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Divisionone: Greek culture and Roman culture
Ⅰ、Greekculture 希腊文化
1.What are themajor elements in European culture?
There are two main elements——the Greco-Romanelement andtheJudeo-Christian element、
2.What were the main features of ancient Greek society?
InGreek society, only adult male citizen hadreal powerand the citizenship wasaset of rightswhichamaninherited from hisfather、The economy ofAthens rested on animmense amount ofslave labor、Slaves worked fortheirmast ers、The exploitation was a serious social problem、The Greeksloved sports、Theyoften took part in the contests ofsportsin Olympus Mount,thus Olympic Games came intobeing、
3.What did Homerdo? Whyishe important in the history ofEuropean liter
He depicted thegreat Greek men wholivedin the period 1200-1100B、C、and warshappening atthat time、Asan author of epics, he employed fine literary l anguage to describe wars and men, eventhough they weredull、He stoodin t he peekofGreek literature and exerted a great influenceon his followers、
4.Who were the outstanding dramatists ofancient Greece?Whatimpo
rtant plays dideach of themwrite?
Aeschylus,SophoclesandEuripideswerethree outstanding dramatists of ancientGreece、
Aeschylus:Prometheus Bound, Persians,Agamemnon
Sophocles:Oedipus the King,Electra, Antigone
Euripides: Andromache, Medea,TrojanWomen
5.Weretherehistoriansthen?Who werethey?What did each of them
Yes, thereare、They were Herodotus andThucydides、
Herodotus wroteabout thewars between Greeks and Persians、Thucydides wroteabout the war between Athensand Sparta andbetween Athens and Syracuse、
6、Would you say that philosophywashighly developedthen? Who were the m ajorphilosophers?
No, Iwouldn’t、Because thosephilosophicalideas were only idealism or simple materialism or metaphysics、Socrates,Plato and Aristotle werethe majorphilosophersat that time、
7、DidSocrates write any book? How thendo weknowabout him? Whatdisting uished his philosophy?
No,hedidn’t、We knowSocrateschieflythroughwhat Plato recordedof him in the famous Dialogues written by Plato、He considered that philosophy rested wit
hthe dissectofoneself and virtue washigh worth of life、His methodof ar gument, by questionsand answers, was known asthe dialectical method、
8、Tellsome of Plato’s ideas、Why do people call him an idealist?
(1) Men have knowledge becauseof theexistence of certain general“ideas”, like b eauty, truth, and goodness、(2) Weshouldnot look at the things whichare not seen: for t he things which are not seen eternal、Becausehe emphasizedtheimportance of “id eas” and believed that“thought”hadcreated the world, peoplecall him an ideali st、
9、Inwhat importantways wasAristotledifferent from Plato? Whatare some of Aristotle’s works that are still influential today?
(1)Aristotleemphasizeddirectobservation ofnature and insisted that theory sh ould follow fact、This is different from Plato’s reliance on subjective thinking、(2) He thought that “idea” and matter together made concrete individual realities in which hediffered fromPlato who heldthat ideas had higher reality thanthe political world、His significant works includes: Ethics,Politics and Rhetoric、
10、Whowere some ofthe otherphilosophers active inthat period?Doesthe word “Epicurean” in its modern sense convey thetrue meaning ofthep hilosophyof the ancientEpicureans?What were their views on pleasure? (1)They were Heracleitue,Democritus,Diogenes, Pyrrhon, Epicurus and Zeno、(2)No, it doesn’t、The ancient Epicureans believed pleasure to be thehighestworth of life,butby pleasure theymeant,notsensual enjoyment butthat attained by the practice of virtue、But this idea wasmisled by modern people, in their sense,the word“Epicurean”has e to mean indulgenceinluxuriousliving、
11、Say somethingaboutGreek sculpture, potteryand architecture、What was the most famous Greek temple?Isit still there?
(1) Along withtheformation of Greekcivilization,Greeksculpture, pottery and architecture gotmany great achievements、Greeks putinto works of art the things they admired and worshiped,the scientificrules they discovered、Greekart evolvedfromthearchaic period to theclassicalperiodwhichmarked itsmaturity、(2) the most famoustemplewas theAcropolisatAthens、(3)Yes, it is still there、
12、Givesome examplestoshow the enormous influence of Greek culture on English literature、
Some examples:
(1) A Freudian term “Oedipus plex”of19thcentury originating from aGreek tragedy in which king Oedipus unknowingly killed his father and marriedhismother、(2) In the early partof the 19thcentury, in England alone, threeyoungRomantic poetsexpressedtheiradmirationofGreek culture in works whichhavethemselves bee classics:Byron’sIsle ofGreece, Shelley’sHellasand PrometheusUnbound and Keats’ s Ode on a GrecianUrn、(3) In the 20thcent ury,there are Homeric parallels in the IrishmanJames Joyce’s modernist ma sterpieceUlysses、
Ⅱ、Roman culture 罗马文化
1.What did the Romanhave in monwiththe Greeks? And whatwas the chief di