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A. 分词的逻辑主语问题 分词的逻辑主语必须与句中的 主语相一致,否则 便成为垂悬 分词,属于语病。如:
例1.看着窗外,他想起了自己 的童年。 误:Looking out of the window, thoughts of his childhood came to him. 正:Looking out of the window, he thought of his childhood.
例3.我们改革开放的步子要迈得 更大一些。 误:Our steps of economic reform and open policy should be bigger. 正:Take a broader approach to economic reform and opening up.
例4.热烈欢迎国内外嘉宾参加贸易洽 谈会。 误:Warmly welcome all guests of honor at home and abroad to attend to this symposium! 正:Warm welcome to all honored guests both at home and abroad to attend the Trade Talks!
说明:句中cause是没有生命的, 而win victories的主语一般是人, 二者用在一起,就把cause拟人化 了,而这种修饰方法在英文中被视 为毛病。原文虽在语法上没有错误, 但却不符合英语习惯用法,不是地 道的英语。
在用英语表达汉语原文的意思时, 时间的先与后,执行者与承受者之 间的关系,非谓语动词的逻辑主语 与主句的主语,比较句的排除与包 括,代替词和名词的性与数的一致 等等都存在着一个逻辑问题。许多 汉译英的错误都属于逻辑性错误。
10.2 语法型错误 语法规律和句型是汉译英必备的基本要素。 汉译英中所谓的大错,多半是指语法错误 (上节谈的逻辑性错误实际上也是语法错 误,只不过是从思维逻辑的角度归了一类 而已)。常见的有:名词单复数变化错误; 冠词、介词错用漏用;比较级、最高级错 用或不一致;主谓关系不一致;主从关系 混乱;非谓语动词以及虚拟语气表达错误 等等,如:
例2.不要搞一刀切。 误: Do not cut off at one stroke. 正: Do not impose uniformity in all cases. 例2 原文是带有汉语特色的比喻说 法,意为“不可不顾实际情况,用 一切方法处理问题”。翻译时不可 拘泥于原文字句,“对号如座”。
例3. 从图书馆借来的那本书已找到。 误:The book which was borrowed from the library had been found. 正:The book which had been borrowed from the library was found.
B. 不定式的逻辑主语问题 虽然不定式没有语法上的主语, 但有逻辑主语。不定的 逻辑主语与句子的主语要一致。不 定式的语态与逻辑主语有关。逻辑 主语是行为的执行者,要用主动不 定式;若逻辑主语是行为的承受者, 要用被动不定式,如:
例5.他们刚要走过街角就听到了枪声。 误:They were just turning the corner, when they heard the noise of a shot. 正:Just as they were turning the corner, they heard the noise of a shot. 说明:句子要表达的主要信息是“听 到枪声”,应放在复合句的主句中。
A.时间的先与后不合乎逻辑, 例如: 例1.对不起,我没有看见你。 误:Sorry I don’t see you. 正:Sorry I didn’t see you.
例2.我不知道你在这儿。 误:I don’t know you are here. 正:I didn’t know you are here.
例1.欢迎你参加英语角活动。 误:Welcome you to join our English corner activities! 正:You are welcome to join our English Corner! (or: Welcome to join our English Corner!)
例3.他养成了大量阅读的习惯,因而在头 脑储存了很多有价值的信息。 误:He formed the habit of reading a great deal. Thus storing his mind with much valuable information. 正:He formed the habit of reading a great deal, thus storing his mind with much valuable information. 说明:thus storing….是现在分词语,在句 中作结果状语,所以不能把它视为单独的 句子。
例4.听到这消息,他满眼是泪。 误: Hearing the news, his eyes were filled with tears. 正:When he heard the news, his eyes were filled with tears.
B. 动名词的逻辑主语问题 动名词的逻辑主语若与句为了在科研中取得成功,需要坚 持不懈。 误: To succeed in a scientific research, persistence is needed. 正:To succeed in a scientific research, one needs to be persistent.
例1.你们班的女生比我们班的更活跃。 误:The girls in your class are more active than our class. 正:The girls in your class are more active than those in our class. 说明:若不加those, 就变成了 girls和 our class比较。
例3.未接到邀请他就参加了晚 会。 误:He attended the party without inviting. 正:He attended the party without being invited.
C. 不合乎逻辑的比较 不合乎逻辑的比较指在译成英 语的句子中形成了非等同物之 间的比较。如:
例3.这本书需要翻译成英语。 误:The book is required to put into English. 正:The book is required to be put into English.
例4.他挨了批评真是遗憾。 误:It is a pity for him to have criticized. 正:It is a pity for him to be criticized. 说明:在例3、例4中,不定式的逻 辑主语是行为的承受者,故要改用 被动不定式。
例2.这里的气候像北京。 误:The climate here is like Beijing. 正:The climate here is like that of Beijing. 说明:若不加 that , 就变成了 climate和 Beijing比较。
例3.她的脸圆圆的,跟孩子的 一样。 误:Her face is as round as a child. 正:Her face is as round as a child’s (face).
例2.老虎在笼子里,因而我不 怕。 误:Being in a cage, I was not afraid of it. 正:The tiger being in a cage, I was not afraid of it.
例3.从山顶上看下去,这座城市 就像个漂亮的花园。 误:Seeing from the top of the hill, the city looks like a beautiful garden. 正:Seen from the top of the hill, the city looks like a beautiful garden.
例1.他本来想要多给你一点帮助的,只是 他太忙了。 误:He wanted to give you more help, but he has been so busy recently. 正:He would have given you more help, but he has been so busy recently. 说明:根据原文的含义,前半句应译为虚 拟语气,后半句译为一般陈述句。
例1.在挤公共车时,我的钱包丢 了。 误:On squeezing on to the bus, my wallet was lost. 正:On squeezing on to the bus, I lost my wallet.
例2.他大学毕业后,他父亲想让他去 美国继续深造。 误:After graduating from college, his father wanted him to pursue his education in America. 正:After he graduated from college, his father wanted him to pursue his education in America.
例4.他们屡战屡败。 误:They fought again and again and they are repeatedly defeated. 正:They are repeatedly defeated although they fought again and again. 说明:原句的重点在“败”,“屡战 屡败”之间是让步关系,故用although 连接构成主从句。
例2.许多人不但不植树,反而砍 树。 误:Many people not only don’t plant trees but also cut trees. 正:Many people don’t plant trees, instead, they cut trees. 说明:误译,用错连词,使句子意 思面目全非。
造成汉译英常见错误的原因错综复 杂,但究其原因主要有两个: 一是运用英语知识的实践能力差, 尽管道理和规则记得很熟,但由于 练习较少,动笔时容易出错; 二是受汉语的影响,常见的错误往 往是用英语套用汉语的表达方式、 习惯说法和思维模式等。
生搬硬套型错误 这类错误就是把汉语的表达 意思逐词照搬地直译成英语。
例5。有空就到我们家来聊天吧。 误:If you are free, please come to our family to have a talk. 正:Drop in on us for a chat at any odd moment.
例6.我们的事业从胜利走向胜利。 误:Our cause has won victories one after another. 正:We have won one victory after another for our cause. 或译为被动语态: A series of victories have been won for our cause.
说明:原译中不定式的逻辑主语与句子的主语不 一致,改译后句子用主动语态,增补one做主语。
例2. 要做出决定,你应该考虑各 种因素。 误:To make a decision, everything must be taken into consideration. 正:To make a decision, you should take everything into consideration.