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Strong sales in Europe and Asia are helping the manufacturer keep its head above water at a time when US consumers are holding onto their wallets.
2) 作者们写书的目的各不相同,但多数已出版的书籍确实都在不断地向读者灌输着某种道德观念。
The purposes of writers in writing books may be varied, but most published books do hit the reader over the head with some moral message.
Due largely to terrorist attacks and threats over the past years, Americans have come to the full awareness of the importance of human life. That’s why they are now willing to sacrifice privacy for security.
The company got greatly frustrated in maintaining its current market share last month. It could not but surrender a part of its market to the competing brands from abroad.
In this case, rather than making a product in a foreign country at lower costs and selling it to other countries at a given price, German companies will now continue to produce domestically at higher costs and sell the product to other countries for the same given price.
Our company received an unsolicited letter from a Nigerian claiming to be a senior civil servant.
We are trying to assess how well the system works so that we can decide what to do next.
Don’t worry abo ut the e-mail —I’m sure it’ ll turn up.
All of us came to realize through discussion that remedial actions must be taken right away; otherwise, it would be too late.
(5)代表团补充说,特设工作组的工作成果应向大会报告, 以便听取意见和获得批准。
The delegation added that the results of the work of the ad hoc working group should be referred to the general assembly for its observations and approval.
Although the two candidates tried to offer solutions to help America break from conventional thinking on educational policy, both of them were missing the mark on the issue why our public schools are failing.
Madoff ran a 50 billion investment scandal. The regulators spent a whole weekend combing through all the records of investment to check if any assets remain in the firm owned by him.
He is so eager to have a new car as many of his friends do. However, it is impossible to talk his father into doing that in spite of the support from his mother.
The renowned company from Asia held out against its competitors in the global market as long as it could, but the crash in the stock market brought it to its knees.
The country is regaining its vigor in the retail industry. It racked up a total retail sales volume this quarter almost doubling that of the previous one.
Motorola recognizes the array of exciting opportunities present in the China market and is taking necessary steps to capitalize on these opportunities.
It’s a pity that he’s a candidate who just doesn’t measure up.
The little boats went out into a calm night, headed for the French coast, where anxious British soldiers were waiting.
(4) 你认为,我们可能会侥幸地使用更便宜的产品了?
Do you think we could get away with using cheaper products?
The previous earthquake experience has shown that 72 hours after the earthquake are the window of opportunity for rescue.
Treasury will call for Citigroup’s board to be comprised of a majority of independent directors.
TV programs should cater to different tastes of various people.
In fact, you will have to spend a lot of time talking with lawyers to figure out what these patents prohibit you from doing.
This will have an impact on how the investor divides his money among different markets and stocks.
The data indicates that affluent buyers who use the Internet will also opt to pay more to shop in a store.
(1) As the world economy slid into recession, some countries began to take trade-restrictive policies.
(2) Rather than classical law of comparative advantage, in the new global economy we confront the law of absolute advantage in which capital will move to those countries with the lowest costs of production, meaning a zero-sum game.
(3) The workers in a “protected”industry may have higher wages than they otherwise would under free trade, but consumers would be worse off because of higher prices.
(4) Imposing a tariff will still make the people in the “losing”country poorer on average, relative to how poor they would be with the change in factor mobility and free trade.
(5) Any given case of outsourcing will help American consumers more than it hurts the displaced American workers. But we can’t assume that this will hold true once many industries start moving.
(1)Communication is also vital in finding out what will motivate different sectors of the workforce and
what training will suit individual needs. 在寻求解决如何激励不同部门的员工及哪种培训方式适合员工的个人需求等问题时,沟通起着举足轻重的作用。
(2) A career in business development involves identifying new business opportunities and determining
whether it is profitable to take advantage of these opportunities. 在企业发展中的谋生之道包括识别新出现的商机并判断利用这些商机能否创利。
(3)When you review your notes after the interview is over, you will be better able to balance the pros and
cons impartially. 当面试结束后(招聘者)重新审核一下记录时,就更能够不偏不倚地权衡应招者的优缺点。
(4)Headhunters are generally considered more aggressive than in-house recruiters or may have preexisting
industry experience and contacts. 一般认为猎头比公司内部招聘人员更具主动性,或许这些猎头在此之前就有过这方面的经验和人脉关系。
(5) A recruiting website is your opportunity to shine and a highly effective way to attract candidates today.
(1) At the core of leadership is the ability to energize the people in a company. Jack Welch commented, “You
may be a great manager, but unless you can energize other people, you are of no value to General Electric as
a leader.” 领导能力的核心在于是否能够激发公司人员的活力。
(2) The differences in leadership styles most markedly reflect the stage of development of the economies
and companies of Asia. As Asian companies seek access to world capital markets, they will move toward professional managers who will employ leadership styles more akin to those now used in the United States.
(3) A leader cannot micromanage the execution of a decision; he needs people throughout the organization
to be capable of making adjustments and trade-offs as obstacles arise; shared understanding promotes that type of coordinated, independent action. 领导者不可能微观地去管理决策的实施;他需要整个公司的员工都能在出现问题时有能力作出调整和平衡。
(4) It’s no longer the time of the heroic leader — the leader who walks in and takes up all the space in the
room. The job o f today’s leader is to create space for other people — a space in which people can generate new and different ideas. 现在再也不是领导者称雄的时代了——这种领导者一走马上任就包揽一切。
(5) To become a leader, you must become yourself and become the maker of your destiny, thus enabling you
to become the maker of a destiny for others. In the words of a Frenchman: “Knowledge of how to combine is the mother of all forms of knowledge. On its progress, depends that of all others.”要想当领导,你就必须找回自我,成为自己命运的主宰,这样才能使你成为他人命运的主宰。
(1) Customers want the best value for their money, and thus they will almost always do a quality
comparison and make purchases based on the best price for the best value. 消费者希望自己的钱花得值,因此他们几乎总是要货比三家,并按照最佳性价比进行购买。
(2) Similar circumstances happen every year around Christmas with must-have toys for children, as was the
case with Cabbage Patch Dolls in the late ’80s. When you have such products that are “all the rage”, you can set your own prices. 类似的情况也发生在每年圣诞节前后人们非买不可的玩具上,上世纪80年代末期的卷心菜娃娃的畅销就是一个例证。
(3) Additionally, if you are in an industry where the products change quickly, such as high-tech, you may have
to set prices a little higher, knowing that you only have a small window of opportunity in which to sell. 还有,如果你所处的行业其产品变化很快——如高科技行业,那么你也许就非得把产品价格制定得稍高一点不可,因为你知道你能赖以出售自己产品的只是一个很小的机遇之窗。
(4) Remember this golden rule when setting prices: perception is everything. How customers view your
product or service and what they are willing to pay for it is based upon those perceptions. 请记住定价的金科玉律:顾客的消费观念大于天。
(5) Company representatives use the opportunity to ask potential buyers what they would expect and be
willing to pay for a speaker of that caliber. 公司代表利用这个机会询问潜在的购买者们对这种口径的扬声器的期望和愿意支付的价钱。
(1) To improve customer service and provide greater access to bank personnel, banks are establishing
centralized phone centers, staffed mainly by customer service representatives. 为了改善客户服务质量、提供与银行职员更为便捷的接触,银行正在建立集中呼叫中心,主要由客户服务代表任职。
(2) Most support staff work a standard 40-hour week; some may work overtime. Those support staff located
in the processing facilities may work evening shifts. 大部分替补员工每周工作时间为标准的40小时;有些人会加班。
(3) When loans become delinquent, loan officers, or loan counselors, may advise borrowers on the
management of their finances or take action to collect outstanding amounts. 当贷款出现拖欠时,贷款经理或者贷款顾问可以建议贷款人管理他们的财务,或者采取行动收回未收账款。
(4) They also may discuss services, such as deposit accounts, lines of credit, sales or inventory financing,
certificates of deposit, cash management, or investment services. 他们也会讨论诸如存款账户、信贷额度、销售或库存融资、存单、现金管理或者投资服务等服务项目。
(5) Deregulation of the banking industry allows banks to offer a variety of financial and insurance products
that they were once prohibited from selling. 银行业放松管制使得银行能够提供各种金融保险产品,而以前他们是被禁止出售这些产品的。
(1) There are at least three reasons why it is interesting to examine M&As from an international perspective.
(2) Third, both cross-border mergers and mergers between domestic firms engaged in international trade
pose challenges for competition policy. 跨国兼并及本国从事国际贸易的企业之间的兼并,二者都对竞争政策构成挑战。
(3)Horizontal mergers account for roughly 70% of all cross-border mergers, vertical mergers for around 10%.
(4) In the preceding analysis we did not distinguish between domestic and cross-border M&As, simply
because it applies to both. 在上面的分析中,我们没有对国内并购和跨国并购进行区分,原因很简单,那就是: 两者都适用。
(5) An empirically important way in which this restructuring is accomplished is through M&As, whereby
efficient firms acquire the assets they need to expand from less efficient firms. 实践经验证明,实现这种结构重组的一条重要途径就是通过并购——因为通过并购,高效率的企业可从低效率的企业获得其发展所需的资产。