global factory location analysis

•文化和职业道德问题Impact of Culture and Ethics

2.2 制定使命和战略




使命陈述[mission statement]:阐明了组织的界限和核心以及组织建立的宗旨,使命表明了组织存在的根本原因。

The mission of FedEx 人-服务-利润

FedEx is committed to our People-Service-Profit philosophy. We will produce outstanding financial returns by providing totally reliable, competitively superior, global air-ground transportation of high-priority goods and documems that require rapid, time-certain delivery. Equally important, positive control of each package will be maintained utilizing real time electronic tracking and tracing systems. A complete record of each shipment and delivery will be presented with our request for payment. We will be helpful, courteous, and professional to each other and the public.We will strive to have a completely satisfied customer at the end of each transaction.

The mission of Merck

The mission of Merck is to provide society with superior products and services----innovations and solutions that improve the quality of life and satisfy customer needs----to provide employees with meaningful work and advancement opportunites and investors with a superior rate of return.

☐影响使命因素Factors Affecting Mission

