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Research Advances in Phytochemicals
Yang Yuexin 杨月欣 中国CDC 营养与食品安全所
2013.5 1
Recent research on phytochemicals
Evidences on health benefits
Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease百度文库 9th ed. 1999:
The discovery and application of Phytochemicals
• With the extermination of malnutrition diseases and the development of chronic diseases, since the 1950 s, plant compound (Phytochemicals) is gradually well-known and rapid developed. Thus greatly expanded the understanding of the condition necessary and the functional ingredients. • Compared to essential nutrients, the plant functional components are more fine and deep on functional site, for example, nutrients are essential in growth and development, and the composition of bone and muscle. however, most plant functional components are the regulator on the cell nodes or metabolic pathways, which can provide health effects besides basic nutrition.
① those are essential for body growth, development, health and life
② lack of these substances or with improper proportion in dietary can cause specific diseases, and eventually cause death. ③only this nutrient or its precursor substance can prevent growth problems and deficiency diseases caused by its deficiency • ④ When lower than standard intake, growth status and deficiency are closely related to the dose of intake • ⑤ can not synthesized by the body There are 42 nutrients that meet those criteria
How to document an effect
Goals and significance of Chinese DRI
• RDA (Recommended Daily allowances ) : nutrient requirement to make sure essential physiological function • DRI • EAR(estimated average requirement) To meet the requirement
What we already know on fruit and vegetable?
• Encourage the highly consumption of fruits and vegetables ---How to explain scientifically why we do this? --- How can we sketch the outline of nutrition? --- What general advice can be given to food consumers ?
• Certain nutrients are necessary because they can not synthesized by the body and therefore must 4 obtain from food
Phytonutrients: it is it the essential nutrients for our body? • Definition of Essential nutrients:
Fructo-oligosaccharide FOS 低聚果糖. lipoic acid 硫辛酸 Taurine 牛磺酸 L-carnitine L-肉碱 Glucosamine 氨基葡萄糖
Science Journals Published the Number and Trend on Phytochemicals
Nutrients is not the overall composition of the diet!
• 42 nutrients have been understand clearly under research? Phytochemicals or phytonutrients
What is health outcomes and where ? 在哪个环节起作用?
From science to application Conclusion
Is there anything else in food besides nutrients?
- present-color materials - flavour materials phytochemicals ? - anti-nutrients -?
• For example:
-vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy -vitamin D deficiency causes rickets -vitamin B1 deficiency causes neurogenic inflammation and beriberi is -protein and deficiency causes growth retardation
Whole paper s
Authors in Chinese
The increase in the number of phytochemicals papers(2007-2012.10
The first 10 are : Catechins, Quercetin,, r-GABA, Resveratrol , curcumin , proanthocyaniding ,fiber , Lycopene, lutin , glucan.
Phytochemicals : Some case
Dietary fiber 膳食纤维 Authocyanin 花色甙 Catechol 儿茶素 Chlorogenic acid 绿原酸 Lycopene 番茄红素 Soy lsoflavone 大豆异黄酮 Xanthophylls 叶黄素 Allicin 大蒜素 Resveratro 白藜芦醇 Curcumin 姜黄素 a-isothiocyanate a-异硫氰酸盐 OPC 原花青素 Phytosterol 植物固醇 Canthaxanthin 榭皮素(角黄素)
2007-2011年SCI收录的32555篇科技论文中,位居前5名的分别是美国 6815篇、中国4252篇、日本2748篇、韩国1989篇和印度1934篇。各国。 中国发表论文总数位居全球第二位,论文质量(发表期刊的影响因子 和引用次数)

According to the published national ranking, the top 5 is :
• AI: adequate intakes: the consumption and absorption of certain nutrients are necessary to maintain health
What is nutrients other than the dietary components? • Non-traditional nutrients • Dietary components Non-Nutrient Ingredients - Natural existence - Beneficial Action - Informative and detailed reports in the literature with confirmable conclusion -- Government approval, with recommendation by international organizations or academic groups 19
Essential Nutrients
• Essential nutrients
At first the knowledge of essential nutrient was based on the findings that lack of some unknown substance is causally linked to disease.
intake of 50% individuals in a population with specific gender, age and physiological status. • RNI(Reference Nutrient Intake ) : To meet the requirement intake of the 97% - 98% individuals in a population with specific gender, age and physiological status. RNI=EAR+2SD(standard deviations),RNI =EAR X 1.2
Nutrients is not the overall composition of food
• What is the food general profile ? If we choose a small number of items which we think are typical of the whole ?
National academy science 2007
How to indentify the nutrition Situation?
1 Situation indentified - intake -- level in body - early symptoms 2 Requirements indentified - intake - biomarker -integration of evidences
From Science to Regulation the beneficial effect of hytochemicals
• while there is ample evidence to indicate the health benefits of diets rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and nuts, no specific food has been acknowledged by scientists and government regulatory authorities as providing a health benefit. • • Current medical research is focused on whether health effects could be due to specific essential nutrients or phytochemicals.