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酱油萝卜皮Radish peel w/ soy sauce
什锦老坛子Mixed sour kimchi
烧辣椒拌皮蛋Preserved egg w/ green chili
醋泡花生米Peanut soaked in vinegar
什锦泡菜Mixed kimchi
香辣火培鱼Spicy baked fish
酸辣蕨根粉Spicy root powder of wild vegetable
凉拌蕨菜Cold wild vegetable
五香牛肉Five flavored beef
急汁地木耳Chinese black mushroom w/ sauce
青龙点将Green dragon
蜜汁酿红枣Honey soaked Chinese jujube
泡酸刀豆Sour sword bean
红油顺风耳Pig’s ears slices w/ red oil
热卤香干Bean curd in brown sauce
辣酒煮花螺Giant African Snail w/ Chinese wine
海程绝味竹签蛇Snake BBQ
干锅骨里香Chops in hot pot
绝味手撕鸭Duck meat
福果粒粒爽Fruit beads
纸锅脆肚Crispy pig’s stomach
翅汤鱼(汤底)Fish in shark’s fin soup
百汇猪手Pig’s hoof in brown sauce
燕鲍翅Bird’s Nest, Abalone, Shark’s Fin
血燕(红烧、花旗参炖、椰子、木瓜)Red nest (stewed in brown sauce, stewed w/ ginseng, w/ coconut or pawpaw)
官燕White nest
原汁木瓜炖鱼翅Stewed shark’s fin w/ pawpaw
红烧大鲍翅Shark’s fin stewed in brown sauce (I)
红烧燕麦翅Shark’s fin stewed in brown sauce (II)
原汁椰奶炖燕窝Bird’s nest stewed w/ coconut milk
红烧群翅Shark’s fins in brown sauce (diverse)
鱼翅捞饭Rice in shark’s fin soup
原汁木瓜炖雪哈<}72{>Stewed snow frog w/ pawpaw
海马功夫汤Sea horse soup
原汁椰奶炖雪哈<}72{>Snow frog stewed w/ coconut milk
鲍汁扣鹅掌Goose webs w/ abalone sauce
川贝炖雪梨Special herb stewed w/ snow peal
游水海鲜Fresh seafoods
苏眉清蒸/鼓汁蒸/翅汤Napoleon wrasse fish: steamed / steamed w/ black sauce / with shark fin soup 象拔蚌(三吃)刺身/煲粥/堂灼(另加30元汤底)Geoduck (a large edible calm, 3 courses): sashimi / stewed with rice / cooked (plus special soup of 30 Yuan)
东星斑豆辣蒸(另加28元/位翅汤)East star grouper: steamed w/ spicy black beans (plus shark fin soup of 28Yuan / person)
青龙虾椒盐/上汤焗Chinese lobster: with spicy salt or cooked in supreme soup
红龙虾Chinese lobster (red)
龙虾仔开边蒜茸蒸Prawns: steamed w/ garlic
多宝鱼Blessing fish
花螺辣酒煮/白灼/冰镇Giant African Snail: cooked w/ Chinese wine / cooked / served w/ ice
石斑鱼红烧/煲汤Grouper: stewed in brown sauce / stewed in soup
左口鱼Left-stomata fish
糕蟹姜葱炒/咸蛋黄炒/原汁蒸Giant crab: stir-fried w/ ginger or salty yolk / steamed
一帆风顺Proceeding smoothly
醉虾Shrimp soaked in Chinese wine
桂花鱼Mandarin fish
红花蟹秘制/姜葱焗/萝卜丝煮/口味Flower crab: specially cooked, w/ ginger & onion, cooked w/ radish slice, with spicy flavor
回头鱼燕饺(Special) sea fish : dumpling
带子蒜茸蒸/豉汁炒Scallops: steamed w/ garlic, stir-fried in black bean sauce
圆贝王Round scallop
扇贝王Giant scallop
经典烧味Sauced meats
深井烧鹅Goose BBQ
潮州拼盘Resorted plates (Chaozhou style)
白切东山羊Boiled mutton
脆皮乳鸽Crispy dove
卤水金钱肚Sauced pig stomach
粤菜Cantonese foods
虫草炖水鸭Stewed duck w/ herb (Chinese caterpillar fungus)
天麻炖乳鸽Stewed dove w/ herb (rhizoma gastrodiae)
海鲜菠萝船Seafoods served on pineapple boat
三文鱼拼北极贝Salmon w/ north pole scallops
三文鱼刺身Salmon sashimi
锅仔鹿肉Deer meat in hot pot
秘制冰镇海螺Ice served trumpet shell
冰镇芥兰Ice served broccoli
什锦冬瓜盅Assorted meat soup w/ winter melon
铁板黑椒牛仔骨Sizzling beef ribs w/ black pepper
夏果西芹百合Lily-bulbs w/ celery
铁板葱爆牛肉Sizzling beef w/ onion
芦笋炒牛柳Stir-fried beef w/ asparagus
顺德小炒皇Special dish w/ Shunde style
奇味脆皮大肠Crispy chitterlings w/ special flavor
铁板烧汁酿茄子Sizzling eggplant w/ sauce
锅仔丝瓜煮鱼付Fish stomach w/ towel gourd soup in hot pot 唐人神炒花生苗Peanut seedling w/ sausage
玉米松籽Corn w/ pine seed
特色锅仔系列Hot pot offers
石锅龟肉Turtle meat in hot pot
纸锅小炒水鱼Stir-fried soft-skirt turtle
干锅毛肚Pig’s stomach in hot pot
石锅牛蛙Bull frog in hot pot
石锅鳝鱼Eel in hot pot
砂锅鱼头王Giant fish head in hot pot
干锅鲜茶树菇Mushroom (I) in hot pot
干锅灰树花Mushroom (II) in hot pot
砂锅杏鲍菇Mushroom (III) in hot pot
砂锅芦笋Asparagus in hot pot
砂锅花生苗Peanut seedlings in hot pot
干锅三合一Three delights in hot pot
湘菜Hunan foods
宫廷龟肉Turtle meat served w/ palace style
宫廷飘香虾Shrimp served w/ palace style
香酥鹅带饼Crispy goose pie
黄豆煲水鸭Stewed duck w/ soy bean
芋泥金瓜盅Pumpkin w/ taro powder
秘制鱼冻Special offer of jellied fish soup
大盆田鸡Frog served in big bowl
口味牛蛙Spicy bullfrog
一品土鸡汤Farmer house chicken soup
香辣口味蟹Spicy crab
手撕羊排Mutton steak
石门肥肠煲Stewed chitterlings
青椒焖血鳝Stewed eel w/ green pepper
黄焖鳝鱼Stewed eel in sauce
风吹武昌鱼Wuchang fish
野山椒牛肉丝Sliced beef w/ wild chili
小炒田螺肉Stir-fried fresh water snail
小炒毛牛肚Cow’s stomach
丝瓜炖泥鳅Loach w/ towel gourd
鸡血鸡杂钵Chicken’s blood and internal organs
莴笋皮炒风吹肉Pork w/ lettuce stem peel
大蒜炒乡里腊肉Preserved pork w/ garlic
尖椒炒腊牛肉Preserved beef w/ chili
香芹炒腊肠Sausage w/ celery
香煎刁子鱼Fried fish
烧辣椒炒肉Fried egg w/ chili
素炒外婆菜Grandmother’s vegetables
榄菜干煸四季豆Fried kidney beans w/ kale borecole
丝瓜烩油条Twisted cruller w/ towel gourd
农乡榨笋Fried bamboo shoots
水煮辣椒Boiled chili
衡阳粉丝钵Rice mungbean noodle
农家小炒肉Stir-fried pork w/ farmer style
青椒黑木耳Black Chinese mushroom w/ green chili
茄子炒豆角Long bean w/ eggplant
蒸菜Steamed foods
霸王香肘Royal ham in brown sauce
开胃鱼头王Royal fish head w/ chili sauce
蒸水晶腊肉Steamed preserved pork
茶油蒸腊肠Steamed sausage w/ teaseed oil
腊八豆蒸鲫鱼Steamed goldfish soup w/ preserved beans 毛豆蒸五花肉Steamed pork w/ beans
酸菜蒸肉皮Steamed pork-skin w/ preserved vegetables 青椒蒸德字香干Steamed baked bean curd w/ green chili 红枣扣南瓜Pumpkin w/ red jujube
鸡汁萝卜片Radish slice in chicken soup
蒜茸粉丝蒸芽白Steamed cabbage w/ garlic
灌汤香芋球Taro soup
铁板煎饺Sizzling dumpling
葱煎包Fried stuffed-bun w/ onion
香煎荞麦饼Fried buckwheat pie
扬州炒饭Fried rice w/ beans & pork
酱油炒饭Fried rice w/ soy sauce
胡萝卜酥Carrot pie
竹叶糕Cake w/ bamboo leaves
绿茶煎饼Pancake w/ green tea
南瓜饼Pumpkin pancake
玉米饼Corn pancake
葱油烙饼Pancake w/ Chinese green onion
美点双辉Double delights of desserts
椰香糯米糍Sticky rice pie w/ taro
南瓜烙Seared pumpkin covered w/ sesame
青瓜烙Seared green cucumber covered w/ sesame 鸳鸯馒头Chinese small breads in gold and silver 老面馒头Chinese bread
薄荷凉糕Mint cake。