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The two marks –a point and a crossare the foundation of computer today
The causes of the collapse(崩溃) of Maya civilization
Until now, almost the whole of the Mayan civilization is covered with a layer of mystery, just like refusing us to analysis it. Indeed, on ninth Century, the Maya death hypotheses(假 设) emerge in an endless stream(层出不穷), such as floods, earthquakes, hurricanes and so on natural disasters; plague(瘟疫), collective poisoning and so on infectious diseases(传染病) . Despite all the hypothesis of public opinions are divergent , but none of the hypothesis has sufficient evidence to be believed.
The jungle Temple
Why did Maya build St. in the jungle ? In the Mayan culture launched region is extremely broad, covering an area of about three hundred thousand square kilometers. This area is full of tropical rainforest, wet and heat, almost became the most popular local epidemics, and full of terrible beasts.
The mystery of the development process
BC in 1150, is the omega(奥美加) culture to St. Lo Renzo(圣罗伦索) as the center of the prosperous period, including the Maya civilization. In five hundred BC, by CHABAS(恰巴斯) to Guatemala(瓜地马 拉) tropical jungle clearing, founded a strong city, established the Mayan culture. In 600 BC, “Ma Yazhi bead” (马雅之珠)Carle started developing from the jungle, but there was not modeling complicated decoration and public buildings. 300 years later, this pearl(珍珠) emit bright light, not only appeared on behalf of civilization of the altar(祭坛), and take the jadeite(翡翠) and shells for the currency trading.
Highly spiritual Maya
Yucatan Peninsula(犹加坦半岛 ) as the center, one hundred and fiftysix thousand square kilometers around the jungle and mountain, spread the Mayan Pyramid. The Pyramid, in the face of human in 20th century, shows the mystical teachings(教义) that we have been opinionated(自以为是) and long-term exploring. Up to now, in the secret forest Maya monuments also continued to been found , their size exceeds(超过) the modern surface judgment.
Mystery of the Maya civilization
Summary of the Maya
Maya was born on 3113 BC, living in Central America ancient Indians, in the year after about 750 years mysteriously disappears. The Maya people mainly lived in today's Peden (佩登 省 ) and Northern Yucatan (北犹加敦) bushes clouds in low-lying areas. Kolumb in 1492 sailed the seas and discovered the new continent of America on which only a backward nation lived, a brilliant and splendid Maya Empire already had had never been heard of since.
The Maya civilization but also from the original rural, progressive civilization of height, big temple inherited the omega-3, Dior (迪奥) architectural heritage(建筑遗产).
Gu Lu Khan Pyramid main temple, from four thirty to one eight at the half, can observe the sun, especially in March September 21and 23 of the vernal equinox autumnal equinox(春分秋分), also can record the track(轨道). These track . two days in Pyramid appeared on the unbelievable light and shadow of graphics(图形). Twilight sun(夕阳) light in the nine section of the Pyramid, there were seven isosceles triangular(等腰三角形) band, band at one end, just to Pyramid on the table(土台) the serpent ‘s head(巨蛇的 头).
This is a imagination picture in spiritual civilization period .
Amazing matheFra bibliotekatical and science and technology
The ancient Maya mathematics and astronomy is surprising, the world‘s earliest nation inventing “ 0” is Maya, this is one thousand years before Arabia caravan(阿拉伯商队) acrossing the Middle Eastern desert spread the concept from India. The Greeks must start with a letter to write numbers; the Romans use digital, but only with clumsy graphic mode(笨拙 的图解方式) with four digits to represent ( for VIII ); while the Mayan people only use three symbols -- a point, a cross, a shell symbol representing zero -- to express any numeric computation(数字计算法), is really incredible.
For example, 6500 buildings in recently started mining city sites have been found. Moreover, the famous urban extend 42 ways from all sides, leading to the other Mayan city such as JQ(吉 强) and Drew(德鲁姆) . Presumably , here are about millions of Maya Living in the area . According to the indigenous oral: ancestor was the great sage(大贤 者), most of Pyramid is the ancestral relic(遗物), ancestors lived with nature and life and did not kill the animal, also did not raise livestock(家畜), biological in nature, all retained their ecological.
The general culture of the development choice of riverbank fertile soil, and the Mayan culture is in the environment like a hell construction of bright city. The first mystery is that why the Mayan hide themselves and in the darkness build magnificent rockhewn city group?
This is a timing tool.
The big temple city is the Maya sacred religious place, but they also have the function of the university. City mutual is completely counted downwardly and existence. The city is not built because of a moment, but in the goal and function of building. For example Ji Qiang(吉 强)and Yi(伊札)are geographically the best place for astronomical observation.