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How to be more creative – China presentation


What is creativity?

Creativity is solving a problem

For instance: money. People used to carry around heavy ingots of precious metal. This was very inefficient as it was heavy. If you were rich it was hell.

So those clever Chinese people invented paper money which was far lighter and you could stuff your money in your underwear without much discomfort.




Creativity is making something that has never been seen before.

The wheel seems so simple once you’ve seen it but to think of the wheel for the first time is pure creative genius. Copying something that already exists is not creating. Doing something new that another person has not thought of is creativity. Here Gaudi, created many buildings that even 100 years later seem shockingly new.



It’s making something that is beautiful

The ability to create something that moves people, that takes people’s breath away must be the most sublime act of all. Artists, musicians, architects and choreographs are all driven to achieve this goal.



In advertising it’s about touching someone’s emotions

People don’t think about the product they buy, they feel about the product they buy. It’s our j ob to make people feel about our client’s products.



In advertising it’s about manipulating someone’s mind

We create desire in people, we instill hope, we play on their shame, their fears, their greed, their dreams. And we use creativity to do this.



Creativity is the tool

There are levels of creativity – like all things in life you get the good, the bad and the very ugly. The creative process is no different. For every great movie written and produced, there are 10 mediocre ones and twenty crap one. We all want to be brilliant.



Ok, so how do you do it?

1. Understand people – Every creative person should study psychology or at least read about those who understood human beings: Freud, Jung, Shakespeare. It’s only when you get in touch with how a human works that you can talk to a human. If you understand human beings, you can manipulate their attitudes. After all, our job is to make consumers choose our client’s product over the competition.

2. By discarding your prejudices – Prejudices hold you back. They keep you in a world of stereotypes formed in the past, and they are generally wrong. South Africa, for instance: when you ask people in the rest of the world to describe South Africa, this is what they describe. Animals in the street, Nelson Mandela, starving children, civil war and child soldiers. While Nelson Mandela and animals do make up a large part of our country and culture, we also are a sophisticated country that supplies China with steel, diamonds and so on. Prejudices keep you trapped in the past. Let them go. Face life with an open mind.


1 去了解别人——每一个做创意的人都应该去学习心理学,或者至少,读点可以增进对人性了解的书,譬如佛罗伊德,荣格,莎士比亚。你只有了解了为什么人之所以为人,才可以和他们对话。你了解了人群,就可以操纵他们对世界的态度。话说回来,我们这行的工作就是要让消费者在琳琅满目的商品中选择我们客户的产品。

2 祛除你的偏见——偏见束缚你。偏见把你束缚在那些老一套的陈旧观念之中,这些陈腔滥调往往是没什么道理的。拿南非这个国家举例,试问其它国家的人们对南非是个什么印象,他们会想到:街道上的动物,纳尔逊.曼德拉,饥饿的儿童,内战,童子军。满大街的动物和曼德拉确实构建了南非印象的一大部分,但别忘了我们这个国家也有它复杂精密的一面,我们向中国出口钢材,钻石等原料。成见把你桎梏在过往看不到未来和新意。斩掉!带着开阔的头脑生活才好。

3.Travel –One sure way of breaking down prejudices is to travel. It’s a big world and very different to what ever you are used to. Travel stimulates. Travel educates. Travel rubs your nerves raw. Travel opens your mind.

4.Make friends with people different from you – If you spend all your time with people you went to school with, in the area you grew u p in, listening to the same music telling, the same jokes, you’re not going to grow much. By making friends with people who are not like you – different age, race, religion, wealth –you’ll be exposed to a foreign but stimulating world.



5.Fall in love – Falling in love releases endorphins. Your senses are heightened. Your outlook is future focused. Creative energy is released. Take Picasso, probably the most prolific artist ever. Prolific in volume and in developing groundbreaking styles. Every time Picasso fell in love with a new muse, he created a new style. A new way at looking at the art that shook the world

6.Listen to Miles Davis – Like Picasso, Miles Davis changed the course of music. And like Picasso, he did it many times. The musician’s musician, Miles will take you to places tha t regular straight-up-and-down pop music can’t. The mind becomes as lucid as the music because the music is not trapped in a rigid conformity.

