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 第41卷 第5期 2006年5月


Iron and Steel

 Vo l.41,N o.5

M ay 2006

CSP 板坯(Q235B )高温力学性能试验研究

吴光亮1,3, 孙彦辉2, 周春泉1, 蔡开科2, 李正邦3




摘 要:采用G leeble1500对CSP 连铸坯(Q 235B )进行了热模拟研究;分析了试验温度为800、900、1100℃的横、纵向试样的组织和断口形貌及晶界的元素偏析和夹杂物。结果表明:CSP 生产的Q 235B 连铸坯在600~1320℃间存在2个脆性温度区,即1320~1200℃的第Ⅰ脆性温度区域和600~1000℃的第Ⅲ脆性温度区域;在1000~1200℃温度范围内,Q 235B 钢具有良好的塑性。而在800℃时试样的Z 值为8.46%。Q 235B 钢的第Ⅲ类脆性区的脆化原因:一方面是形变诱导铁素体呈网状析出,产生应力集中;另一方面是奥氏体低温区域发生的氮化物(A lN )析出产生的晶界脆化。A lN 在奥氏体晶界的析出,在拉伸力的作用下易形成应力集中源,使空洞形成、长大并聚集,是铸坯裂纹源。

关键词:CSP 板坯;Q 235B ;高温力学性能;扫描电镜

中图分类号:TG 113.25 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0449-749X (2006)05-0073-05

Study on High Temperature Mechanical

Properties of CSP Q235B Slab

W U Guang -liang 1,3, S UN Yan -hui 2, ZH OU Chun -quan 1, CAI Kai -ke 2, LI Zheng -bang 3

(1.Chief Enginee r Office ,Liany uan I ron and Steel G ro up Co.L td.,L oudi 417009,Hunan ,China ;

2.M e tallurgy Scho ol ,U niver sity o f Science and Technolo gy Beijing ,Beijing 100083,China ;

3.T echno log y Re sear ch Institute ,Central Iro n and S teel Research Institute ,Beijing 100081,China )

A bstract :T he hig h tempera ture mechanical pro per ties o f CSP slab have been inv estiga ted by Gleeble1500ho t simula -to r.T he ho rizontal and ve rtical section of sam ple s we re o bser ved by optical micr oscope and SEM a t 800℃,900℃,1100℃.T he mor pholog y of fr acture w as analyzed by T EM ,and seg reg ation at gr ain bo unda ries and inclusions hav e been analyzed by X EDS.T he te st results show ed that there a re tw o tempe rature ar eas of brit tlene ss fo r slab produced by CSP within 600~1320℃,the fir st temperature ar ea o f brittlene ss (Ⅰ)is 1320~1200℃,the seco nd temper ature area of brittleness (Ⅲ)is 600~1000℃,the steel is plastic within 1000~1200℃,and Z =8.46%at 800℃.T he re are tw o r ea so ns fo r Ⅲtemperature area o f brittlene ss ,the first is the str ess co ncentrated caused by precipitatio n o f defor mation induced fer rite ,the seco nd is precipita tion of nitride (AlN )at austenitic boundaries ,and the essence of cr acking of CSP slab is the nitride (A lN )pr ecipitatio n at austenitic g rain bo undarie s ,making stress co ncentra ted and vo ids fo rmed ,g rew up and ag g rega ted.

Key words :CSP slab ;Q 235B ;hig h tempera tur e mechanical pro pe rties ;SEM

作者简介:吴光亮(1966-),男,博士后,教授级高级工程师; E -mail :kedasan99@ ; 修订日期:2005-10-13



CSP 薄板坯连铸连轧工艺是一项正在不断创新的新工艺。对该工艺相关的基础理论探索也是目前冶金界研究的焦点。对CSP 连铸坯高温力学性能的研究,弄清该工艺生产的不同钢种的高温特性,

为确立连铸工艺参数提供依据,实现稳定、高质量生产无缺陷铸坯之目的。本文以CSP 生产的Q235B 板坯试样为研究对象,通过高温力学性能试验,掌握该钢种在CSP 连铸过程中高温冶金特性,并以此作为指导确定生产工艺参数的理论依据,达到减轻和避免表面裂纹的产生。

1 试验材料和方法

取正常生产的Q235连铸坯样(断面70mm ×1500mm ,长度200mm )一块,并分别沿铸坯横向

DOI 牶牨牥牣牨牫牪牪牳牤j 牣boyuan 牣issn 牥牬牬牴牠牱牬牴x 牣牪牥牥牰牣牥牭牣牥牪牥
