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A Model of Cognitive Map Based on Mental Exploration
Qing Zhu1,Rubin Wang2
1Department of Automation,School of Information Science and Engineering,East China University of Science and Technology,Shanghai200237,
2Department of Mathematics,School of Science,East China University of Science and Technology,Shanghai200237,China;
Abstract:The rodent hippocampus has been thought to represent the spatial environment as a cognitive map.In the classical theory,the cognitive map has been explained as a consequence of the fact that different spatial regions are assigned to different cell populations in the framework of rate coding.This paper first introduces the construction of a neural computation model and the cognitive map based on the firing rate coding,which is also is widely used in the associative memory.Then the article explains the formation and function of the two kinds of cognitive maps.The first one is the spatial vector map,it can perform self localization.At the same time,it can update the new detail information of the map.The other one is the goal-oriented vector map,it play an important role in route replay.As intermediate between the two types,we proposed a combination between the spatial vector map and the goal-orientation map and
form an effective and efficient way of path finding.This paper focused on solving the shortcomings of this path finding way,which can only find its way for a single target.We apply this kind of cognitive map-based path-finding methods to mental exploration model.Rely on the driving force of adaptation,We use the basic knowledge of the relationship between the locations stored in the first cognitive map,and form and reset the second cognitive map,finally solve a series of problems finding new path with the help of mental exploration,which is able to find a suitable path for the needs of different target.The fresh idea of this paper can find its way to seek a simpler and safer answer,and also provide a better basis for later to apply it to the programming of the robot system.
Key words:cognitive map;mental exploration;path finding;place cell
认知地图概念的出现最初开始于Tolman的一篇论文[1],他认为老鼠具有在大脑中形成代表他们周围环境的地图的能力,并且可以利用这个认知地图来解决空间问题。之后,O’Keefe和Dostrovsky[2]采用电生理方法最早发现了海马体中的位置细胞,这些位置细胞也就是构建认知地图的基础。什么是位置细胞呢?当动物处在相对狭小的范围时,如果海马内某些锥体细胞在某处呈现最大频率发放,而在其他地方很少或者没有发放,则该细胞成为位置细胞(place cell,place unit),其发放所对应的动物在环境中的活动范围称为该细胞的位置野(place field)。位置编码对于解决空间学习任务问题起着至关重要的作用,由于海马机能障碍危害到老鼠在空间任务中的表现,这也证明了海马在啮齿动物中对空间导航的功能[3]。在上几个世纪,这些研究的主流方向都集中于解释基于空间位置的海马细胞活动方式以及这些活动的特点。另外,近期研究还表明,存在着头朝向细胞(head direction cell)[4],它们是指在动物头部指向特定方向时,发生最大放电的神经元;以及网格细胞(grid cell)[5],它也对于老鼠在迷宫平面上的导向也起着重要的作用。为了模拟各种细胞在空间中的相互协调作用,模拟动物在空间任务中进行路径搜寻,研究者们大多采用了Darvin提出的路径整合(path integration,PI)的方法,并进行不断地深化改进。综上所述,虽然已经有大量学者证实了空间学习和记忆的确是与海马有着极其重要的联系,但是这个学习机制的细节仍然是未知的,待解决的问题丝毫不少于已经取得的成果,还有这一系列问题,比如如何整合来源不同的空间信息,如何将其应用于机器人领域等等。北美和欧洲的一些科研机构已经在空间认知的研究上投入大量的科研资金,而且已经将这方面的研究结果应用于自动机器人系统中,这种机器人可以在无人为帮助的情况下,同时进行定位,制图并且导航等功能,绘制所需区域一个精确稳定的地图,来完成规定的路径任务。