英文简历 研究生专用

英文简历 研究生专用
英文简历 研究生专用


Name: *********** Birth Place:

Gender:**** Birth Date:

Nationality: **** Marital Status:

Telephone: E-mail :

Political Background:


☆ 2013.09~2016.04 Northwestern Polytechnical University Xi'an Control Science and Engineering

Master of Engineering

Major Courses:Linear system theory,Computer control system,Matrix Theory,

Mathematical Statistics,etc.

Research direction: Energy Harvesting; Vibration Suppression

☆ 2009.09~2013.06 University of Jinan Jinan Biological Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering

Major Courses: Digital electronic technology,Power electronic circuit,C programming

language,Electrical machinery & towage,Analog electronic technology, Theory of circuit,The principle of automatic control,etc.

☆ Publications:

☆ Research :

● ●

Name: E-mail:


Personal Information Education Background

Research Projects

Competition Activities

☆Participate?in?the "National Undergraduate Students "Freescal Cup" Intelligent Car Competition" and in charge of hardware circuit design and debugging in competition.

☆Participate?in?the " Challenge Cup Business Plan Competition for Chinese University Students " and in charge of general plan, especially for "product design" in competition. ☆Participate?in?the "Electronic Design Competition in Shandong Province" and in charge of

hardware circuit design and writing technical reports in competition.

Club Activities

Sept.2011- June.2012 *************************************************** chairman

☆ Responsible for coordination and arrangement of daily affairs.

Professional and English Skills

☆English Proficiency: College English Test: Band Six (CET 4, CET 6).

☆Professional Skills: I'm good at hardware circuit design and debugging ,schematic design

and PCB draw and C language; I'm proficient in reading foreign paper. Honors and Awards

☆ 2012.09 1st scholarship of School in University Of Jinan.

☆ 2013.09 2nd scholarship of School in Northwestern Polytechnical University.

☆ 2014.09 2nd scholarship of School in Northwestern Polytechnical University.

☆ 2012.10 The Provincial First Award in the National Undergraduate Students "Freescal Cup" Intelligent Car Competition.

☆2012.11 The Provincial First Award in the eighth Challenge Cup Business Plan Competition for Chinese University Students

☆2012.11 The Second Award in the Electronic Design Competition in Shandong Province

☆2011.05 Excellent League member in University Of Jinan

☆2012.05 Excellent League Cadre in University Of Jinan

☆2012.05 An Enthusiast Member of Social Activities in University Of Jinan


?Strong ability to innovate and practice.

? High sense of dedication and responsibilities.

? Be elegant and with nice personality.

? Able to work under high pressure and time limitation.

? Young,bright,energetic with strong career-ambition.

? Ability to work well with others.

? Optimistic personality and broad interests.


Thank you in advance for your concern and


姓名(拼音和汉字): 性别: 出生日期: 出生地: 家庭住址: 单位地址: 家庭电话: 工作电话: 手机号码: 电子邮箱: 教育背景–请分别列出您取得的所有学位,从最高学位写起。 月,年—月,年大学名称 学位和专业 论文标题/研究焦点(只对硕士和博士学位)工作经历–请列举您的所有工作经历。 月,年—月,年单位名称 地址 职位或职称 工作职责 所获奖项及加入哪些团体组织(如果适用) 出版物—请列出您发表的所有出版物标题、合作者和年份(如果适用)

出国经历—请列举您到访过的所有国家及到访时间 国家(年) 例如:美国(2002,2003);加拿大(2008,2009) 同行人–请写出和您一起赴美的所有同行人姓名及与您的关系

Name (in pinyin and Chinese): Gender: Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Home Address: Business Address: Home Phone: Work Phone: Mobile Phone: E-mail: Education – please list all degrees attained, beginning with the most recent Month, Year – Month, Year University Name Degree and Major Thesis Topic/Research Focus (for masters and phd degrees) Work Experience – please list all work experience Month, Year – Month, Year Employer Location Position or Title Duties Awards and Group Memberships – if any


Resume Personal Information Family Name: Yang Given Name:yin English Name: Sissi Date of Birth: April 8, 1987Place of Birth: DaLi , YunNan Province Sex: Female Marital Status: Single Religion: NA Nationality: Chinese Major: Economical Law Permanent Address: Room 23,HongQi Road, DaLi City, YunNan Province,China Present Address: Room 314,RuXi Apartment, YanYang Road, NanKai District, TianJin City, China Fixed Phone: (022) -60254143 Mobile Phone: 187229999 E-mail: cicystar@https://www.360docs.net/doc/f39153427.html, Job Objective To obtain a position as a legal adviser offering challenge and responsibility in the realm of law. Education background 2010.9 till now Law School, NanKai University ,expected Law Master Degree in Economical Law in 2011. 2005.9-2009.7 Law School, NanKai University ,Bachelor of Law. Academic Core Courses Economical Law Contract Law Company Law Property Law International Economical Law Financial Law Securities Law Law of negotiable instruments Insurance Law and so on Computer Abilities Skilled in use of Microsoft Office xp/2003, Windows xp/sp2 Passed the CCT-2 English Skills Advanced . Have a good command of both spoken and written English Passsed CET-4/ CET-6 Practice 2008.07—2009.08: It is two months that I had an Hands-on learning in YunLong Basic People's Court in YunNan Province .


优秀英文个人简历模板范文 英文简历是求职者求职成功的开路先锋,那你知道英文简历该怎 么写吗?下面是由小编分享的英文版个人简历范文,希望对你有用。 英文版个人简历范文(一) Basic information Full name: xxx Height: 157cm University one is graduated from Jiangsu Normal University: Professional category: finance and Economics Contact telephone number: Gender: Female Weight: 47kg Graduation year: 20xx Specialty: Electronic Commerce Address: Xuzhou XX Road No. XX E-mail: age: 23 Marital status: single Highest level of Education: College Work experience: Graduates Job search intention job: civilian class (Assistant / Secretary / Administrative Assistant) Education experience

In 20xx -20xx year studying in Xuzhou Normal University Electronic commerce professional work experience no Internship experience Had the mobile phone sales, drinks promotions, campus agent and various forms of network of part-time. Accumulated certain experience, enhance personal communication. Training experience Skilled operation computer office software Self assessment Strong learning ability, good attitude adjustment. Honest, positive enterprising spirit and the team cooperation spirit, has the good communication skills, adaptable, eat bitter and difficult challenge. Optimistic and cheerful personality, interests, hobbies of dance and movement, friendly, has the certain organization management ability. To maintain the best condition in the work. 英文版个人简历范文(二) Name XXX mobil:139******** affiliation height Eductional systme degree of census register Professional secretary professional school graduate


出国留学申请CV模板,出国留学申请CV范文 注:原文发表在云飞跃友情博客,链接为https://www.360docs.net/doc/f39153427.html,/logs/52369497.html。本文由云飞跃市场团队作了适当的校对和采编,转载请注明出处https://www.360docs.net/doc/f39153427.html,/blog/?p=214。 今天讲CV先,之前收到小叽同学的CV,打开一看,GPA旁边还粘了一张用EXCEL做的GPA四年曲线表,把我昏过去了…所以决心先写CV篇。 CV,两个字加三个符号:Be Professional!!! 一定要看上去专业,CV是你的门面,你的脸,所有的申请,读书也好实习也好工作也好征婚也好,了解一个人,就凭这张纸,把自己化妆得漂亮点,关键是要让人信得过,让人觉得你靠谱,让人觉得你professional! 我三年前申请的时候,也没有任何人教,到处查CV的模板,自己反复改了很多遍改到烦死了,最后就递交了算了,时间也来不及。 后来到了这里,学校有专门的就业指导中心,帮你改CV,各个学院也专门有针对各个学院的,我跑过很多个,也认真研习了各种学校提供的CV参考模板,有很系统的一套。我写这个系列的目的就是指出CV写作的要点,剖析常见错误。我以前犯过的,你们不要重蹈覆辙。 我每年都更新我的CV,主要是确实有需要的场合用到,第一年07年申请学校,第二年08年申请夏天的实习,第三年09年申请工作,后来又申请GA,针对每个工作内容都改一版新的。 “针对”很重要! 内容要针对! 语言和排版要专业! 就这两个。 我为了写这个CV篇重新翻出我当年申请时候的CV,和之后每年更改的CV,现在看当年的,简直是相形见绌,哭笑不得,那幼稚的,拿不出手,遮脸遮脸。 那么Pirate Radio(非常好看英伦摇滚电影海盗电台)里面说,能承认错误的,才称得上是个男人。 话说,CV和RESUME,的区别,是RESUME就一页,你人生之精华,就缩在一页之内,是给人家一瞟眼了解你用的。


考研英文复试简历中英模板(附面试的48个问题) Name: Li Yueming 姓和名的第一个字母需要大写 Ethnic Groups / Ethnicity: Han Nationality 在国际语境中往往指国籍,在国内语境中可以指具体的民族 Ancestral Home: Jinan City, Shandong Province 籍贯是一个中国特色词汇,指一个人的祖籍之处,与出生地native place 并不完全一致。如果对方没有要求,完全可以不提祖籍这一项内容。 Native Place / Place of Birth: Beijing 出生地,指自己出生或成长过程中主要居住的地方。注意省份的英文首字母要大写。Political Status: CPC Party Member 政治面貌也是中国比较强调的一个点,在英文简历里一般不需要提及。 常见的选项有:团员League Member,群众The Masses Major: English主修专业名称的翻译都可以到相关网站查询,或汇总成册。 Minor: Accounting辅修专业名称的翻译可以到相关网站查询,或汇总成册。University: Beijing University of Foreign Studies学校名称的翻译可以去学校官网或教育部网站查询,或汇总成册。 BA / BS: Bachelor of Arts / Science 文科学士/理科学士 MA / MS: Master of Arts / Science 文科硕士/理科硕士 Sep. 2005—Jun. 2009 英文的日期格式:日/月/年或月/日/年;月份的缩写通常为单词的前三个字母。特殊的月份有:五月May,九月Sept. / Sep. Courses:Economics, Accounting, ... 列出主要的几门课程即可,课程名称首字母大写。


Personal Information Family Name: Yang Given Name:yin English Name: Sissi Date of Birth: April 8, 1987 Place of Birth: DaLi , YunNan Province Sex: Female Marital Status: Single Religion: NA Nationality: Chinese Major: Economical Law Permanent Address: Room 23,HongQi Road, DaLi City, YunNan Province,China Present Address: Room 314,RuXi Apartment, YanYang Road, NanKai District, TianJin City, China Fixed Phone: (022) - Mobile Phone: 9 E-mail Job Objective To obtain a position as a legal adviser offering challenge and responsibility in the realm of law. Education background till now Law School, NanKai University ,expected Law Master Degree in Economical Law in 2011. Law School, NanKai University ,Bachelor of Law. Academic Core Courses Economical Law Contract Law


优秀英文简历范本|英文简历范文 RESUME Kelly Wang Sex: Female Born: Oct.18, 1982 English:TEM8 Computer: Level-3 Nantong University Major: English Mob: 013055686022 Graduated: July, 2004 kellylighting@sohu Excellent Health EDUCATION 2000.9----2004.7 English Major in Nantong University Vice president of Student Union, Vice president of Singing Association of Foreign Language Department LANGUAGE LEVEL Good command of English, effective written and oral communication AWARD TEM 8----Band 8 certificate, BEC vantage -----Business English of Cambridge Award in the oral English competition in Nantong University. COMPUTER LEVEL Proficient in the operation of Excel, Word and such kind of office software effectively WORKING EXPERIENCE Sept 2003Feb, 2004 Jiangsu Provincial Publishing House Job title: Interpreter ( part time Job) Mar 2004Oct, 2005 ZheJiang Yongkang Vehicle CO.,LTD Job title: Senior Merchandiser Responsible for exploring export market, handling the whole project of exporting mini motorcycles, Establishing good business relationship with my foreign customers by e-business, Canton Fair and other channels Handle shipping documents and tax refund of all orders in export department Contracted with 2 new clients successfully after Canton Fair in October


个人资料 name 姓名 alias 别名 pen name 笔名 date of birth 出生日期 birth date 出生日期 born 出生于 birth place 出生地点 age 年龄 native place 籍贯 province 省 city 市 autonomous region 自治区prefecture 专区 county 县 nationality 民族,国籍citizenship 国籍 duel citizenship 双重国籍address 地址 current address 目前地址present address 目前地址permanent address 永久地址postal code 邮政编码 home phone 住宅电话 office phone 办公电话business phone 办公电话Tel.电话 sex 性别 male 男

female 女 height 身高 weight 体重 marital status 婚姻状况family status 家庭状况married 已婚 single/unmarried 未婚divorced 离异 separated 分居 number of children 子女人数none 无 street 街 lane 胡同,巷 road 路 district 区 house number 门牌 health 健康状况 health condition 健康状况blood type 血型 short-sighted 近视 far-sighted 远视 color-blind 色盲 ID card No.身份证号码 date of availability 可到职时间available 可到职membership 会员,资格president 会长 vice-president 副会长director 理事 standing director 常务理事


留学申请英文简历模板 在得到面试机会之前,英文版个人简历就代表了留学申请的学生的一切形象。以下是小编为大家整理的留学申请英文简历模板,仅供大家参考! 留学申请英文简历模板(一) Resume number: 455028602 Updating date: 20xx-3-25 17:20:33 Name: ** Nationality: China (Mainland) Current Place: Dongguan Height/Weight: 156 cm kg Marital Status: married Age: 37 years Career Objective Application type: Jobseeker Preferred job title: Finance Manager: CFO 、 Finance Director: accountant 、 Accountant: managermant Working life: 14 Title: Middle title Job type: Full time Expected Start date: In two months Expected salary: ¥8,000--¥12,000 Preferred working place: Dongguan Work experience Companys name: Kou Ryou enterprise corp.Begin and end date: 20xx-10- Enterprise nature: OthersIndustry: Internet/E-commerce


英文简历模板100篇 :11-18中学教师中英文简历范文 英文简历现在大家也不会很陌生了,中学教师的英文简历要怎么写呢?下文是中学教师中英文简历范文,希望对你们有所帮助。中学教师中英文简历范文【一】123, Lee St E Charleston, WVTELL:****** Email:Objective: Seeking a secondary 英文简历范文制作技巧 We will cover the purpose of resume, when to use one, how to format effectively and how to write content that promote your qualifications.我们将讲述简历的制作目的,使用日期,怎样制作有效简历以及如何编辑简历以提升职业匹配应届毕业生如何写好英文简文范文 想要进外企的同学,一定要制作一份好的英文简历,才能打动面试官的芳心。下面来跟大家讨论一下针对应届生英文简历的模式和英文写法,如果你正在制作英文简历的话,务必要看一眼哦!LZ中文不好,今天刚被顾问批评写的中文报告全部都是英式中采购员优秀英文简历范文 purchaser resumeName:WTT.Nationality:ChinaHeight/Weight: ***cm** kgMarital Status:SingleAge:** yearsCareer

ObjectiveApplication type: JobseekerPreferred job title:Purchasing: PurchaserWorking life: 英文简历范文你会写了吗?常用专有名词介绍 你还在为英文简历中生僻的专有名词而烦恼吗?现成的常用专有名词送给你!不管你读大几,都一定用得上!一、国家及校级奖项、称号(1)奖学金国家奖学金 National Scholarship国家励志奖学金 National Encouragement scholarship三好学生标兵制作高水平英文简历范文,成功应聘外企 坐上英文简历快艇,把你送进500强彼岸应聘外企,一份高水准的简历必不可少,英文简历的构成:一、说明信(Cover letter一封介绍性的信笺,介绍你自己以及你应征的目的,并有机会在其中概述你的技能和你能为公司做出的贡献,大多数公司除了 化学工程专业英文简历范文 Personal Information:Name:*** Sex: MaleDate of Birth:Dec.28th,19** Native Place: Meishan Sichuan, P.R.ChinaHealth:Good Marital Status: UnmarriedAddress:College of Biology and Chemical Engineering, Panzhihua University, 电台主持人英文简历范文 DennisObjective: Television presenter (Height: 178cm)Hosting video:***@***.(+86) 123-456-789SELF-


出国留学英文简历 RESUME No.S, Gate, Building Beijing Language and Culture University Beijing, 100083 People’s Republic of China PERSONAL DATA Date of Birth: 8,7,1968 Sex: Female Place of Birth: Xiamen, Fujian Province Marital Status: Single Nationality: People’s Republic of China Health: Excellent EDUCATION 09/86—07/88 UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL, TEH PETROLEUM UNIVERSITY OF BEIJING Graduation: 07/88 Honors: Top Student Class monitor National “Honor Student” Highest scores from the University High School in the National Entrance Examination for Universities

09/88---07/92 BEIJING LANGUAGE AND CULTURE UNIVERSITY, BEIJING (formerly BEIJING LANGUAGE INSTITUTE) Foreign Languages Department Major: English Minors: Linguistics, French and Computer Science Degree: B.A Honors: Dean’s List University Scholarships for 4 consecutive years WORKING EXPERIENCE 08/92---01/94 BEIJING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY, BEIJING Research Foreign Language Department Assistant Project: Improvement of Computer programs for English-Chinese /Chinese-English translations 07/93---pres. BEIJING LANGUAGE AND CULTURE UNIVERSITY, BEIJING Assistant Adult Education Institute Professor Course taught: English Listening Comprehension 01/94---pres. BEIJING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY, BEIJING


精选研究生中文自我介绍范文通用 早上好,我亲爱的老师。真的很荣幸有这个机会参加面试。首先,我将简要介绍一下自己。我的名字叫xx和我的英文名字是xx。我是一个当地的人是xx 岁。xx,春天是xx省的省会城市。我认为我的家乡是一个美丽的城市。其次,我想谈谈我的学习经验。我的专业是你以前的专业,毕业于你学校的名字。我很感谢我的大学教育给了我。现在我有一个新计划,我将竭尽全力获得山东中医药大学的关键。我选择诊所作为我的专业。学校简介+你为什么选择这个专业 此外,我想说一些关于我的家庭。你可以谈谈你家庭的情况。 我有信心,因为我有这样的能力!我是善良,耐心、外向和创造性。我期待着我的研究生学习和生活。我总是相信,你将很容易落后,除非他继续学习。如果我能有机会在这里学习,我将专注于该领域的学习和研究。为了构建一个坚实的基础为我未来的工作中,我将关注理论知识。接下来,我想做一些实际工作与

我的导师和同学的帮助。通过这个,我肯定会不能从教科书上获得的东西。 此外,我将参加研究生考试的几个原因。首先,我热爱我的专业。我是一个努力工作的学生尤其是做我感兴趣的东西。我将尽我最大努力解决任何问题,无论多么困难。我着迷于大师的清爽和深刻的风格。其次,我喜欢在大学的感觉。它充满了朝气。我的学术氛围深深吸引。最重要的是,它是我的荣幸开放给你的教学我的耳朵。此外,更多的学习经历不等于成功,而这是完全成功的一种方式。 这是我的简单而清晰的原因我把研究生考试。 在业余时间,我喜欢阅读书籍,在网上冲浪,听音乐喜欢流行,经典,或轻音乐,因为他们可以让我感到放松。没有人能保持工作效率,因此适当的娱乐是必须的。此外,我坚持做一些体育锻炼,比如跑步,游泳和羽毛球。通过这样做,我们能够始终保持健康。 这是所有。谢谢你给我这样一个宝贵的机会! 2017.04


英文简历自我评价优秀范文5篇 自我介绍在英文简历中占有一定的位置,那你知道英文简历的自我介绍该怎么写吗?下面是由小编分享的英文简历自我评价优秀范文,希望对你有用。 英文简历自我评价优秀范文(一) respected Professors:Good afternoon! I'm great honored to meet you here.Now allow me to give a brief self-introduction: I'm *******,26 years old , born in ***** city ,HeNan Province.In year 1996,I entered ********University, majoring in Machincal Designing and Producing. During those 4 years'study,I worked hard and I was always active in various activities . I gained the first scholarship for four times and I joined the Communist Party at the college.After my graduation in June 20xx,I worked in ——company.I got a position in the Technology Department the first year and I was involved in several internet projects, such as the one for College student Recruitment in Henan Province and the one for Computer Center in Mathmatics Department in Zhengzhou University. Owning to my hard work ,I was rewarded the Best Newcomer Prize in the year 20xx. The next year, I was transferred into the Principal Customer Department, responsible for the Developing and


博士英文简历范文 Resume Personal Information Name: Wang Jiang Gender: male Date of Birth: 1986/02/22 Residency: HuangShi Zip Code: 435002 Career Objective:English Teacher Home Tel: 086-0714-******* Mobile: 0714- Email: Wang Jiang https://www.360docs.net/doc/f39153427.html, Political Background:probationary party member Leadership Position:the chair of league member Address: HuBei province HuangShi City Ma Fang village Work Experience

20xx/07-20xx/9:commended by dean to be an English private tutor in BeiJing 20xx/03--20xx/05:QiHui private tutor Center as an English Tutor in XianNing 20xx/06-20xx/12:as an English Tutor teaching High School student in HuangShi 20xx/10-20xx/05:as a student secretary of the college of foreign studies 20xx/08-20xx/12:an English training teacher of Info Tech Essentials, Inc. Huang Shi Branch Education 20xx/09--20xx/06 XianNing University English Education Associate 20xx/09--20xx/06 HuBei Normal Univercity English


Name: Your picture Major: Condensed Matter Physics Date of Birth: June, 9, 1994 Mobile: ********** E-mail: ********** Address: English address of your school Education Backround ***** Normal University September 2012 - June 2016 Major: Bachelor of Science in Physics Cumulative Grade Point Average: 3.60 Integrated Ranking: 8/200 ***** University September 2016 - Present Major: Master of Science Condensed Matter Physics Cumulative Grade Point Average: 3.57 Integrated Ranking: No Research Experience 1.Research Projects Combining experiments and first principles to study **** Responsible for the construction and maintenance of the**** platform Self-learning Matlab, Materials Studio, VESTA and other computing-related software. Cooperate with the students of the research group to provide support for the experiment. 2.Publication Your academic achievements Your academic achievements Your academic achievements Your academic achievements Professional Skills Softwards: Origin, V ASP, Materials Studio, VESTA & Photoshop. Characterization Method: SEM, TEM, XPS, XRD , AEM & Laser-Raman. Programming Languages: Python Awards Bachelor: The First Prize Scholarship(1), The Second Prize Scholarship(3), Merit Student(3), Excellent league Member(1) Master: The First Prize Scholarship(1), The Second Prize Scholarship(1), National Scholarship(1) Personalities ?Self-Motivated: I independently designed and completed the master's degree. I believe that it is very important to study independently for doctoral students. ?Communicative: During the master's degree, most of the research problems were solved through communication with peers. Good communication skills can benefit almost everything including scientific research.


San Zhang 137-XXXX-XXXX, zhangsan@https://www.360docs.net/doc/f39153427.html,, Room 111, Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100000 Personal Profile Name: San Zhang Gender: Male Birth data: 1990.1 Birth place: Beijing Education: Ph.D Major: Chemical Engineering Job Objective R&D Education Background Ph.D candidate 2012.9- present Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University 2008.9-2012.7 Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua B. E. University Academic Research ◆Academic area: Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering and Department of Chemical Engineering ◆Academic achievements: Applicant has published 5 SCI papers in Journal of Chemical Science (TOP, IF=5.26)and ACS Chemical (SCI, IF=5.29) as first-author. Total impact factor (IF) >20. Two patents of modified nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membrane were authorized. ◆Research experience: Worked as a core member in National Basic Research Program of China (No. XXXX) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. XXXX). Participated in the writing of National Natural Science Foundation of China proposal. The proposal was approved in Aug. 2017 (No. XXXX). Academic Activities 2016.7 The 11th Conference of Aseanian Chemical Society (Tokyo, Japan) Poster 2015.10 2015 Chemical Symposium of China Poster 2015.7 The 10th Conference of Aseanian Chemical Society (Tokyo, Japan) Oral 2014.7 The 10th International Congress on Chemical and Chemical Processes Poster 2013.10 2013 Chemical Symposium of China Poster 年简历中为了排版美观,插了很多无框表格海报 年简历中为了排版美观,插了很多无框表格海报 年简历中为了排版美观,插了很多无框表格海报


Resume Name: *********** Birth Place: Gender:**** Birth Date: Nationality: **** Marital Status: Telephone: E-mail : Political Background: Major: ☆ ~ Northwestern Polytechnical University Xi'an Control Science and Engineering Master of Engineering Major Courses:Linear system theory,Computer control system,Matrix Theory, Mathematical Statistics,etc. Research direction: Energy Harvesting; Vibration Suppression ☆ ~ University of Jinan Jinan Biological Engineering Bachelor of Engineering Major Courses: Digital electronic technology,Power electronic circuit,C programming language,Electrical machinery & towage,Analog electronic technology, Theory of circuit,The principle of automatic control,etc. ☆ Publications: ☆ Research : ● ● Name: E-mail: Tel: Personal Information Education Background Research Projects Competition Activities
