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5.0 景观规划设计
5.1 设计概念 5.2 设计概念 5.3 设计概念 5.4 总平面图 5.5 水岸分析 5.6 功能分析 5,7 功能分析 5.8 体育功能分析 5.9 文化功能分析 5.10 庆典功能分析 5.11 分期开发 5.12 局部放大平面图 5.13 局部放大平面图 5.14 局部放大平面图 5.15 局部放大平面图 5.16 水上舞台方案2 5.17 局部放大平面图
Celebrate Sports Celebrate Culture Celebrate Business Celebrate Nature
Due to its location in the city mirrored with the more civic central park to the east that houses government facilities and large convention centers, we envision that this will be designed more for leisure and active recreation: a place to see and be seen. Incorporating the existing contemporary facilities, this park will be a modern public museum of new dynamic architecture made out of light and steel. Combined with the new CBD to the south and the existing commercial buildings to the north this will become the central open space hub of the new city. Through careful consideration of existing landscape and programmatic elements the new design will successfully integrate the best of old and new to create a contemporary and exciting open space park. It will form an image and face for Kunshan that evokes both the future vision and energy of the city while acknowledging and celebrating the historical and cultural foundations of the land and people
昆山市民文化广场景观规划方案设计 昆山市民文化广场景观规划方案设计-中期汇报 Kunshan Civic Cultural Plaza Landscape Planning and Design
Kushan Civic Cultural Plaza Landscape Plan终ni期ng汇an报dFDinesailgnS-uInbmterimssrieopnort
地区范围图 Regional Key Map
Regional Context & Location 区域概况及定位 2.1
昆山位于上海到苏州的沪宁高速公路和312国道沿线,距离上海市约30分钟车 程。
目前昆山已跻身于全国经济发展最快的城市之一。由于大量高新技术产业外资 的涌入,昆山旧城区已不能满足经济发展的需要,因此要进行政策和配套基础 设施的大开发来适应经济、土地需求和人口的飞速增长。
7.0 附录
7.1 方案过程 7.2 方案过程 7.3 方案过程 7.4 过程方案 7.5 北入口广场 7.6 土坡初步设计 7.7 五音亭初步设计 7.8 西面河岸剖面 7.9 电视塔设计 7.10 电视塔设计
Section Section Section Section Perspective Perspective Perspective Bird Perspective
Project Requirements Site Analysis Site Analysis Site Analysis Urban Edge and Access Analysis Visual Analysis Exsiting Conditions Sections & Elevations Case Study
5.18 剖面图 5.19 剖面图 5.20 剖面图 5.21 剖面图 5.22 效果图 5.23 效果图 5.24 效果图 5.25 鸟瞰图
6.0 细部设计
6.1 灯光设计 6.2 灯光设计 6.3 建筑设计 6.4 铺地设计 6.5 种植设计 6.6 种植设计 6.7 种植设计 6.8 小品设施 6.9 技术指标
Workshop Process Workshop Process Workshop Process Process Options North Entery / Plaza Berm Primary Design Music Pavilion Primary Design West Bank Section TV Tower Design TV Tower Design
Design Concept Design Concept Design Concept Master Plan Wateredage Analysis Design Analysis Design Analysis Sports Facilities Culture & Arts Facilities Festival and Special Events Phasing Plan Blows Up Plan Blows Up Plan Blows Up Plan Blows Up Plan Waterstage Option-2 Blows Up Plan
从更大区域来看,昆山位于长江三角洲的前沿,紧邻全球金融中心上海;气候 温暖舒适,有“鱼米之乡”的美誉。
Regional Context and Location
Kunshan is located between Shanghai and Suzhou along the Hu Ning expressway and the 312 Artery; approximately 30 minutes drive from the city centre of Shanghai Puxi. Currently Kunshan is ranked as one of the most economically successful county’s in China. Fuelled by high levels of foreign investment –particularly in high-tech industry, the city has outgrown its old town core. It currently requires an improved public realm framework and infrastructure to match its rapidly growing economy, landmass requirements and population. On a larger scale, Kunshan lies at the front position of the Yangzi Delta, right behind the financial and global hub that is Shanghai. Like Shanghai it enjoys a warm and comfortable climate thus also known as the ‘hometown of rice and fish’.
Vision 愿景 1.1
易道应邀为昆山市设计一个全新的、充满活力的公园,作为城市的公共中心。 根据政府提出的要求,设计的挑战在于要把现有散落在基地内外的运动设施和 已有的建筑、水道等考虑到整体的设计当中。
由于与本基地位置相呼应的城东地区已建有一个集市政府办公楼和科教会议等 设施为主的城市广场和中央公园,因此我们希望本项目更多地体现出休闲娱乐 的特征,使它不仅成为一个人们活动的场所,而且还是一个优美的景点。结合 现有的一些富有现代感的建筑设施,该公园还将成为一个当代建筑展示场所。 本地区将与城南新的商贸区和现有的商业地带共同形成昆山市的中央核心区。 我们希望通过此市民文化广场来颂扬以下元素:
体育 文化 商务 自然
我们的目标是不仅对基地本身进行改造,同时把基地融入更大尺度的城市环境 中,为昆山打造一个新的公园和城市标志。
Approached by the City of Kunshan, EDAW has been asked to provide a new exciting and dynamic park design that will function as the city’s main civic centre while taking into consideration the existing sports running track and the on-site building programs and water channels within and around the site. This park will be a place to:
Kunshan Civic Cultural Park Landscape Planning and Design
1.0 项目愿景
Kunshan Civic Cultural Park Landscape Planning and Design
Table of Contents
Regional Context & Location Local Features & Characters Site Conditions
Regional Water System Regional Open Space Regional Commercial Connectivity City Core Urban Design Framework Public Transportation Anaysis Urban Design Framework
1.0 项目愿景
1.1 愿景
2.0 项目背景
2.1 区域概况及定位 2.2 当地风貌与特质 2.3 基地现状
3.0 规划架构
3.1 城市水体系统 3.2 城市开放空间系统 3.3 地区商业系统 3.4 周边联系分析 3.5 公共交通路线分析 3.6 建议规划架构
4.0 设计考虑
4.1 项目要求 4.2 基地分析 4.3 基地分析 4.4 基地分析 4.5 规划边界入口分析 4.6 基地视觉分析 4.7 现状剖面及立面 4.8 案例分析
Lighting Design Lighting Design Architecture Design Paving Design Planting Design Planting Design Planting Design Furniture Design Index
Kunshan Civic Cultural Park Landscape Planning and Design
2.0 项目背景
Kunshan Civic Cultural Park Landscape Planning and Design