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Grooming 仪容

The first thing to consider for the job interview is your grooming. It is important to have a good haircut, subtle make-up, and fresh breath. 参加求职面试首先要考虑的就是你的仪容。拥有合适的发型、精致的妆容和清新的口气是非常重要的。

Suits 西装

If the job is an office job or other professional job, it is appropriate for women to wear a suit. The suit could have a matching jacket and skirt or pants, or women can show their fashion style with a coordinating jacket and skirt.


Tops 上衣

A nice blouse in a coordinating color or subtle pattern adds a touch of flare to the suit. If you are wearing a button-front top, it should fit well.


Skirts and Pants 裙装和裤装

Pants and skirts should fit, without being too tight or too loose. If you decide to wear a skirt it should be long enough to reach the tops of the knees. Pants should reach the tops of the feet. It is better to wear pants with a higher inseam for an interview.


Shoes and Hosiery 鞋袜

Shoes and hosiery add to a professional attitude. Women can wear shoes with heels, but they should not wear stilettos or shoes that are difficult to walk in. If you decide to wear a skirt, wear hosiery in a neutral nude or a complimentary color.


Accessories 配饰

Be conservative by wearing subtle jewelry. If you are interviewing in a more artistic environment, then it is appropriate to wear more artistic jewelry, but don't wear too much.

