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1. Horizontal drilling:Horizontal drilling is the process of drilling a well fromthe surface to a subsurface location just above the target oilor gas reservoir called the “kickoff point”(KOP) ,then deviating thewell bore from the vertical plane around a curve to intersectthe reservoir at the “entry point” with a near-horizontalinclination, and remaining within the reservoir until the desiredbottom hole location is reached.
2.Extended Reach Drilling:Extended Reach Drilling is drilling horizontally from a borehole that is began as a vertical hole.By the use of angle-building assemblies,the drill gradually assumes a horizontal attitude and drills laterally the productive formation.It’s lateral departure is more than twice of ture vertical depth(TVD).
3. Multilateral well Drilling:A multi-lateral well is one in whichthere is more than one horizontal or nearhorizontal lateral well drilled from a singlemain bore and connected back to thatmain bore.
4.Managed pressure drilling (MPD):“an adaptive drilling process to preciselycontrol the annular pressure profile throughout the well”.The main idea is to create a pressure profile in the well to stay within closetolerances and close to the boundary of the operation envelope defined by thepore pressure, hole stability envelope and fracture pressure.
5.Sliding Steeringsystem:Sliding steering system adjust or change the drilling bit’s orientation by using down-hole Bent housing (down-hole motor) while the drilling strings are in non-rotation status.
6. Rotary Steeringsystem:Rotary steering system adjust or change the drilling bit’s orientation by using down-hole steering tool while the drilling strings are in rotation status. Due to the limitation of tool placement, it lacks near-bit geologic parameter measurement, this forms significant difference between Rotary steering and Geology steering system.
7.Logging while drilling (LWD): A system which provides real-time logging data from measurementsmade near the drill bit during the drilling process
8. Slim hole drilling:A meas of reducing the cost of a well by drilling a smaller diameter hole than is customary for the depth and the types of formations to be drilled through. A slim hole permits the scaling down of all phases of the drilling and completion operations.
9.Geological Steering: Using geological principles to design the well trajectory, responsible for accurate penetrate into oil and gas target zone.
10.Geometry oriented steering:The Geometry oriented steering takes responsibility to designed wellbore trajectory, makes the actual trajectory as close as possible to the designed one to ensure well trajectory penetrate to designed target area accurately.Due to geological uncertainty caused the error, and the original designed target area my not be the reservoir layer) . The conventional well trajectory control technology should belongs to the Geometry oriented steering .
1. EST(Expandable Slotter Tube)Procedure(膨胀管是如何施工的)
Runningnormalcasing---Continuedrilling asection
oflargewellbore---RunningEST-ABL---CementedEST---Expandedtubebeforecementce mented---Wait forcementcemented---Drillcementplug---Continuedrillingwith thesame bitsize