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三、医药 产品的说 明书
四、化学 用品类说 明书
What Why How
mechanical and electrical products
steamroller 压路机 bulldozer 推土机 mechanical digger, excavator挖掘机 weeding machine 除草机 tractor 拖拉机 seeder, broadcaster 播种机 oil can 油壶 gear 齿轮 processing range 加工范围 output 输出功率 power 功率 overall dimensions 外形尺寸
3、Unique in style and design
消费者的目的,往往采用一些不同于 其他产品的
特殊字体和版面模式来突出该产品,如黑体字标 题,数字序号,特殊符号等。
一、机电 产品类说 明书
二、食品 类说明书
译文: 结构简单,操作容易,维修方便,生产率较高。
(4) Operation
Switch the appliance on by pressing the switch lock and pushing the ON/OFF button upwards. 译文:
按下开关键并把开 /关键往上推,便可启动本设备。
Trouble: The shaver does not work when the ON/OFF button is pressed. Solution: replace the batteries. If the shaver still does not work, see “Guarantee & service”.
(1) Application (2) Specification (3) Features
(4) Operation
(5) Notice
(1) Application
独轮电动车是新一代的节能、环保、便携式代步工具。 可以代替公交和地铁,短途代步非常方便。适于每日通 勤使用或者上学、外出。 Single Wheel Electric Scooters is a new transport, with energy-saving, environmental, portable. It is very convenient for short-distance transport. It can substitute for bus and subway. It’s suit for daily commuting, going to school and going out.
(4) Operation
使用者把脚分别放在轮子两侧的折叠式踏板上以 后,轻轻向前倾斜身体是前进,向后倾斜是停止 ,向左和向右倾斜身体是转弯。身体向前倾斜的 越厉害,速度就越快 After standing the folding pedals of the wheels on both sides, gently inclined forward the body means forward, backward is stopped, tilt the body to left and right is turning. The more you are forward, the faster the speed is.
stem 阀杆
frequency 频率 stereo radio cassette recorder
power supply 电源
automatic 自动的 立体声收录两用机
mechanical and electrical products
Computer Air conditioner Water heater Hair drier Mobile phone Washing machine …… bulldozer 推土机 processing machine tools, Cutting machine, welding machine 加工机床 、 切割机 、 焊机 food mixer juicer soya - bean milk machine 食品搅拌机 、 榨汁机 、 全自动豆浆机
解决方法:更换电池。如果剃须刀仍然不能工作,请参阅 “保证及 维修服务”。
(5) Notice
Prevent the appliance from getting wet. 译文:确保剃须器与电线保持干燥。
Remove the batteries from the appliance if you are not going to use it for quite some time.
活、生产的பைடு நூலகம்要
(2) Specification
最高时速可达18公里每小时。 载重量为120千克。 续航达25公里。 Max speed up to 18km/h load up to 120KG Running distance up to 25km
mower 割草机
harvester, reaper 收割机 winepress 葡萄榨汁机 milking machine 挤奶机
wire drawing machine 拉丝机
washing machine 洗衣机 air-conditioner 空调 oil pumping machine 抽油机
Unit Two
Product Descriptions 产品说明
1. basic business knowledge 2. structure of products description 3. language expression of products description 4. translate different products description
(2) Specification
Processing range: 6.5mm~2.4mm
Output power:
3.5t/shift~5 t /shift
输出功率: 3.5吨/转~5吨/转
(3) Features
Simple construction, easy operation and maintenance, comparatively high productivity.
安全:水、电完全分离;水温稳定,无烫伤风险 环保:无需油、燃气等燃料,无废气、废渣排放,对环境无污染 适用范围广:不受天气影响,全天候正常工作
1、Concise and accurate 说明书的句子结构都比较简单,在使用中经常 使用一些简单句、祈使句;同时也注重使用一些 名词、名词短语、复合词、动词及非谓语动词等 的使用。
2、objective and professional
说明书的目的是为了让消费者了解产品的特 征和性能,以便做出正确的选择和正确地使用该 产品。其内容客观真实、数据精确、语言通俗易 懂,但也会适当地使用文学性语言来进行表达, 以增强其可读性和感染力。
(1) Application
These versatile wheeled tractors are reliable enough to tackle a variety of field jobs such as ploughing, harrowing, seed drilling, cultivating, harvesting, etc. 这种多用途轮式拖拉机适用于犁、耙、播种、耕、收割等 多种田间作业。
Instruction(使用指导) Direction(指示、用法说明) Description(说明书) Headline Contents
1、Concise and accurate 语言简洁精确 2、objective and professional 表达客观专业 3、Unique in style and design 风格设计独特
以下是一则密码锁(zipper lock)的使用说明,但是设定新密码的步骤不慎被打乱了,请 重新排列并翻译。(1)
Zipper lock Usage Instructions The lock is set at the manufacturer to open at 000. You can keep it as your combination, or set a new one as following steps: (1) Release the button and rotate the dials so that your three secret numbers can’t be seen. (2) If you want to change to a new combination, repeat the steps. (3) Push the button in the direction of the arrow and hold it, until completing the next step. (4) Turn the dials to your desired personal combination. (5) Now your new personal code is set.
(3) Features
体积尺寸小,方便携带 节油,环保,缓解交通 从车上摔下来时,自动断电 失去控制时,紧急保护 显示电量 Mini in volume and size, convenient to take energy-saving, environmental, easing traffic Auto electricity off when fall down Emergency protection when lose control Battery status display