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Along with science's and technology's development, the recent years, our country's elevator production technology obtained the rapidly expand. Some elevator factory unceasingly is also improving the design, the revision craft. The renewal production renewal's elevator, the elevator mainly divides into the mechanical system and the control system two major parts, along with the automatic control theory and microelectronic technology's development, elevator's dragging way and the control method has had the very big change, the exchange velocity modulation is the current elevator dragging main development direction. At present the lift control system mainly has three control modes: Following electric circuit control system (“early installment elevator many black-white control system), PLC control system, microcomputer control system. Because the black-white control system the failure rate is high, the reliability is bad, control mode not nimble as well as consumed power big and so on shortcomings, at present has been eliminated gradually.

Key words PLC, elevator, control system, design

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摘要 - 0 -Abstract........................................... - 1 -

第1章绪论....................................... - 5 -

1.1 课题研究目的和意义..................... - 5 -

1.2 电梯控制系统的组成 .............. - 6 -

1.3 PLC在电梯系统的应用现状与发展趋势- 7 -

1.4 可编程控制器简介 ................ - 8 -

1.4.1 可编程控制器的发展 ................... - 8 -

1.4.2 PLC的用途 ......................... - 9 -

1.4.3 可编程控制器的特点................. - 9 -

1.4.4 PLC的工作原理 .................... - 11 -

1.4.5 PLC的编程语言 .................... - 11 -

1.5 论文的主要研究内容..................... - 12 -

第2章电梯PLC 控制系统结构方案....... - 14 -

2.1 楼层状态指示设计 (14)

2.2 电梯下行程序设计 (15)

2.3 电梯上行程序设计 (16)

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2.4 电梯到达时程序设计 (16)

第3章系统输入输出设计 (18)

3.1 PLC输入信号的确定方法 (18)

3.2 PLC输出信号的确定方法.......... - 18 -

第4章电梯PLC控制系统设计......... - 24 -

4.1 电梯的控制要求................. - 24 -

4.2 PLC控制系统的设计分析.......... - 24 -

4.3 电梯模型PLC控制系统设计 ....... - 24 -

4.4 PLC的选择 (26)

4.5 I/O分配表 (26)

4.6 硬件接线图..................... - 28 -

4.7 PLC程序梯形图.................. - 29 -

第5章电梯PLC的调试与安装 ............. - 35 -

5.1 模拟调试....................... - 35 -

5.2 安装调试............ 错误!未定义书签。

5.2.1 单指令运行调试 ........ 错误!未定义书签。

5.2.2 复杂运行调试 .......... 错误!未定义书签。

结论 ............................. - 37 -

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