

组态王与AB PLC的连接。

Rockwell Automation 的A-B PLC是一个著名的可编程控制器产品。其产品体系基本上涵盖了工业控制产品的各个领域,并以产品的可靠而著称。在国内的PLC市场的占有率将近30%。

由于A-B的PLC的种类繁多,且各种类型的PLC支持的通信协议不尽相同,使得第三方的HMI软件都不能很好的与A-B PLC进行连接。RSLinx软件是A-B PLC通用的通信配置软件(2.2以上的版本支持对以太网的网关配置),目前主要有以下几个版本:RSLinx OEM、RSLinx Professional 、RSLinx Gateway、RSLinx SDK四个版本。且均支持OPC服务(2.3版以上支持OPC2.0版)。

组态王软件已内嵌了OPC服务功能,支持OPC客户端和OPC服务器的工作方式。这样组态王就可以很方便的与A-B PLC进行通信。


在组态王与A-B PLC进行OPC的配置是必须要有A-B PLC及相关的通讯附件。

1、安装A-B PLC 、通讯卡、相关的软件,并作物理连接

2、使用RSLinx连接A-B PLC的通讯网络。

配置通讯卡(参加图-1),选择ConFigure Drivers。








使用Topic Configoration来进行OPC服务的配置(参见图-4)。


在Date Source配置框中配置Topic,选择一个物理设备(PLC),按New按钮即可建立一个Topic,单击Done即可(参见图-5)。



添加OPC设备。在组态王的工程器中选择设备→OPC服务器→新建,则弹出如下的窗口(参见图-6)。在OPC服务器列表中选择RSLinx OPC Server→选择确定即可。



在组态王的工程器中选择数据库→数据字典→新建。确定变量名、变量类型等变量属性,在连接设备中选择RSLinx OPC Server ;手工键入寄存器地址,地址的格式为:”[Topic名]变量别名”或”Topic名:变量寄存器地址”。单击确认即可。



Public Groups

RSLinx does not support public groups. Public groups are an optional part of the OPC specifications. However, behind the scenes, if two clients request the same information from a single instance of RSLinx, RSLinx will not read the data twice from the target processor. It will provide the same data to both clients, which is similar in effect to public groups.

As of v2.31, RSLinx does not support OPC within the .NET framework. The current Automation Interface conforms to the Visual Basic automation interface standards used in previous versions of Visual Basic. https://www.360docs.net/doc/f01050590.html, uses different underlying technology.

Future development is planned, but Rockwell Automation, like other OPC servers, must wait for an OPC .NET interface specification from the OPC Foundation.

This document will provide a comparison between RSData and the RSLinx OPC Automation interface and is intended to provide guidelines for converting an existing application. For the purpose of this document, the PokeNRequest example was converted from an RSData application to an RSLinx OPC Automation Application. Both applications are attached to this technote for your review and are provided as-is for demonstration purposes only.

This document applies to the following software versions. There may be slight differences in functionality with other revisions.

?RSData 1.60.01

?RSJunctionBox 1.60.01

?RSLinx SDK 2.30.02 (Build 79)

?VisualBASIC 6.0 with Service Pack 5

PLEASE NOTE: RSLinx SDK (9355WABCENE) provides documentation on how to use the Automation Interface, development support, and samples. All other flavors of RSLinx provide the Automation interface as-is (no documentation, no support, no samples).

A key difference between the two is that RSData (and the other RSTools) is an ActiveX control, which provides a user interface, properties, methods and events. The RSLinx OPC Automation Interface is an Object Interface which provides properties, methods and events but no user interface. The RST ools ActiveX controls are also data-bound controls which enable you to link directly to a database with little or no additional code. The OPC Automation Interface does not have this capability. You will need to write code to link to a database.

The following RSData Properties are NOT SUPPORTED with the RSLinx OPC

The following RSData Events are NOT SUPPORTED with the RSLinx OPC Automation

The following RSData Methods are NOT SUPPORTED with the RSLinx OPC Automation

The following tables list the RSData Properties, Events and Methods that have an equivalent in the RSLinx OPC Automation Interface. In the following table, the information in italics is a code sample of the Property, Event or Method.
