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Boyle life in Britain during the bourgeois revolution, but also the modern scientific began to appear era, it is a giant solutions-like era. Boyle in 1627 January 25, was born in Irish Leeds mo city. He was born in the year before, put forward "knowledge is power" famous assertion of modern scientific thinker Francis Bacon has just died. Great physicist Isaac Newton than Boyle small 16. Modern science, great men, Italian Galileo, Germany's Kepler, France cartesian all live in this period
波义耳出生在一个贵族家庭,家境优裕为他的学习和日后的科学研究 提供了较好的物质条件。童年时,他并不显得特别聪明,他很安静,说 话还有点口吃。没有哪样游戏能使他入迷,但是比起他的兄长们,他却 是最好学的,酷爱读书,常常书不离手。8岁时,父亲将他送到伦敦郊 区的伊顿公学,在这所专为贵族子弟办的寄宿学校里,他学习了3年。 随后他和哥哥法兰克一起在家庭教师陪同下来到当时欧洲的教育中心之 一的日内瓦过了2年。在这里他学习了法语、实用数学和艺术等课程。
波义耳在家里是14个兄弟姊妹中最小的一个:在他三岁时,母亲不 幸去世。也许是缺乏母亲照料的缘故,他从小体弱多病。有一次患病时, 由于医生开错了药而差点丧生,幸亏他的胃不吸收将药吐了出来,才未 致命。经过这次遭遇,他怕医生甚于怕病,有了病也不愿找医生。并且 开始自修医学,到处寻找药方、偏方为自己治病。哈特利伯的鼓励使他 下决心研究医学。当时的医生都是自己配制药物,所以研究医学也必须 研制药物和做实验,这就便波义耳对化学实验发生了 浓厚的兴趣。
Boyle at home is 14 brothers and sisters in a minimum of three years old: in his mother died. Perhaps is the lack of mother looked after's sake, ill since his childhood. Once sicken time, because the doctor wrong medicine and nearly died, thanks to his stomach does not absorb will medicine spit it out, before it is fatal. After the encounter, he was afraid doctor than fear disease, had the disease also reluctant to call the doctor. And began to self-study medicine,来自百度文库looking for prescription, folk prescription for his medicine. Hartley "encouragement determined him to the study of medicine. When doctors are make myself drug, so the study of medicine must also develop drugs and doing the experiment, the ones that Boyle on chemical experiment occurred great interest.
Boyle was born in a noble family, family circumstances favourable for his learning and future scientific research provides good in material terms. Childhood, he did not appear particularly clever, he is quiet, speaking there some stuttering. No honour games make his ecstasy, but rather than his elder brother, he is the most academic, fond of reading, often book does not leave the hand. At the age of 8, my father took him to London suburb of eton, in this designed for nobles do of boarding schools, he studied for three years. Then he and his brothers frank together in governess accompanied down to education centers in Europe at that time had the Geneva for 2 years. Here he studied French, practical mathematics and art courses.
中英文科学人物介绍-波义 耳
波义耳生活在英国资产阶级革命时期,也是近代科学开始出现的时 代,这是一个巨人辈出的时代。波义耳在1627年1月25日生于爱 尔兰的利兹莫城。就在他诞生的前一年,提出“知识就是力量”著名论 断的近代科学思想家弗朗西斯· 培根刚去世。伟大的物理学家牛顿比波义 耳小16岁。近代科学伟人,意大利的伽利略、德国的开普勒、法国的 笛卡尔都生活在这一时期。