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自哈钦斯任校长以来,学校便以实现通识教育为目标,采取核心基 础与专业课程分离的政策。对于刚进入大学的新鲜人,在大一大二 时必须修毕校方所指定的所有核心课程学分。在2012-2013年,芝 大的核心课程每门课堂仅限17名学生,由一名全职教授(而非助教) 授课。譬如在2009~2010学年,芝大要求本科生修满15门核心课程, 熟练掌握一门外语,通过游泳测试,以及最多三门体育课(根据入 学情况)。在修完指定的核心课程学分后,学生在大三大四可以依 自己的兴趣与期望,专攻校方所提供的五大系,50个主修专业和28 个辅修专业,而学生在日后所获得的校方文凭认定,就是根据他们 在大学后两年所专攻的专业领域。芝大的本科课程以苛刻的标准、 繁重的学业压力而著称,但芝大也正因此才提供了能令人信服和终 身受益的学习经历。
At the university of Chicago, Chicago for short, is located in the international financial centers in the United States in Chicago, is the world famous private research universities, all the year round in various university rankings of the world's top ten. Here was born the "Chicago school of economics" is given priority to with humanities and social science such as many of the Chicago school, out of the world more than 30% of the Nobel laureate in economics, is the world economics, sociology, one of the most important center for research and teaching. And starting from the Manhattan project converge to to the new school of scientists, under the leadership of the "father" of nuclear Fermi established the world's first nuclear reactor (" a Chicago, heap "successfully open the atomic age, human and created America's first national laboratory, argonne national laboratory and after famous fermilab, thus laid a big cheese in the important status of the natural science
At the university of Chicago fifth President Robert Maynard hutchins, 24 years in office, has experienced many significant changes at the university of Chicago. Hutchins put forward the academic courses and professional courses designed to prevent excessive specialization "Chicago plan", the other general education in American university has a huge influence. Hutchins established undergraduate core courses in use today, and will research institute restructuring for four division. Under his lead, big cheese through the U.S. economy during the great depression. During the second world war, Chicago played an important role in the Manhattan project. During this period, a large number of physicists gathered our Chicago, established the school in the position of natural science.
芝加哥大学以开放的精神,兼收并蓄地包容 了德国威廉· 冯· 洪堡与英国约翰· 亨利· 纽曼两 种大学理念,建构了独特而卓越的组织、研 究和教学理念,在很短的时间内成为美国乃 至世界一流大学。芝大的教育观念强调“宏 观与实验”精神、注重对纯理论和大师经典 学习研究的教学方法,奠定了它在美国教育 史上的独特而重要地位。教学中十分注重培 养学生的独立思考精神和批判性思维,鼓励 挑战权威,鼓励与众不同的思维方式和观点, 培养了众多诺贝尔奖获得者。
University of Chicago
芝加哥大学,简称芝大,位于美国国际金融中心芝 加哥,是世界著名私立研究型大学、常年位列各个 大学排行榜世界前十。这里诞生了“芝加哥经济学 派”等以人文社科为主的众多芝加哥学派,走出了 世界超过30%的诺贝尔经济学奖得主,是世界经济 学、社会学最重要的研究教学中心之一。而从曼哈 顿计划开始大批科学家汇集于此,在“原子能之父” 费米的领导下建立了世界上第一台核反应堆(“芝 加哥一号堆” 成功开启人类原子能时代,并创立了 美国第一所国家实验室阿贡国家实验室和之后著名 的费米实验室,进而奠定了芝大在自然科学界的重 要地位
芝大第一任校长哈珀首创了季制学期并沿 用至今, 一学年分为四季,全年无休的 课程制度让学生可以自由的安排学术计划, 每分每秒都不被浪费。夏季(六月至八 月),秋季(九月至十二月),冬季(一 月至三月),春季(四月至六月)。学年 通常在九月下旬开始,并在六月月中旬结 束。学校在每个季度结束后均组织一次毕 业典礼。 The student system Chicago's first principal Harper pioneered season semester and in use today, the school year is divided into four seasons, all year round courses system lets the student can free academic plan, each minute is not wasted. Summer (June to August) and autumn (September to December), winter (January to march), spring (April to June). School usually start in late September, and at the end of in the middle of June. The school at the end of each quarter were to organize a graduation ceremony.
At the university of Chicago, the predecessor was founded by American Baptist a church school, the school and the university of Chicago, with the same name but failed in 1886 due to financial problems. But as the population migration to the west and industrial development, away from the central developed on the east coast of the United States need to comply with the development of a first-class university. Have foresight and giving us oil tycoon John d. Rockefeller vision here will be born a par with harvard, Yale university; In 1890, Rockefeller in the original on the basis of the collapse of the church schools began to build at the university of Chicago.
At the university of Chicago, in the spirit of open eclectic inclusive of the Wilhelm von Humboldt, Germany and Britain John Henry Newman two university idea, construct the unique and excellent organization, research, and teaching ideas, in a very short period of time to become the United States and the world first-class university. Chicago education concept of "macro and experiment" spirit, pay attention to and master the classic study of pure theory research of teaching methods, establish its unique and important position in the history of American education. In teaching pays attention to cultivate the students' spirit of independent thinking and critical thinking, encourage challenge authority, to encourage a distinctive way of thinking and ideas, cultivate a number of Nobel laureates.
在芝加哥大学第五任校长罗伯特· 梅纳德· 哈钦 斯,在任的24年里,芝加哥大学经历了许多 重大变革。哈钦斯提出了旨在防止学术课程 和职业课程过分专门化的“芝加哥计划”, 对其他美国大学的本科通识教育产生了巨大 影响。哈钦斯建立了沿用至今的本科生核心 课程,并将研究学院重组为四个学部 。在他 的带领下,芝大平稳渡过了美国经济的大萧 条时期。二战期间,芝大在曼哈顿计划中扮 演了重要角色。这一时期,大批物理学家聚 集芝大,奠定了该校在自然科学界的地位。
芝加哥大学的前身是由美国浸信会建立的 一所教会学校,该校与芝加哥大学同名, 但在1886年由于财政问题而倒闭。而随着 人口向西部迁移和工业发展,远离发达东 海岸的美国中部急需一所一流大学以顺应 发展。拥有远见卓识而乐善好施的美国石 油大亨约翰·洛克菲勒憧憬这里会诞生一 个与哈佛、耶鲁比肩的大学;1890年,洛 克菲勒在原先倒闭的教会学校基础上开始 重新筹建芝加哥大学。