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2006年12月自 然 灾 害 学 报JOURNAL OF NAT URAL D I S ASTERS Vol .15,No .6Dec .,2006收稿日期:2006-08-25; 修订日期:2006-10-18






史培军1,2,3,刘 婧1,2,徐亚骏4

(1.北京师范大学资源学院灾害与公共安全研究所,北京100875; 2.北京师范大学环境演变与自然灾害教育部重点实验室,

北京100875; 3.民政部/教育部减灾与应急管理研究院,北京100875; 4.国务院应急管理办公室,北京100000)











S ARS 事件后,各级政府重视公共安全管理工作中应急管理体系的建设。文章提出了区域综合公共









中图分类号:X4 文献标识码:A

I n tegra ted reg i ona l publi c secur ity managem en t m ode and stra teg i es of Ch i n a

SH I Pei 2jun 1,2,3,L I U J ing 1,2,XU Ya 2jun 4

(1.I nstitute of D isaster and Public Security,College of Res ources Science and Technol ogy,Beijing Nor mal University,Beijing 100875,China;

2.Key Laborat ory of Envir onment Change and Natural D isaster,M inistry of Educati on of China /Beijing Nor mal University,Beijing 100875,

China; 3.Acadamy of D isaster Reducti on and EmergencyManage ment,M inistry of Civil Affairs/M inistry of Educati on of China,

Beijing 100875,China; 4.EmergencyManage ment Office of the State Council of China,Beijing 100000,China )

Abstract:The Chinese govern ment divides public security events int o f our kinds:natural disasters,industry acci 2dents,public health and s ocial security .The Chinese public security manage ment mechanis m includes:the estab 2

lishment of the EmergencyManage ment Office of State Council at the nati onal level and the corres ponding organiza 2ti ons with regard t o the f our public security incidents 2the Nati onal Comm ittee f orD isaster Reducti on t o manage natu 2ral disasters,the Nati onal Comm ittee f orWork Safety t o manage industry accidents,the Nati onal Comm ittee f or Pa 2tri otic Health t o manage public health and the Nati onal Comm ittee for I ntegrated Manage ment t o manage public se 2curity .A t the l ocal levels,there are corres ponding public security manage ment organizati ons with accordance t o the nati onal level .The l ocal e mergency manage ment centre and the comm ittees f or the f our public security incidents manage ment have been gradually established .The Chinese govern ment has made s ome e mergency p lans f or all kinds of public security manage ment,and worked out s ome series of laws,rules and decisi ons with regard t o s ome main public security fact ors .So it can be regarded that the Chinese public security manage ment syste m depends mainly on the central manage ment,with the mutual cooperati on bet w een the central government and the l ocal gov 2ernments .The related depart m ents of the central govern ment and the l ocal governments take their corres ponding p re 2disaster,in 2disaster and post 2disaster res ponsibilities,and there ’s no single government depart m ent in charge of all the tasks of a single public security fact or .The Chinese public security manage ment strategy persists in the p rinci p le of "give p ri ority t o disaster p reventi on,and combine disaster p reventi on with disaster resistance and re 2lief".Since the breakout of the S ARS crisis in 2003,the Chinese govern ments of all levels have paid more attenti on t o the e mergency manage ment syste m constructi on in the public security manage mentwork .This paper first analyzes the status of public security manage ment mode syste m of China,then the integrated regi onal public security man 2age ment mode is put for ward,na mely during the whole disaster reducti on p r ocess,the governments,enter p rises and communities should be united as an organic entity .A t last,under the guidance of this public security manage ment mode,according t o the existing p r oble m s in the syste m and mechanis m of the Chinese public security manage ment,this paper puts f or ward five counter measures t o i m p r ove the Chinese public security manage ment of all govern ment levels .

Key words:public security;natural disasters;industrial accidents;public health;s ocial security;integrated pub 2lic security manage ment;China

中国是世界上受自然灾害影响最为严重的国家之一,由于特殊的地理位置,季风影响十分强烈,东临太平洋,东南沿海受台风影响较大;地处世界主要地震带上,地震频发;地形条件复杂,山地和高原约占国土面积的69%,水土流失和风蚀沙化严重。这种地理环境决定了中国的灾害种类多、发生频率高、分布地域广、造成损失大。这促使中国政府历来高度重视减灾工作,开展了大量工作,大大提高了中国抗御自然灾害的能力,有效地保护了人民生命财产安全,减少了灾害损失,促进了社会经济的发展。但由于目前中国正处于经济和社会的转型期,经济快速发展,生产力水平发展不平衡,公共安全保障基础比较薄弱,重大事件和事故时有发生,每年因公共安全问题造成的经济损失达几千亿元,约占G DP 总量的3%~6%,给人民群众生命和财产带来重大损失,严重地影响到国民经济的可持续发展。面对近几年强热带风暴袭击、S ARS 事件、禽流感、松花江苯污染等重大公共安全事件相继发生的事实,为尽可能地减轻公共安全事件造成的社会经济损失及其不良影响,中国政府进一步加强了中央和地方各级政府的公共安全管理工作,在中央水平成立了国务院应急管理办公室,出台了各类公共安全管理的应急预案,以及针对一些主要的公共安全因素,相继制定了一系列法律、规定和规范。目前中国综合公共安全管理体制仍处在起步阶段,还存在不少问题。必须在已有工作的基础上,加以改进完善,最终建立科学、高效的公共安全管理政策体系。与此同时,要吸取世界各国和地区先进的公共安全管理经验和技术,强化在这一领域的国际合作,为创造更安全的世界做出贡献。

1 中国公共安全管理现状



・01・自 然 灾 害 学 报 15卷
