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He dropped out of university at the end of his first year, when his father fell ill. After his father's recovery, Cheung did not return to England to complete his studies
Know abou t
his song s
沉默是金 Silence is Golden
倩女幽魂Ghost Story
当爱已成往事When love has become the past
愛慕 (Admire)
為你鍾情 (For Your Love Only)
夜半歌声 Midnight
表演形态, 艺术理念, 服装道具,
中国演唱 会的最高 水准,至
He had many friends and many superstars love him.
• 梅艳芳:“哥哥这个人就是心 肠好,他总是帮我,但是很少 麻烦我去帮忙。合作二十年来, 我有心事,他来倾听。我的苦 恼,他来劝解。我受人欺负, 他出面来挡。参加活动,人潮 汹涌,他马上护住我。”
He made me understand, in this world there are people can be dedicated to a clean. 他令我明白,在这个花花世界里 有人是可以执着地洁身自爱的。 ----导演徐克
2010 20
年 位美 歌国 手
者 乐 团 ” , 他 是 唯 一 入 选 的 香 港 歌
只我 为不 自管 己人 兴家 趣再 、批 喜评 欢、 的议 去论 干什 。么
, 总 言 之 , 今 张天 国的 荣我 ,
Know about
his movies
最凭 佳借 男此 演片 员, 奖张 。国
荣 获 得 第 一 届 香 港 电 影 评 论 家 协 会
Leslie Cheung personally served as artistic director, world fashion master Jean Paul Gaultier as the concert clothing design.
张国荣亲自担任艺术总监,世界时尚大师Jean Paul Gaultier担任整场演唱会服装设计。
Farewell My Concubine ['kɑŋkjubaɪn] remained to date the only Chineselanguage film to win the Golden Palm[pɑm] (金棕 榈奖).
霸王别姬仍是迄今为止唯 一的赢得了戛纳金棕榈奖 的中国电影。
early career
In 1984,he was popular with people by singing a song "monica". With their help,Leslie cheung was successful and became the typical representative of Chinese music in 1980's.
childhood and education
Cheung was the youngest of ten children in a middle-class family.His parents divorced when he was quite young.At the age of 13, he was sent to England for going on his studies .
Kong. Cheung was considered
as“combining a hugely
successful film and music career”(电影和音乐生涯的成功 结合)
我不喜欢别人叫我Leslie或张国荣,我喜欢大 家叫我哥哥,因为很有亲人的感觉。 ----------张国荣
early career
In 1977, Cheung won second prize by singing a song named"American pie" at the Asian Music Contest held by RTV. Then he signed a contract with RTVand and began his career in the entertainment industry.
我要在中国拍摄中国的电影,奉献给中国人,包括海外的中国人。我是中国人。 我要为中国人拍出非常有意义的电影。----日本媒体专访《Pride of Asia--Lesile Cheung》
美国《Time Magazine》(时代杂志)称之为“Top in Passion and
• 当年情Current situation • 我 me • 侬本多情She done him wrong • 风继续吹The wind continues to blow • 侧面Side • 大热Hot • 无心睡眠Can't fall asleep • 梦到内河Dreaming of the inner river
1956.09.12—— 2003.04.01
Leslie Cheung (12 September 1956 – 1 April 2003), nicknamed elder brother (哥哥), was a film actor and musician from Hong
He also signed a music contract with Polydor Records, releasing Day Dreaming (1977) and Lover's Arrow (1979).
early career
The early days of his career were not easy. His first two albums were not welcomed by the public. But In 1982, he met two person who are very helpful for his career.One names Cheng shufen a famous agent, the other is Lixiaotian, a famous lyricist.
His last film named Inner Senses.他的最后一部 电影叫“异度空间”。
我好想做戏,做到老,去做不同的角色,电影是最大的梦,我喜欢发 梦。
张国荣一生共出演了六十余部电影。直到现在,一些人对于张国 荣作为演员的评价还存在着一种悖论,那就是认为他所有经典的 角色都是本色演出’因而忽视他作为一名专业的演员在表演方面 所达到的出神入化的境界;同时又认为他的去世与他入戏太深有 关。 张国荣曾说过:“做了这么多年演员,如果我还让人感觉到我是 在演戏的话,那我就是一个很失败的演员了。” 纵观张国荣26年演艺生涯的所有角色,我们会发现他们有着极端 的差异:憨厚的书生宁采臣,不疯魔不成话的程蝶衣,阴险恶毒 的欧阳锋,阴柔懦弱的十二少,才华横溢的宋丹平,颓废性感的 旭仔,放荡任性的何宝荣,变态的冷血杀手,正义的年轻警察…… 这么这么多的角色,最终拼不出一个张国荣!
评 选 了 “ 过 去 五 十 年 里 全 球 最 知
In 1999, he was awarded Hong Kong scene highest reputation "package" award. In 2000, Cheung held his last concert series, Passion Tour.
• monica
• I honestly love you
He is one of the Hongkong music hall singer; he is the first known Korean overseas music Chinese singer, is also a Chinese record sales in South Korea record holder. He was to hold a concert in
golden age in film
After quiting the music,he began to focus on film performance and obtained remarkable achievements
CNN: He is a top Asian giant ['dʒaɪənt] who has exciting stage performance, astonishing beauty and excellent acting skills .
2010年8月,世界著名传媒CNN 举办“过去50年世界五大指标音 乐人”评选,张国荣位列第三位, 是唯一上榜的亚洲歌手。其他上 榜的歌手或乐团还有:迈克尔·杰 克逊,披头士,猫王和鲍勃马利。
With the popularity of Cheung and Tan, fans of these two stars became increasingly hostile (怀有敌意的)to each other, starting a long-standing conflict that soon put heavy pressure on both singers. In 1988, Alan Tam publicly quit all pop music award ceremonies. In 1989, Cheung announced his intention to retire from his music career as a singer.
他懂得生活,热爱生活。他是个再魅力不过的男人。你喜欢他也好, 爱他也好,一点儿也不奇怪。现在哪还有这样的人啊。——宁静
他是我从小的偶像。 ——宋慧乔
没有一部电影跟我本人是一样的, 没有!----张国荣
return to music
In 1995, Cheung signed a contract with Rock Records, returning to music as a singer.In 1997, Cheung held his first post-retirement concert series: World Tour 97.
Japan number most singers in Hongkong, he is the first in the Shanghai stadium and fired two concerts Chinese singer
他是香港乐坛的殿堂级歌手之一,曾获得香港乐坛最高荣 誉金针奖;是华语唱片在韩国销量纪录保持者,首位在韩 国举办个人演唱会的华人歌手.他是在日本开演唱会场次 最多的香港歌手,于1997年,2000年两度刷新香港歌手 在日本开演唱会的场次纪录,他是第一位在上海八万人体 育场连开两场演唱会的华人歌手
张 国 荣
忘 记 。
不 可 以 再
《 东 邪 西 毒 》
有 , 你 唯 一 可 以
在这个圈我从来没有超然的感觉,我只是打了一份 很长的工,很Devoted、很爱它。 -------张国荣
此一 貌笑 非万 你古 莫春 属,
一 啼 万 古 愁 , 此 景 非 你 莫 有 ,
Know abou t
his song s
沉默是金 Silence is Golden
倩女幽魂Ghost Story
当爱已成往事When love has become the past
愛慕 (Admire)
為你鍾情 (For Your Love Only)
夜半歌声 Midnight
表演形态, 艺术理念, 服装道具,
中国演唱 会的最高 水准,至
He had many friends and many superstars love him.
• 梅艳芳:“哥哥这个人就是心 肠好,他总是帮我,但是很少 麻烦我去帮忙。合作二十年来, 我有心事,他来倾听。我的苦 恼,他来劝解。我受人欺负, 他出面来挡。参加活动,人潮 汹涌,他马上护住我。”
He made me understand, in this world there are people can be dedicated to a clean. 他令我明白,在这个花花世界里 有人是可以执着地洁身自爱的。 ----导演徐克
2010 20
年 位美 歌国 手
者 乐 团 ” , 他 是 唯 一 入 选 的 香 港 歌
只我 为不 自管 己人 兴家 趣再 、批 喜评 欢、 的议 去论 干什 。么
, 总 言 之 , 今 张天 国的 荣我 ,
Know about
his movies
最凭 佳借 男此 演片 员, 奖张 。国
荣 获 得 第 一 届 香 港 电 影 评 论 家 协 会
Leslie Cheung personally served as artistic director, world fashion master Jean Paul Gaultier as the concert clothing design.
张国荣亲自担任艺术总监,世界时尚大师Jean Paul Gaultier担任整场演唱会服装设计。
Farewell My Concubine ['kɑŋkjubaɪn] remained to date the only Chineselanguage film to win the Golden Palm[pɑm] (金棕 榈奖).
霸王别姬仍是迄今为止唯 一的赢得了戛纳金棕榈奖 的中国电影。
early career
In 1984,he was popular with people by singing a song "monica". With their help,Leslie cheung was successful and became the typical representative of Chinese music in 1980's.
childhood and education
Cheung was the youngest of ten children in a middle-class family.His parents divorced when he was quite young.At the age of 13, he was sent to England for going on his studies .
Kong. Cheung was considered
as“combining a hugely
successful film and music career”(电影和音乐生涯的成功 结合)
我不喜欢别人叫我Leslie或张国荣,我喜欢大 家叫我哥哥,因为很有亲人的感觉。 ----------张国荣
early career
In 1977, Cheung won second prize by singing a song named"American pie" at the Asian Music Contest held by RTV. Then he signed a contract with RTVand and began his career in the entertainment industry.
我要在中国拍摄中国的电影,奉献给中国人,包括海外的中国人。我是中国人。 我要为中国人拍出非常有意义的电影。----日本媒体专访《Pride of Asia--Lesile Cheung》
美国《Time Magazine》(时代杂志)称之为“Top in Passion and
• 当年情Current situation • 我 me • 侬本多情She done him wrong • 风继续吹The wind continues to blow • 侧面Side • 大热Hot • 无心睡眠Can't fall asleep • 梦到内河Dreaming of the inner river
1956.09.12—— 2003.04.01
Leslie Cheung (12 September 1956 – 1 April 2003), nicknamed elder brother (哥哥), was a film actor and musician from Hong
He also signed a music contract with Polydor Records, releasing Day Dreaming (1977) and Lover's Arrow (1979).
early career
The early days of his career were not easy. His first two albums were not welcomed by the public. But In 1982, he met two person who are very helpful for his career.One names Cheng shufen a famous agent, the other is Lixiaotian, a famous lyricist.
His last film named Inner Senses.他的最后一部 电影叫“异度空间”。
我好想做戏,做到老,去做不同的角色,电影是最大的梦,我喜欢发 梦。
张国荣一生共出演了六十余部电影。直到现在,一些人对于张国 荣作为演员的评价还存在着一种悖论,那就是认为他所有经典的 角色都是本色演出’因而忽视他作为一名专业的演员在表演方面 所达到的出神入化的境界;同时又认为他的去世与他入戏太深有 关。 张国荣曾说过:“做了这么多年演员,如果我还让人感觉到我是 在演戏的话,那我就是一个很失败的演员了。” 纵观张国荣26年演艺生涯的所有角色,我们会发现他们有着极端 的差异:憨厚的书生宁采臣,不疯魔不成话的程蝶衣,阴险恶毒 的欧阳锋,阴柔懦弱的十二少,才华横溢的宋丹平,颓废性感的 旭仔,放荡任性的何宝荣,变态的冷血杀手,正义的年轻警察…… 这么这么多的角色,最终拼不出一个张国荣!
评 选 了 “ 过 去 五 十 年 里 全 球 最 知
In 1999, he was awarded Hong Kong scene highest reputation "package" award. In 2000, Cheung held his last concert series, Passion Tour.
• monica
• I honestly love you
He is one of the Hongkong music hall singer; he is the first known Korean overseas music Chinese singer, is also a Chinese record sales in South Korea record holder. He was to hold a concert in
golden age in film
After quiting the music,he began to focus on film performance and obtained remarkable achievements
CNN: He is a top Asian giant ['dʒaɪənt] who has exciting stage performance, astonishing beauty and excellent acting skills .
2010年8月,世界著名传媒CNN 举办“过去50年世界五大指标音 乐人”评选,张国荣位列第三位, 是唯一上榜的亚洲歌手。其他上 榜的歌手或乐团还有:迈克尔·杰 克逊,披头士,猫王和鲍勃马利。
With the popularity of Cheung and Tan, fans of these two stars became increasingly hostile (怀有敌意的)to each other, starting a long-standing conflict that soon put heavy pressure on both singers. In 1988, Alan Tam publicly quit all pop music award ceremonies. In 1989, Cheung announced his intention to retire from his music career as a singer.
他懂得生活,热爱生活。他是个再魅力不过的男人。你喜欢他也好, 爱他也好,一点儿也不奇怪。现在哪还有这样的人啊。——宁静
他是我从小的偶像。 ——宋慧乔
没有一部电影跟我本人是一样的, 没有!----张国荣
return to music
In 1995, Cheung signed a contract with Rock Records, returning to music as a singer.In 1997, Cheung held his first post-retirement concert series: World Tour 97.
Japan number most singers in Hongkong, he is the first in the Shanghai stadium and fired two concerts Chinese singer
他是香港乐坛的殿堂级歌手之一,曾获得香港乐坛最高荣 誉金针奖;是华语唱片在韩国销量纪录保持者,首位在韩 国举办个人演唱会的华人歌手.他是在日本开演唱会场次 最多的香港歌手,于1997年,2000年两度刷新香港歌手 在日本开演唱会的场次纪录,他是第一位在上海八万人体 育场连开两场演唱会的华人歌手
张 国 荣
忘 记 。
不 可 以 再
《 东 邪 西 毒 》
有 , 你 唯 一 可 以
在这个圈我从来没有超然的感觉,我只是打了一份 很长的工,很Devoted、很爱它。 -------张国荣
此一 貌笑 非万 你古 莫春 属,
一 啼 万 古 愁 , 此 景 非 你 莫 有 ,