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Secrets of Self Made Millionaires
By Brian Tracy
1.The law of cause and effect (Everything happens for a reason) 因果法则
2. Success leaves tracks (success is not an accident) 成功有迹可循
他们怎么成功的?然后照着做……just follow proven success
5. Nothing works the first time(average …try less than one time,they move to a wonderful place—“someday island”)没有什么是“一次就成功”的。平均来说,人们尝试的次数小于1次;然后,人们来到一个美妙的世界——“某一天小岛”:未来某一天,我要……;某一天开始,我要……
The person you have to become(so that you can become a millionaire) Is more important to become a millionaire.
A series of qualities 一系列特质如下:
首先,有两条A. all (financial) skills are learnable
B. (you are probably) only one skill away from doubling your income(——《穷爸爸富爸爸》)
二是:你很有可能仅仅是差一个技能(skill or quality),有了这个技能,你的收入就可以翻倍。
score yourself from 1 to 10下面的qualities特质,1到10分给自己打分:(看自己最缺什么,“缺什么补什么”,并“抓住主要矛盾”)
a.Dream big dreams (take a paper, a dream list--things you want to do)梦想要够大
Speaker 举了个例子,一个人看到报纸上喜欢的东西,都写下来,发现有两三百项……这些东西可以开阔你的视野——让你知道其实有很多可以去尝试,很多可以去梦想,去拥有……
b. Do what you love to do做你爱的事
(find something you love to do and find a way to make a living doing it)——
It is probably something you were born to do it. 也许是生下来就决定了的……
Go back to 7到14岁,不能区分boy或girl阶段,喜欢做什么?
c. Commit to excellence致力于成为优秀的人
(speaker once be fired, pumping gas--job...!)
Top 10%,field,你喜欢的领域的,你会成为10%top
If you do what you love, you want to be the top 10%. If you don’t love… you are in the wrong field. 你做自己喜欢的事,你就想在那个领域成为领先的10%;如果你不愿意,那说明你进错行了。Change jobs!换工作!(——我的答案。)
5 to 7 years! The time is going to pass anyway! 5到7年才能成为top 10%领先的10%。无论怎样时间都会过去的(别以为5到7年会很久)
d. Develop your unique talents and abilitie培养你独特的天赋和能力(每个人都有他所擅长的Success leaves tracks--look back in the past. 你做好了什么,你可以做好什么?Findindicators (that guide you to your future) in the past(找工作HR就是从你的过去预测你的未来)
What are you good at today? What could you be good at?
举例,一个物理老师,中奖后,问他怎么办?他说休息一周,继续教物理,因为他love the job 爱他动作,他算是找对行业和职业了。
e. See yourself as self-employed(as in charge of their own lives)要看到你是为自己工作!3%的人,,,responsible, no one will come to rescue you!没有人会来拯救你!处于前3%的人都是很“负责人的”——对自己负责。
Everyone is self-employed. The biggest mistake you can never make is to ever think you work for anyone else but yourself!
f. Develop a clear sense of direction(tensely goal oriented, all successful people are goal-oriented.... old saying, "you can't get a target that you can't see”; you've got know what you want in every area of your life.)清晰的方向感,目标为导向
一个被访者说的成功2秘诀the keys to success: 1. decide exactly what it is you want and write it down and make a plan to achieve it 2. determine the prices are going to pay to get it and resolve to pay that price 1.你到底想要什么?写下来,制定计划;2. 你愿意付出什么样的代价?必须付出什么样的代价?
laws of sow and reaping, cause and effect
pay your price in right place and in advance
g.goal setting exercise设置目标练习:先写下10个目标(You’d like to accomplish in 12 months),计划未来12个月完成,
如果只有24小时(within 24 hours)来完成一个目标,哪一个如果去做了,对你的影响最大(have positive impact on your life.),那么就是它了!——每天做一点点,朝目标迈进……speaker举例,一个人这样做了,?年后,40 million有了4000万美元。
h. refuse to consider the possibility of failure从不考虑失败的可能性
You get feedback (from failures)! Henry Ford once said that,"failure is merely an opportunity to more intelligently begin again."从错误中学习亨利·福特,“失败仅仅是提供了下一次做得更好的机会。”
!Self-made millionaires look into every failure for something good
!Self-made millionaires always seek the valuable lesson in every setback or obstacle or temporary failure and they always find the lesson.
i. Dedicate yourself to lifelong learning要有终生学习的决心
1. Reading in your field thirty to sixty minutes each day(读书,最好的书,最有名的人写的书,