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除坝体外,在坝址上游400m 及1500m 处, 河床也分别隆起了约6m 及3.5m,并在河床 中形成了瀑布的奇观
日本Gohonmatsu Dam(五本松坝)
Was built in 1900 of concrete rubble masonry
The dam has a structural height of 108 feet (33 m) and a crest length of 361 feet (110m)
美国Lower Crystal Springs Dam
Completed in 1890
Located about 20 miles (32 km) south of San Francisco, California
The dam has a structural height of 154 feet (47 m), a crest width of 25 feet, and a crest length of 600 feet (183 m).
日本Kasho Dam
Completed in 1990 152 ft (46.4 m) high concrete gravity dam October 6, 2000 Western Tottori earthquake
(M7.3) in Japan.
The epicenter of the earthquake was about 1.9 miles (3 km) from the dam.
坝体两侧产生约7.8m 的垂直错动 活断层通过处,坝体完全被毁 断层两边坝顶高程相差7.8m ,三扇弧形闸门完全毁坏
东西向570gal ,南北向410gal ,垂直向480gal
到目前为止全世界唯一的被地震完全摧毁 的混凝土坝
经过地震,该坝平均向北位移7.0m ,向西位移 0.98m
Peak accelerations of 0.54 g horizontal and 0.49 g vertical were measured in the lower inspection gallery
Peak accelerations of 2.09 g at the crest of t源自文库e dam.
The dam was shaken by the magnitude M 8.3 San Francisco Earthquake on April 18, 1906 with an estimated PHGA of 0.52 to 0.68 g
The dam is located about 0.25 miles (300 to 400 m) from and nearly parallel to the San Andreas Fault where the ground moved horizontally 8 feet (2.4 m)
石冈混凝土重力坝位于大甲溪下游,1977 年建成
坝高21.4m ,长352m 泄洪闸18孔,宽12.8m、高8.0m 弧形闸门
地震后经测量发现,在坝址上下游附近新产生了8 条次 断层
断层上盘上升了约10.0m ,下盘上升只有2.2m
The walls at the base of the control room, a reinforced concrete structure cantilevering upstream from the crest of the dam, were cracked
The epicenter of the January 17, 1995 Kobe Earthquake was 9.3 miles (15 km) away from the dam
The PHGA was 0.83g
The only damage was hairline cracks in the concrete capping of the parapet on the crest of the dam
There reportedly was not the slightest crack in the dam.
1999 年9 月21 日台湾百年来规模最大的强 烈地震。震中位于日月潭西南方12.5km, 南投县集集镇,因此名为集集地震
震源深度8.0km,震级7.3,本次地震释放 的能量相当于40颗1945年投掷在日本广岛 原子弹的威力
1967年12月11日印度Koynanagar Earthquake M6.5( M7.0 ) 级地震
震中距坝址约15km 地震时实测地面最大加速度
上游面裂缝18条,下游面裂缝7条 裂缝主要集中于629m 高程的坝坡改变处
The main shock produced a relative displacement of 1.1 inches (28 mm) toward the right abutment and 0.28 inches (0.7 mm) in the upstream direction
There was basically no damage to the concrete gravity dam
2 重力坝抗震设计理论(一)
重力坝震害 拟静力法计算重力坝地震作用 动力法重力坝地震反应分析 重力坝抗震措施
2.1 重力坝震害
Koyna坝位于印度西南部Maharashtra 邦,建成于 1963 年
材料为蛮石混凝土重力坝(rubble concrete)
坝长853m,最大坝高103m 坝顶宽度14.8m,底宽70.2m 装机容量192 万千瓦。