Language and culture 介绍语言与文化的ppt

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For example
• On the contrary ,Chinese people have been living in the Asia Island for thousands of years and agriculture has a long history. They have mysterious and awesome feeling toward sea .We can know from the terms 海水不可斗量, 海 底捞针, 茫茫大海 ,烟波浩渺。 And there are many terms deriving from farming .For instance 种豆南 山下, 草盛豆苗稀,解甲归田。
Dialect in different culture
• Dialect is a mirror of culture . It reflects different culture in different area. Dialect is the form of language that is spoken in one area with grammar , words and pronunciation that may be different from other forms of the same language.
Some idioms
To keep one‘s head above water(奋力图强) All at sea(不知所措) A pack of rogues(狐朋狗友) You are a lucky dog(你是一个幸运儿) Every dog has his three day(凡人皆有得意日) Old dog will not learn new tricks (老人学不了新 东西) God helps those who help themselves(天助自 助者) Go to hell(下地狱去吧) Pandora’s box(潘多拉的盒子) To rest on one’s oars(暂时歇一歇)
Language and culture
For Lemon Grass
• What is language , what is culture and the relationship between them. • Dialect(方言) in different culture. • Idioms(俗语) in different culture. • Chinese + English = Chinglish(中国式英语) • The significance of cultural learning in learning language • Conclusion
Relationship between language and culture
• • • • Language is part of culture. Language is the carrier and container of culture. Language is influenced and shaped by culture. Every people have its distinct language and culture. Different cultures make their different ideas , values and beliefs reflected in different languages .
Dialect in different culture
People in North America of different areas speak different English.
Idioms in different culture
• Idioms as a special form of language exit in both of them and carry a large amount of cultural information such as history , geography , and religion , custom , nationality psychology , thought pattern and etc , and therefore are closely related to culture . • Idioms basically comes from the folk, and to a great extent , reflects a nationality’s cultural characteristics , and the different nationality’s experience of life and the national languages.
What is culture?
• In a broad way , culture means the total way of life of a person ,including the patter of belief , customs , objects , institutions , techniques, and language that characterizes the life of human community. • In a narrow way , culture may refer to local or specific practice , beliefs or customs , which can be mostly found in folk culture , enterprise culture of food culture and so on.
The significance of cuFra Baidu bibliotektural learning in learning language
Learning a foreign language is in separable from learning its culture. We need to learn enough about the language 's culture so that we can communicate in the target language properly to achieve not only the linguistic competence but also the pragmatic or communicative competence as well. Anyone studying a foreign language has to be bicultural as well as bilingual to speak the new language in a way that it is not disparaging to the culture and its origin . Language does not end at the meaning or the use of words associated to a culture‘s words represent beliefs ,history ,and the culture of their origin and they must be used accordingly.
For example
• Britain Island is surrounded by sea . That’s the reason that words or terms about sea and boat are rich , such as smooth sailing , all at sea ; ship ,ferry ,canoe ,barge ,yawl .
For example
好好学习天天向上 Day day
up ,good good study. 好久不见 Long time no see. 让我看看 Let me see. 给你点颜色看看 Give you some color see see .
Conclusion on Chinglish
What is Language?
• Language is a purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas , emotions ,and desires by a system of voluntarily produced symbols .These symbols are auditory and are produced by the organs of speech. • Sociologists think that language is social behavior and language has a social function , both as a means of communication and also a way of identifying social groups.
Different language merges into different language and different culture , which is likely to develop a new kind of language . Language is a communicative tool and has been staying develop and change .As long as we can understand the meaning of people's words and have no trouble to normal conversation. A language does reflect the culture of a society , but only in certain aspects , especially in its hierarchy of vocabulary and its discourse patterns . Changes in culture result in new types of discourse .
Chinese +English =Chinglish
Chinglish(中国式英语) is more and more popular in Chinese lives .The appearance of Chinglish is also reflecting the relationship between language and culture .Certainly ,it shows a special kind of relationship between English language and Chinese culture. The wind of Chinglish sweeps across the country especially on the internet . Now almost all the people know it and will use it once in a while . Even the westerners start to accept it gradually.
Dialect in different culture
Different town has different dialect. If 2 persons coming from different place do not learn Putonghua , they will confused by separate dialect.