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Urban forestry involves (refers to / is concerned with) forestry activities introduced from wildness and countryside to populous cities where economy, culture, industry and business (commerce) are aggregated (clustered). Most metropolitan cities are currently prosperous but noisy (clamorous) with deteriorating ecological environment. People living in such a crowded and narrow space suffer from a worsening physical quality. To develop urban forestry can beautify living places, purify air, reduce noise and adjust local climate (microclimate), so that the living quality of urban people can be improved. Generally, urban forestry has provided a new approach to the urban environmental problems.


B. 社区的物质框架结构被称为它的基础设施。这些在城市里发挥作用的庞然大物可以被分为绿色和灰色两种。绿色结构是为乔木、灌木、草地所覆盖的区域,而灰色结构指建筑、道路、公用事业设备、停车场的所在。绿色结构是渗水的,土壤让水渗进去,自然地过滤掉污染物,然后水进入河流。灰色结构却不能穿透,它迫使水走向地面,入河之前一定要经过处理和清洁。





With the development of both economy and civilization in human society, people have greatly improved their knowledge and understanding about forests. They therefore

have also dramatically changed their social demands for forestry. As a result, more world attention has been widely paid to the function that forests play to maintain and improve environment. In 1992, UN Conference on Environment and Development bestowed priority on forestry and it became a political promise of the highest rank. In addition, it was particularly emphasized in the meeting that nothing has been more important than forestry among the problems that the world summit conferences will deal with. It is a distinct milestone in world civilization history to place forestry issues at such a high position.


有关全球热带森林遭到乱砍滥伐、令人痛心的报道层出不穷,但是痛陈现存林木状况的报道却少之又少。事实上,联合国分支机构——国际热带木材组织(ITTO )新近开展的一项研究,首次对热带森林管理现状进行深入调查。其发现虽然令人沮丧,但从中我们还是看到了一线希望。

ITTO 调查的对象是“永久性森林地产”,也就是被ITTO 所属33 个成员国政府正式划作森林地域,从而受到某种形式的管理或保护的土地。它涉及国家森林公园和木材的特许经营,包括国营和私营。地产总面积达8.14 亿公顷,约占全球热带森林面积的三分之二。

此项研究报告的作者之一邓肯· 玻尔解释说,这一概念意义重大,因为我们不可能,也不值得对每一片濒临消失的小树林都一直进行保护以避免其被农田或住宅侵占。相反,政府应当集中精力养护好那些最具有商业和科学价值的森林。可是ITTO 的研究人员却发现,在“永久性森林地产”中,仅15% 有着相应的管理方案,而能坚持贯彻执行这一方案的不到5%。报告中提到,自1988 年以来,森林管理取得了显着的进展,因为这不足5% 的面积总共仍相当于一个德国的大小。当年一项粗略的早期调查发现,热带地区国家中只有特立尼达和多巴哥对森林管理较为完善。但是,相对于同期已然消亡的森林而言,这片管理得当的森林显得无足轻重。




China is one of the countries boasting the richest biodiversity and also one of the earliest adopting the Convention on Biological Diversity. The Chinese Government has highly valued the work of biodiversity conservation by formulating and enforcing a series of related laws and regulations, so that a legal system on the conservation and biodiversity has fundamentally formed. In addition, it has established and consolidated the coordination mechanism on the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity as well as the scheme of Inter-ministerial Joint Meeting on biological species resources, laid down and issued the National Action Plan on the Conservation of Biodiversity of China and other related plans in this regard, based on which various
