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2012-5-17 14 English College
2) 问遍千家成行家。 Learn from numerous advisers, and you will become a master.
English College
2.汉语的散点思维 2. 他有个女儿,在北京工作,已经打电话去了,听说明天就能回来。 , , , A:His Version A His daughter who works in Beijing has been called, and she would come back tomorrow. B:He Version B He has a daughter, working in Peking, who we have given a call and we hear of that she will come back tomorrow. 汉语句子变换了主语,并将其省略。补出主语后句子是这样的: 他有个女儿,(她)在北京工作,(有人)已经打电话去了,( 人们)听说(她)明天就能回来。 可以看出两例的译文基本没有摆脱原文形式的束缚,主语选择不 符合英语表达习惯。 It is heard of from the call that his daughter who works in Beijing will come back tomorrow.
ChineseChinese-English Translation
Lecture 6
句法翻译 I 9chapters 9-10
English College
汉 句
较与 译
English College
英语主语突出信息焦点前置,汉语主题突出 信息焦点后置; 英语常用无灵主语,汉语多用有灵主语; 英语叙述多呈静态,汉语叙述多呈动态; 英语组句多焦点透视,句式呈树式结构,汉 语组句多散点透视,句式呈竹式结构; 英语思维重逻辑,句式严谨规范,缺乏弹性 ,汉语思维重语感,句式长长短短,灵活多 变。
English College
Try to translate the following sentences: 今天食堂吃饺子。
2012-5-17 5 English College
到底 “谁” 吃“谁”?! 这种紊乱的施事(Agent Agent)与受事(Object Object)关系在 Agent Object 英语中简直是离经叛道,却在汉语里显得那么自然。 (今天食堂有 Jiaozi are served in the canteen today. ( 饺子吃) ) Eat with chopsticks if you can’t (do it well) with a fork. ( (用叉子吃不好就用筷子吃吧) ) The food served in the canteen doesn’t taste (在食堂吃的饭菜味道不好) good. ( ) 英语上述各句中的“吃”都隐含有逻辑主语(即施事 者)“人”,而原文句中的主语功能都变成了施事的 方式或场所。 2012-5-17 6 English College
2012-5-17 10 English College
Analyze the following two translation versions and provide a better one by group discussion: 4)当前,车辆横冲直闯,严重地威胁着城市生活,路上行人无不 提心吊胆。(P175 drill 7) Version A: Nowadays, cars dash around like mad on the road, it threatens the city life, and pedestrians are in constant fear. Version B: Nowadays, the clashing and rushing cars seriously threaten the citizens’ life. No one can cross the road without fear. 汉语句子没用一个连接词,但原文语义关系很明确,“车辆横冲 直闯”表示原因,后面的分句表示结果。两例译文基本按汉语的 语序组织译文,几乎不用连接词,译文显得很松散,不太符合英 语表达习惯。 参考译文:The present road hogging poses a serious threat to urban life and pedestrian peace of mind.
2012-5-17 9 English College
汉译英时由隐变显 1) 跑得了和尚,跑不了庙。 , →和尚可能会跑掉,可是庙却不能跟着跑掉。 Monk may run away, but the temple can’t run with him. him 2) 这些都应该向他们去进行教育,加以纠正,而不是简 单地去进行斥责。 These mistakes should be corrected by educating down. them and not by simply dressing them down 3) 他们进行挑衅活动,制造紧张局势,必须马上停止。 They must stop all their provocations at once, which create tensions tensions.
English College
1.“化整为零”、“化零为整” “ 1.“ “英国人写文章往往化零为整,而中国人则化整为零。” 汉译英时,译者要注意整体的把握,化零为整,将汉语各个小句 的点滴精华集中成有层次的整体 E.g. 都这么你干你的,他干他的,爱来不来,爱干不干,那怎么行呢? 都这么你干你的,他干他的,爱来不来,爱干不干,那怎么行呢? How can we get it done if you people all muddle along like this? (laze away) 例句的汉语有很多小句按序排列,而译文用“融合法”,将若干 词的意思融合、归纳、浓缩于树形结构“How can we…” we…”一句中 How ,用how 引导出后面的长句。汉语语句短小,常出现神聚形散的 how 板块流,译文很好地避免了这一点。
人们可以用“吃”字组成一系列的词语,因为汉语则是 靠累积而不是重建来扩展词语,因而汉语具有较高的概 括性和较灵活的搭配性, 如:吃饭、吃东西、吃醋、吃不开、吃香的、吃官司等 但是表示同样意思的英语则要用不同的词语搭配: to have meals, to eat something, to be jealous, not to be favored, to be popular, to be involved in a law suit, etc.
2012-5-17 3 English College
汉语里,上下文的意思是理解的基础。 汉语里,上下文的意思是理解的基础。 e.g.: 他不去我去 。 ①假设关系:“(如果)他不去,我去。”; 假设关系: 如果)他不去,我去。 ②让步关系:“(既使)他不去,我(也)去; 让步关系: 既使)他不去, ③转折关系:“他不去.(但是)我去”; 转折关系: 他不去. 但是)我去” ④因果关系:“(因为)他不去,我去。” 因果关系: 因为)他不去,我去。
2012-5-17 12 English College
6)我于冬日前去参观,但见衰柳寒烟,一水茫茫而已。 6) (沈复《浮生六记》) “衰柳寒烟”,“一水茫茫” 译文1:I went there in winter, and could see nothing 1 I smokes. but unanimated trees and smokes. There is only a water. range of poor water. 译文2:I went there on a winter day and saw only a 2 I stretch of cold water against some sparse willows trees and a frosty sky. (林语堂译)
English College
第2节 汉英句子成分分析 2
1. 汉语主语的省略 1)况夫秦兵耐苦战,被驱不异犬与鸡.(杜甫《兵车行 》) Men of China are able to face the stiffest battle,/but their officers drive them like chickens battle,/but --W.Bynner &江亢虎 and dogs. --W.Bynner &江亢虎 “被驱”者并非“秦兵”而是“役夫”,即役夫被“ 耐苦战’’的秦兵驱赶得像犬鸡一样。 Since soldiers of Qin were able to endure the battle,/they stiffest battle,/they were driven like chickens and dogs.
English College
第1节 意合与形合 1
1. Hypotaxis: 2. Parataxis:
syntactic and lexical devices semantic connection 重了悟、 重了悟、以神统形
英语注重形合,注重结构﹑形式,常常借助各种连接 ﹑ 手段,因而比较严谨(preciseness); preciseness); 汉语注重意合,注重功能﹑意义,常常不用或少用连 ﹑ 接手段,因而比较简洁(conciseness) conciseness) See p170
2012-5-17 11
English College
1)江山易改,本性难移。(隐含对比) 1) It is easy to change rivers and mountains but hard to change a person’s nature. 2)良药苦口,忠言逆耳.(隐含类比) 2) , . Faithful words offend the ears just as good medicine tastes bitter. 3)有饭大家吃。(隐含条件) 3)有饭大家吃。(隐含条件) Let everybody share the food if there is any. 4)他老是见异思迁。(隐含时间) 4) He is always changing his mind as soon as he sees something new. 5)早知今日,何必当初?(隐含假设) 5) If I had known it would come to this, I would have acted differently.
2012-5-17 8 English College
2.由显变隐、由隐变显 2. 英译汉时由显变隐 台湾学者余光中幽默地指出连接词when when的例子:“公 wheБайду номын сангаас 式化的翻译体既然见when ‘当’,五步一当,十步一 when就‘ ’ when 当,当当之声遂不绝于耳了。” there,there result. Even if you go there there won’t be any result 即使你去了,也不会有什么结果。 →(你)去了也白去。 ) The wind was so strong that he found it difficult to feet. keep on his feet 风是如此之大,以致他发现站住脚是困难的。 →风太大了,他感到站都站不稳。
2) 问遍千家成行家。 Learn from numerous advisers, and you will become a master.
English College
2.汉语的散点思维 2. 他有个女儿,在北京工作,已经打电话去了,听说明天就能回来。 , , , A:His Version A His daughter who works in Beijing has been called, and she would come back tomorrow. B:He Version B He has a daughter, working in Peking, who we have given a call and we hear of that she will come back tomorrow. 汉语句子变换了主语,并将其省略。补出主语后句子是这样的: 他有个女儿,(她)在北京工作,(有人)已经打电话去了,( 人们)听说(她)明天就能回来。 可以看出两例的译文基本没有摆脱原文形式的束缚,主语选择不 符合英语表达习惯。 It is heard of from the call that his daughter who works in Beijing will come back tomorrow.
ChineseChinese-English Translation
Lecture 6
句法翻译 I 9chapters 9-10
English College
汉 句
较与 译
English College
英语主语突出信息焦点前置,汉语主题突出 信息焦点后置; 英语常用无灵主语,汉语多用有灵主语; 英语叙述多呈静态,汉语叙述多呈动态; 英语组句多焦点透视,句式呈树式结构,汉 语组句多散点透视,句式呈竹式结构; 英语思维重逻辑,句式严谨规范,缺乏弹性 ,汉语思维重语感,句式长长短短,灵活多 变。
English College
Try to translate the following sentences: 今天食堂吃饺子。
2012-5-17 5 English College
到底 “谁” 吃“谁”?! 这种紊乱的施事(Agent Agent)与受事(Object Object)关系在 Agent Object 英语中简直是离经叛道,却在汉语里显得那么自然。 (今天食堂有 Jiaozi are served in the canteen today. ( 饺子吃) ) Eat with chopsticks if you can’t (do it well) with a fork. ( (用叉子吃不好就用筷子吃吧) ) The food served in the canteen doesn’t taste (在食堂吃的饭菜味道不好) good. ( ) 英语上述各句中的“吃”都隐含有逻辑主语(即施事 者)“人”,而原文句中的主语功能都变成了施事的 方式或场所。 2012-5-17 6 English College
2012-5-17 10 English College
Analyze the following two translation versions and provide a better one by group discussion: 4)当前,车辆横冲直闯,严重地威胁着城市生活,路上行人无不 提心吊胆。(P175 drill 7) Version A: Nowadays, cars dash around like mad on the road, it threatens the city life, and pedestrians are in constant fear. Version B: Nowadays, the clashing and rushing cars seriously threaten the citizens’ life. No one can cross the road without fear. 汉语句子没用一个连接词,但原文语义关系很明确,“车辆横冲 直闯”表示原因,后面的分句表示结果。两例译文基本按汉语的 语序组织译文,几乎不用连接词,译文显得很松散,不太符合英 语表达习惯。 参考译文:The present road hogging poses a serious threat to urban life and pedestrian peace of mind.
2012-5-17 9 English College
汉译英时由隐变显 1) 跑得了和尚,跑不了庙。 , →和尚可能会跑掉,可是庙却不能跟着跑掉。 Monk may run away, but the temple can’t run with him. him 2) 这些都应该向他们去进行教育,加以纠正,而不是简 单地去进行斥责。 These mistakes should be corrected by educating down. them and not by simply dressing them down 3) 他们进行挑衅活动,制造紧张局势,必须马上停止。 They must stop all their provocations at once, which create tensions tensions.
English College
1.“化整为零”、“化零为整” “ 1.“ “英国人写文章往往化零为整,而中国人则化整为零。” 汉译英时,译者要注意整体的把握,化零为整,将汉语各个小句 的点滴精华集中成有层次的整体 E.g. 都这么你干你的,他干他的,爱来不来,爱干不干,那怎么行呢? 都这么你干你的,他干他的,爱来不来,爱干不干,那怎么行呢? How can we get it done if you people all muddle along like this? (laze away) 例句的汉语有很多小句按序排列,而译文用“融合法”,将若干 词的意思融合、归纳、浓缩于树形结构“How can we…” we…”一句中 How ,用how 引导出后面的长句。汉语语句短小,常出现神聚形散的 how 板块流,译文很好地避免了这一点。
人们可以用“吃”字组成一系列的词语,因为汉语则是 靠累积而不是重建来扩展词语,因而汉语具有较高的概 括性和较灵活的搭配性, 如:吃饭、吃东西、吃醋、吃不开、吃香的、吃官司等 但是表示同样意思的英语则要用不同的词语搭配: to have meals, to eat something, to be jealous, not to be favored, to be popular, to be involved in a law suit, etc.
2012-5-17 3 English College
汉语里,上下文的意思是理解的基础。 汉语里,上下文的意思是理解的基础。 e.g.: 他不去我去 。 ①假设关系:“(如果)他不去,我去。”; 假设关系: 如果)他不去,我去。 ②让步关系:“(既使)他不去,我(也)去; 让步关系: 既使)他不去, ③转折关系:“他不去.(但是)我去”; 转折关系: 他不去. 但是)我去” ④因果关系:“(因为)他不去,我去。” 因果关系: 因为)他不去,我去。
2012-5-17 12 English College
6)我于冬日前去参观,但见衰柳寒烟,一水茫茫而已。 6) (沈复《浮生六记》) “衰柳寒烟”,“一水茫茫” 译文1:I went there in winter, and could see nothing 1 I smokes. but unanimated trees and smokes. There is only a water. range of poor water. 译文2:I went there on a winter day and saw only a 2 I stretch of cold water against some sparse willows trees and a frosty sky. (林语堂译)
English College
第2节 汉英句子成分分析 2
1. 汉语主语的省略 1)况夫秦兵耐苦战,被驱不异犬与鸡.(杜甫《兵车行 》) Men of China are able to face the stiffest battle,/but their officers drive them like chickens battle,/but --W.Bynner &江亢虎 and dogs. --W.Bynner &江亢虎 “被驱”者并非“秦兵”而是“役夫”,即役夫被“ 耐苦战’’的秦兵驱赶得像犬鸡一样。 Since soldiers of Qin were able to endure the battle,/they stiffest battle,/they were driven like chickens and dogs.
English College
第1节 意合与形合 1
1. Hypotaxis: 2. Parataxis:
syntactic and lexical devices semantic connection 重了悟、 重了悟、以神统形
英语注重形合,注重结构﹑形式,常常借助各种连接 ﹑ 手段,因而比较严谨(preciseness); preciseness); 汉语注重意合,注重功能﹑意义,常常不用或少用连 ﹑ 接手段,因而比较简洁(conciseness) conciseness) See p170
2012-5-17 11
English College
1)江山易改,本性难移。(隐含对比) 1) It is easy to change rivers and mountains but hard to change a person’s nature. 2)良药苦口,忠言逆耳.(隐含类比) 2) , . Faithful words offend the ears just as good medicine tastes bitter. 3)有饭大家吃。(隐含条件) 3)有饭大家吃。(隐含条件) Let everybody share the food if there is any. 4)他老是见异思迁。(隐含时间) 4) He is always changing his mind as soon as he sees something new. 5)早知今日,何必当初?(隐含假设) 5) If I had known it would come to this, I would have acted differently.
2012-5-17 8 English College
2.由显变隐、由隐变显 2. 英译汉时由显变隐 台湾学者余光中幽默地指出连接词when when的例子:“公 wheБайду номын сангаас 式化的翻译体既然见when ‘当’,五步一当,十步一 when就‘ ’ when 当,当当之声遂不绝于耳了。” there,there result. Even if you go there there won’t be any result 即使你去了,也不会有什么结果。 →(你)去了也白去。 ) The wind was so strong that he found it difficult to feet. keep on his feet 风是如此之大,以致他发现站住脚是困难的。 →风太大了,他感到站都站不稳。