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Knowledge of the insurance can be described as voluminous book discusses the insurance, investment, there are many books, but most of these studies stand in the position of insurance companies on the use of insurance funds of insurance companies and risk assessment discussion. However, standing in a family perspective, discusses how the family financial management of insurance covering the article on the relatively small, further discourse analysis of insurance products, how to play the insurance benefits, reduce investment risk and even fewer books.

A variety of commercial insurance in the country to carry out, the family found a new type of investment channels. Clearly, the lack of family life insurance portfolio content, a certain sense, is not enough to complete. Into the domestic commercial insurance for the family financial management, relevant introduction and analysis also less, people have little knowledge of its. This will be the development of commercial insurance, characteristics, and various types of initial presentation and analysis.

This article first commercial insurance are described in detail, it is explained in the definition, listed its features, and introduced it with the distinction between social insurance. Next, on the commercial insurance in the role of family financial management explained in two ways. In the fourth chapter of the different periods and different consumption patterns in how to carry out the insurance money management has done a detailed introduction. Keywords: Business Insurance, Family Financial Management, Earnings


一、绪论 (4)

二、关于商业保险的基本理论 (4)

(一)商业保险的定义和特征 (4)

(二)商业保险的种类 (5)

(三)商业保险与社会保险之间的区别与联系 (6)

1.商业保险与社会保险之间的联系 (6)

2.商业保险与社会保险之间的区别 (6)

三、商业保险在家庭理财中的作用 (7)

(一)商业保险在家庭现金流管理中起着重要的作用 (7)

(二)保险理财的收益特性分析 (8)

1.保险是一种制度安排,分担政府社会保障职能 (8)

2.保险理财是合理避税的有效途径,是家庭财富积累的源泉之一 (8)

3.保险理财可以规避通胀风险及利率风险,兼具保值增值的双重功能 (9)

4.保险可为投保人提供融资渠道,具有经济附加值功能 (10)

四、如何对家庭进行保险理财 (10)

(一)处于不同时期的家庭保险理财规划方式应是不同的 (10)

1.在年轻时应选择的投保方式 (10)

2.在年老时应选择的投保方式 (12)

(二)不同生活消费方式,人们的保险理财规划也应是不同的 (12)


(一)分业经营限制 (13)

(二)理财产品局限 (14)

1.个人理财范围比较狭窄 (14)

2.理财服务产品缺乏特色 (14)

3.理财产品服务不到位 (14)

(三)专业人才匮乏 (15)

(四)政策法规方面的限制 (15)

(五)信用体制不健全 (15)

参考文献 (16)
