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高分子吸附分离材料的识别机制研究 袁直,孙平川,李国华,李纪红,候光辉

功能高分子材料教育部重点实验室, 南开大学高分子化学研究所, 天津, 300071 关键词:分子识别,计算机模拟,吸附剂,




我们以尿毒症体内积累物八肽(Val-Val-Arg-Gly-Cys-Thr-Trp-Trp )作为目标物,设计了一系列带有芳香侧链、直链烷基和支链烷基的模型聚合物。利用二维核磁技术,确定了模型聚合物与八肽间的相互作用位点和作用方式,考察不同结构的聚合物与八肽之间的作用程度。

Fig.1 COSY spectrum of the octapeptide Fig 2. COSY spectrum of the octapeptide -polymer

聚合物与八肽作用后,八肽的Thr αH 峰的位移发生明显改变:两个叠和在一起的Trp αH 的峰发生了裂分,由此说明该聚合物与这两个氨基酸残基发生明显的相互作用。按照同样的研究方法,发现聚合物A 和F 与八肽几乎无相互作用,E 与八肽的作用最强。对比F 与G 的结构,G 的手臂较长,与八肽发生了相互作用,作用位点主要是两端的疏水氨基酸(Val, Trp );而F 由于苯环离聚合



T a b l e1.I n t e r a c t i o n b e t w e e n t h e o c t a p e p t i d e a n d p o l y m e r s



B发生相互作用T r p1,T r p2,A r g,T h r,V a l1,

C发生相互作用T r p1,A r g,T h r,V a l1

D发生相互作用T r p1,A r g,T h r,V a l1

E色氨酸峰明显位移T r p1,T r p2,A r g,T h r,V a l1


G发生相互作用T r p1,T r p2,V a l1,V a l2通过对八肽的吸附实验,发现吸附能力的大小与模型聚合物与八肽之间的作


我们还援引药物分子设计的方法,利用Sybyl 6.3软件包构建了内毒素及不同结构吸附剂配体的结构模型,并通过分子力学,分子动力学及构象搜索的方法,研究了内毒素片断与配体片断的相互作用机制。

Fig. 3 Computer simulation of interaction between endotoxin and adsorbent 研究发现,当吸附剂上的配体阳离子与磷酸根基团的负离子发生静电作用时,吸附剂中β位的羟基与磷酸根基团上的O、H原子形成氢键。在这种情况下,内毒素与吸附剂之间静电、氢键和疏水作用同时存在,提高了吸附剂对内毒素的识别能力,使吸附剂对内毒素的吸附量大幅提高。计算机模拟结果与实验结果较好的吻合,对高效识别作用给出了合理的解释,同时为高效吸附剂的结构设计打开



[1] Hirayama C, Sakata M, Nakamura M, Ihara H, Kunitake M, Todokoro M,

Journal of Chromatography B 1999,721: 187

[2] Ding JL, Zhu Y, Ho Bow, Journal of Chromatography B 2001,759: 237

[3] Guohua Li, Jiegen Chu, Xiaohang Liu, Zhi Yuan,, Clin. Chem. Acta, 2004, 350: 89

Investigation on interaction machenism of polymer adsorbents Yuan zhi, Sun Pingchuan,Li Guohua,Li Jihong,Hou guanghui (Key laboratory of functional polymer, Institute of polymer chemistry, Nankai

University, Tianjin, China, 300071)

Key words:interaction machenism,adsorbent, Computer simulation,NMR The 2D 1H NMR technique was utilized to investigate the interaction mechanism between a uremic octapeptide and its adsorbents. Three kinds of weak interactions between the octapeptide and the model polymers were observed. The polar side groups in the polymers interact with the octapeptide by hydrogen bonds and electrostatic interactions, while the hydrophobic side groups in the polymers interacted with the octapeptide by hydrophobic interactions. Besides, the interaction machenism between endotoxin and its adsorbent was also studied by computer simulation. The results showed that H bond and hydrophobic interaction between endotoxin and adsorbent could enhance the adsorption capacity. The adsorbent PMMA-5, having a hydroxyl group at β-site of the ligand, could form the hydrogen bond with phosphate group in the Endotoxin to yield an octatomic ring. The electrostatic interaction, hydrogen bond and cooperative effect of octatomic ring worked simultaneously. All these factors are responsible for the strong interactions between endotoxin molecule and the adsorbent.
