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F1场2014年 9月13日出现母猪流产,随后产房保育仔猪成活率大幅下降,经PCR检测 并测序诊断为PRRSV野毒感染,繁殖群于11月20免疫 xx苗,至2015年 1月母猪繁殖恢 复至正常;(下附生产曲线图)F1: sow abortion on Sep. 13th, 2014, the survival rate in farrowing
5、确定仔猪转群时间 。To determine the time for transferring piglets
6、是否修订繁殖猪群免疫方案 whether need to revise vaccination protocol for multiplication herd.
二、实验目的与方法 Objectives and Methods
(二)、材料与方法 Materials and Methods
1、猪群背景: Herd Background:
F1场为1800繁殖母猪带保育-肥育一体的猪场。 F1 farm is a 1800 sow multiplication farm with nursery-finishing
F2场为3600头母猪场,其断奶后的保育肥育猪分置于直线约10km外集中饲养。 三个场原均为 PRRSV抗原抗体双阴性群。 F2 is a 3600 sow multiplication farm, weaned pigs are put nursery/finisher 10 km away. All three farms are PRRSV double negative.
PRRS infection after weaning
3、制订仔猪PRRSV免疫方案。 To develop PRRSV
immunization protocol for piglets
4、找出抗生素干预时机。to Identify the timing of antibiotic
二、实验目的与方法 Objectives and Methods
(一)目的 Objectives 1、找出母源PRRSV抗体在断奶后仔猪体内的衰减规律:
To find out the trend of PRRS maternal antibody decay in weaning
2、确定仔猪断奶后感染PRRSV的时间:To determine the
Experiment on Maternal Antibody Decay of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory
Syndrome Virus in Weaning Nursery Pigs
Fra Baidu bibliotek
The significance of maternal antibody on weaning pigs
3、提前免疫弱毒活疫苗对生产的帮助:Effect of early
vaccination using attenuated live vaccine on production
The effect the decline rate of maternal antibodies on late infection in weaning pigs
猪繁殖呼吸综合征与经典猪瘟母源抗体衰减检测 及其对断奶仔猪免疫的应用
Trend of maternal antibody decay in nursery pigs for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome and classic swine fever viruses using serial paired field trial
1、母源抗体在断奶仔猪循环系统中作用:Effect of
maternal antibody on the circulatory system of weaning pigs.
The significance of PRRS maternal antibody decay after weaning
文献显示,断奶后仔猪母源抗体消失 末期,保育期感染后的抗蓝耳病中和 抗体开始出现并上升。可为临床免疫 蓝耳弱毒苗提供依据。Literatures show that, in the late stage of maternal antibodies diminishing, anti-PRRS neutralizing antibodies began to appear and rise in infected nursery pigs, which provides support for clinical use attenuated PRRS vaccine.
二 实验目的与方法 Objectives and Methods
三3 实验结果与生产性能分析 Results and analysis of
production performance
四 启示Implications
第一部分 Part 1
断奶后仔猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV) 母源抗体的衰减试验
李延明 Yanming Li 北京二商大红门科技牧业有限公司
2015年10月 南京 Beijing Two Business Da Hong Men Technology Husbandry Ltd., Co.
主要内容 Content
母源抗体对断奶后仔猪的意义 The importance of maternal antibody to weaning pigs
图:(台湾) 6个不同 母猪场断奶后仔猪不
晚。HT LIU, 2008 Figure: (Taiwan) Percentages of
weaning pigs with Ab positive and SN titers in pigs of different age group in six farms. Late infection was observed when maternal antibodies decline slowly in a farm.