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A payoff is a number, also called utility, that reflects the desirability of an outcome to a player, for whatever reason. When the outcome is random, payoffs are usually weighted with their probabilities. The expected payoff incorporates the play’s attitude towards risk.
Mixed strategy混合战略 A mixed strategy is an active randomization,
with given probabilities, that determines the player’s decision. As a special case, a mixed strategy can be the deterministic choice of one of the given pure strategies.
know it, and know that they all know it, and so on. The structure of the game is often assumed to be common knowledge among the players.
如果一个事实被所有的参与人知道,并且每个参与 人都知道所有的人都知道,并且每个参与人都知道每 个参与人都知道所有的人都知道,如此等等,以致无 穷,那么,这个事实就是共同知识。
混合战略是一种积极的随机选择。给定概率,然后决定 参与人的选择。作为特例,一个混合战略可以是给定 纯战略的一个确定性选择。
Nash equilibrium纳什均衡 A Nash equilibrium, also called strategic
equilibrium, is a list of strategies, one for each player, which has the property that no player can unilaterally change his strategy and get a better payoff. 纳什均衡,也称战略均衡,是一系列战略的组合,该战 略组合具有这样的性质:没有参与人能够通过单方面 改 game is a formal description of a strategic
situation. 博弈是对战略形势的标准描述。
Game theory博弈理论 Game theory is the formal study if decision-
逆向归纳是解决完美信息博弈的一种技术。它首先考虑博弈的最 后一步,决定每种场合下参与人的最优行动。然后,把这些作 为给定的未来行动,依次向后推导决定每一个参与人的最优行 动,直到博弈的开头。
Common knowledge共同知识 A fact is common knowledge if all players
Game Theory博弈论
How to decide.如何做决定
Backward induction逆向归纳 Backward induction is a technique to solve a game of perfect information. It first considers the moves that are the last in the game, and determines the best move for the player in each case. Then, taking these as given future actions, it proceeds backwards in time, again determining the best move for the respective player, until the beginning of the game is reached.
making where several players must make choices that potentially affect the interests of the other players. 博弈论是对多人决策问题的标准研究,在这种决策中, 每个参与人必须做出选择,他的选择潜在的影响了其 他参与人的利益。
Dominating strategy占优战略 A strategy dominates another strategy of a
player if it always gives a better payoff to that player, regardless of what the other players are doing. It weakly dominates the other strategy if it is at least as good. 参与人的某个战略相对另一个战略占据优势,如果这 个战略总是带给他更好的支付,不管其他的参与人如 何选择。该战略称为占优战略。如果这个战略所带来 的支付至少是最好的,那么,这个战略就成为弱占优 战略。
Extensive game扩展博弈 An extensive game(or extensive form
game)describes with a tree how a game is played. It depicts the order in which players make moves, and the information each player has at each decision point. 扩展博弈(或扩展式博弈)用树型结构来表述博弈,它 表示了参与人的顺序及每个参与人在每个决策点上所 拥有的信息。