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❖Lin Tao feels (that) his own team is even better. ❖She says (that) she won’t take part in the sports meeting
next Sunday. ❖Jim thought (that) the train was like a big moving party. ❖He said (that) he would like to see the headmaster.
什么是宾语从句 宾语从句的连接词 宾语从句的语序 宾语从句的时态
宾语是动作、行为的对象,是动作的承受者。 宾语由名词、代词、不定式 或相当于名词的词、短语来担任。
I like my teacher.(名词作宾语) I enjoy playing basketball.(动名词作宾语) I decide to study hard.(不定式作宾语) I know him .(代词作宾语)
1. I know …
2. She says …
3. Tell your friend …
1.This is a book. 2.You like singing. 3.He worked last night. 4.They will go home. 5.Jim has been to Beijing. 6.She sings well.
I ask
Does he want to go swim?
1, 改为陈述句语气, 2,用if/whether连接
I ask If/whether he wants to go swim
句子的两种语序: 1.陈述句结构叫陈述语序
There is a shop near here.
3. whether可以引导带to的不定式。如:
I don’t know whether to accept or refuse. I don’t know if to accept or refuse.
1,陈述句,he is a famous basketball player 2, 一般疑问句, Will our teachers attend the
? meeting 3, 特殊疑问句,which coat did you prefer?
一、连词(引导词) 1. 当宾语从句是陈述句时(包括肯定句和否定 句),连词由that引导,因为that在从句中不作 任何成分,也没有任何具体意思,因此在口语 或非正式文体中常省略
2 疑问句结构叫疑问语序
Is there a shop near here?
宾语从句必须用 陈__述__语___序_
练习:将下列句子改成陈述句语序: 1.Is there a bank near here? 2.ITshiet roenisFaifbthanAkvneenaur eh?ere 3.AItreis tohneyFidfothinAgvehnoume ework?
一 什么 是宾语从句?
我们 知道 姚明 We know Yao Ming.
主s 谓v 宾o
我们 知道
We know that he is a famous basketball player
主s 谓v
宾语从句就是由一个句子来构成主句的 宾语,并有一个连接词引导。
7.Can we wear hats in school? we can wear hats in school
由if或whether引导的宾语从句。If和whether在 句中的意思是“是否”。例如:
I want to know if (whether) he lives there.
He asked me whether (if) I could help him.
They are doing homework
4.Does she work in a hospital? she works in a hospital
5.Did you go to Center Park? you went to Center Park
6.Do we have to wear a uniform? we have to wear a uniform
注意一下情况只用whetheFra Baidu bibliotek,不用if。
1. whether引导的从句常可以与连词or或or not直接连 用。如: Let me know whether you can come or not. Let me know if you can come or not.
2. 当宾语从句提到句首时,只能用whether引导。如: Whether it is true or not, I can’t tell. If it is true or not, I can’t tell.
1. I hear (that) __h_e__w_i_ll_b_e__b_a_c_k_i_n_a_n_h_o_u_r_. (一小时后他会回来)
2. He said (that) __h_e_m_i_s_s_ed__u_s_v_e_r_y_m__u_c_h__. (他非常想念我们)
3. The teacher told us (that) _t_h_e_e_a_r_th__m_o_v_e_s_a_r_o_u_n_d_t_h_e_s_u_n__.
在主句为动词be加某些形容词(如sorry, sure, afraid, glad等)作表语时,后面所跟 的省略that的从句也可算是宾语从句
❖I’m sorry (that) I don’t know . ❖We’re sure (that) our team will win . ❖I’m afraid (that) he won’t pass the exam .