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As a part of Financial Security Net,Deposit Insurance System(DIS)has unique fimctions in maintaining the financial stability and protecting the depositors’interests.Nowadays,DIS has been adopted to defense the contagion of banking risk and decrease the financial crisis in many countries.With the further development of ourfinancial system reform, China has essential to build uniform Deposit Insurance System.At the same time, it is very important to research on Deposit Insurance System.So this article chooses DIS to research on and analyses some key points of DIS theoretically and practically,and then put forward its blueprint of DIS of China.With the above research,the author wants to make efforts to introduce DIS into China soon.

Paper adopts several researching methods,including comparing,analogy, demonstration and citation,etc.From the artgle ofthe impact of explicit deposit insurance on the behavior of bank,We build a model that maximizes the equity of stockholder under the constraints of market and cost.Using nlis model, we analysis the differences of banks under implicit deposit insurance and explicit deposit insurance.We conclude that the supervision level of bank increases and the incentive of moral hazard of bank decreases with the institutional transition.Therefore,it is necessary to establish explicit deposit insurance in order tO decrease moral hazard.

Key words :Deposit Insurance System,Moral risk,Mode Design


1 存款保险制度概述 (4)

1.1存款保险制度的概念 (4)

1.2 存款保险制度的基本功能 (4)

1.3存款保险制度发展 (4)

2 存款保险制度的国际比较 (5)

2.1 各国存款保险制度主要内容 (5)

2.1.1美国存款保险制度的主要内容 (5)

2.1.2日本存款保险制度的主要内容 (6)

2.2.存款保险制度的国际比较 (6)

2.2.1存款保险制度的组织形式比较 (6)

2.2.2保险费率比较 (7)

2.2.3参保成员与资格管理比较 (7)

2.3存款保险制度的国际经验借鉴 (7)

2.3.1设立存款保险法律法规 (8)

2.3.2结合本国国情 (8)

2.3.3确定合适的保险费率模式 (8)

3 建立我国存款保险制度 (8)

3.1 我国建立存款保险制度的必要性 (8)

3.1.1 促进我国金融业健康发展的必然要求 (8)

3.1.2 保持社会稳定运行的必然要求 (9)

3.1.3 促进中小银行发展的必然要求 (9)

3.2建立存款保险制度的积极意义 (9)

3.2.1有利于构建公平市场竞争环境 (9)

3.2.2保护小额存款人的利益 (9)

3.2.4促进金融法制建设 (10)

3.3 我国建立存款保险制度所面临的问题 (10)

3.3.2我国银行目前国有化程度较高,会减弱存款保险制度的正面作用 (10)

3.3.3金融监管力量薄弱,还不能实现有效监管 (10)

3.4我国建立存款保险制度的构想 (11)

3.4.1组织模式的设计 (11)

3.4.2融资渠道的设计 (11)

3.4.3保险范围及理赔额度的设计 (11)

3.4.4保险费率的设计 (12)

结论 (16)
