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• 本文重点介绍语言政策与 规划领域中语言规划目标 的理论构架以及有关参与 语言规划过程的规划者的 研究,并辅以介绍有关中 国英语教师在语言教育政 策与规划中作用的一个案 研究结果。
Language Planning
Language planning, which has been variously defined by scholars in their literature (See, e.g., Cooper, 1989; Liu, 2006), is broadly perceived as the organized activity to study language issues for solving language problems. (For various definitions, see e.g., Cooper, 1989; Liu, 2006.)
Language Planning Goals – Status Planning
1. Policy planning goals: Status Standardisation • Officialisation • Nationalisation • Proscription 2. Cultivation planning goals Revival • Restoration • Revitalisation • Reversal Maintenance Interlingual Communication • International • Intra-national Spread 1、政策规划目标: 地位标准化 • 官方化 • 国家化 • 剥夺语言权力
Language Planning Goals – Language-in-education Planning
5th International Conference on ELT in China and the 1st Congress of Chinese Applied Linguistics, May 16th-21st, 2007 in Beijing
• The purpose of this session is to introduce a theoretical framework for language planning goals and actors involved in the language policy and planning process. The literature on language policy and planning (LPP) is briefly reviewed before introducing language planning goals and the description of the multilevelled actors. A Chinese example of local agency is given.
Language Policy and Planning
Categories of LPP
• Status planning (about
• • • • 地位规划 本体规划 教育规划 声望与形象规划
• Corpus planning
• Language-in-education planning (about learning) • Prestige and image planning (about image)
语言规划通常被认为 是通过制订语言计划 来达到解决语言问题 的目的。(自1959年 正式出现的language planning这一术语的描 述请参阅Cooper, 1989; 刘海涛, 2006。)
Language Policy
The exercise of language planning leads to, or is directed by, the promulgation of a language policy by government (or other authoritative body or person). A language policy is a body of ideas, laws, regulations, rules and practices intended to achieve the planned language change in the society, group or system (Kaplan & Baldauf, 1997: xi). 语言政策一般来说是政府和官 方行为,是由政府或政府授权 部门所颁布的意见、规章、条 例甚至法律,目的是为了实现 在社会或某团体、系统内针对 语言变化所做的语言规划 (Kaplan and Baldauf, 1997: xi)。
对于语言规划目标的 分类,不同学者有不 同的分类方法,请参 阅:
• Haarmann, 1990 • Haugen, 198ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu • Kaplan and Baldauf, 1997, 2003 • Nahir, 1984
Language Planning Goals
(Kaplan and Baldauf, 2003: 202)
Spolsky(2004): 真正意义 上的语言政策更有可能是存 在于一个言语社区中的个人 或团体的语言实践中,或者 存在于这些个人和团体对语 言的信念或意识中;它可能 是对一个特殊的语音、一种 表达方式、或是对某一种语 言的选择;做出这种选择可 能是某个人或者社会中某个 被授权或未被授权的团体; 这些选择可能会被某授权团 体以正式的语言规划的方式 使其形成明确的规定。
2. Corpus Planning (about language)
Corpus Standardisation ■ Graphisation ■ Grammatication ■ Lexication Auxiliary Code Standard ■ Graphisation ■ Grammatication ■ Lexication Access Policy Personnel Policy Curriculum Policy Methods & Materials Policy Resourcing Policy Community Policy Evaluation Policy Language Promotion ■ Official / Government ■ Institutional ■ Pressure group ■ Individual
Language Policy
Spolsky (2004): language policy is about choice, the choice of a specific sound, or expression, or of a specific variety of language, which is regularly made by an individual, or a socially defined group of individuals, or a body with authority over a defined group of individuals. The real language policy of a community is more likely to be found in its practices than its management.
3. Language-in-Education (Acquisition) Planning (about learning)
4. Prestige Planning (about image)
Intellectualisation ■ Language of Science ■ Language of Professions ■ Language. of High Culture ■ Language of the Law
2、培育规划目标 拯救 • 再生 • 拯救 • 恢复 语言维护 多语社区 • 国际语言 • 地区语言 语言传播
Language Planning Goals – Corpus Planning
1. Policy planning goals: Corpus Standardisation • Graphisation • Grammatication • Lexication Auxiliary Code Standard • Graphisation • Grammatication • Lexication 2. Cultivation planning goals Lexical Modernisation Stylistic Modernisation Renovation • Purification • Reform • Stylistic simplification • Terminological unification Internationalisation 1、政策规划目标: 语言规范化 • 文字 • 语法 • 词汇 副语言规范化 • 文字 • 语法 • 词汇 2、培育规划目标 词汇现代化 语体现代化 革新 • 语言净化 • 语言改革 • 语体简化 • 术语统一 国际化
Language Planning and Language Policy: Goals and Actors – An Overview
语言政策与规划 — 目标与参与者综述
Li Minglin and Richard B. Baldauf Jr. University of Queensland, Australia
(Chinese version for this table can be found in Zhao Shouhui (2007). 国际语言规划的新发展-以非主流语言教学为例.)
Approaches Types (overt - covert) 1. Status Planning (about society) 1. Policy Planning (on form) Goals Status Standardisation ■ Officialisation ■ Nationalisation ■ Proscription 2. Cultivation Planning (on function) Goals Revival ■ Restoration ■ Revitalisation ■ Reversal Maintenance Interlingual Communication ■ International ■ Intra-national Spread Lexical Modernisation Stylistic Modernisation Renovation ■ Purification ■ Reform ■ Stylistic simplification ■ Terminological unification Internationalisation Reacquisition Maintenance Foreign Language / Second Language Shift
Language Planning Goals
Various typologies and dichotomies by a number of language planners, e.g.,
• Haarmann, 1990 • Haugen, 1983 • Kaplan and Baldauf, 1997, 2003 • Nahir, 1984