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Approaching the theme: read on the lines
What is the husband’s definition of success?
Husband: ’s definition of success?
Wife: to become somebody
A tiny but exceedingly flattering picture of me will run next to my column every week. (Para.18)
flatter: to make somebody seem more attractive or better than they really are.
Body Ending
2-24 The couple argued about what success is.
The young man __w_a_s_a_r_r_e_s_te_d____for having committed violations and only 25-27 his wife__st_u_c_k__b_y_h_i_m__as he was finally going to be famous.
topic of Is money the only criterion for success? and send it to the public mailbox. 2. Discussion & Presentation on the following topics:
1) Honesty Crisis 2) Money Worship 3) the American Dream vs. the Chinese Dream
not bear +V-ing : to not be suitable for something
The joke doesn’t bear repeating. (= because it is not funny or may offend people).
The American Dream
Approaching the theme: read between the lines
Wife: “Fair isn’t being measured these days. What they measure is money.” (Para.23)
Q: Is money the only measurement of success? A: No, otherwise it will cause harm to the individual and to society.
Real situation(Para.26)
A picture on the paper showed him leaving …, trying to hide his face behind an $850 Italian overcoat.
Language Points
Language Points:word detective
Explore the structure Read for the main ideas Appreciate the writing skills Reflect on the theme
Tasks& Procedures
1 Introduction 2 Reading & Analysis 3 Theme-related Discussions 4 Language Points 5 Assignments
Writing skills: exaggeration & irony
“Is twelve million dollars chicken feed?”(Para.20)
Expected situation(Para.18)
“A tiny but flattering picture of me will run next to my column every week.”
Better and richer life Individual Success
National Glory Improvement of people
Cultural differences: Individualism vs. Collectivism
Writing skills: exaggeration & irony
What is the husband’s definition of success?
Husband: to become rich
What is the wife’s definition of success?
Wife: to become somebody
success= fortune
success= fame
What Does Success Mean to You?
Reading& Analysis
Structure survey: skimming and scanning
Main Ideas
A young man of humble origins realized Introduction 1 his dream_o_f__b_e_co_m__i_n_g_a__m_i_l_li_o_n_a_ir_e__.
他的遭遇不堪回首。 His sufferings_d_o_n_'_t_b_e_a_r_t_h_in__k_in_g__a_b_o_u_t. (=because they are so terrible).
1. Writing Write an essay of no less than 120 words on the
A long article in the morning newspaper used him as an example of a new breed of Wall Street Traders who were the victims of their own greed,…(Para. 26)
glossy magazine
charity ball
Symbols of being rich
co-op apartment
stretch limousine
I’m rich.
We have never head of you.
Approaching the theme: read on the lines
An ordinary picture A flattering picture
Language Points:idiomatic expressions
…. he did some things with an electronic acquisition that wouldn’t bear explaining ((Pbaerac.a1u) se it was illegal)
Exaggeration =a representation of something in an excessive manner.
Humorous &
Ironic Writing
=the contrast between what the expectations of a situation are and what is really the case.
Reflect on the theme: read beyond the lines
Honesty Crisis
Reflect on the theme: read beyond the lines
Money Worship
Rich Redneck
Reflect on the theme: cultural comparison