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高 一 九 班
The latecomerw_il_l n_o_t_b_e_a_llo_w_e_d_t_o_ enter the classroom .
The Grey Wolf __w__ill_b__e_s_c_o_l_d_e_d______ by its wife if it does not catch a lamb. (scold v责骂)
• When will the Sports Meeting be held? • Where will the Sports Meeting be held? • ………………
【写作素材】第32届奥运会将在日本东京举行,日本政府 将会积极筹备奥运会。请你根据下列所给信息完成一篇作 文。Please use Future Passive Voice as often as
3. How many students will you invite to the lecture?
_H_o_w__m__a_n_y_s_t_u_d_e_n_t_s_w_i_ll_b__e_i_n_v_it_e_d_t_o__th_e lecture?
When will these books be published? Whom will this book be written by? What will be done for the publishment of
to keep order in Tokyo.
During the 2020 Olympic Game, the best athletesw__il_l _b_e_c_h_o_s_e_n(choose) to compete from different countrieswainlldbteheeyn_c_o_u_r_a_g_e_d_
visitors to stay in.
The roads w__il_l_b_e_m__a_d_e_ (make) wider and trees and flowers _w_i_ll_b__e_p_l_a_n_te_d__ (plant)
along the roads to beautify the environment. Many volunteers _w_i_ll_b_e__tr_a_in__e(dtrain) for the game. Many policemen _w_i_ll_b_e__s_e_n_t (send)
(encourage) to do their best.
知识回顾 Knowledge Review
this book ?
S+ will / shall (not) be done+….
will / shall + s + be + done…?
疑问词 + will / shall + s + be + done…? 疑问词(作主语) + will / shall + be + done…?
The little girl is so pretty that she _w_i_l_l _b_e_a_d_m__ir_e_d_ (admire) by all people when she grows up.
一、句型转换 将下列句子变为被动句。
1. When will you finish your homework? __W__h_e_n__w_i_ll_y_o_u__r_h_o_m__e_w_o_r_k__b_e_f_in_i_s_h_e_d_?_____ ________________________________________ 2. How will the students decorate their classroom ? _H_o_w__w__il_l_t_h_e_c_l_a_ss_r_o_o_m__b_e__d_e_c_o_ra_t_e_d_(_b_y_t_h_e__ _s_tu_d__en__ts_)_?Biblioteka Baidu_____________________________
1. Won’t water be turned into ice when it is below freezing?
2. ---Will the work be finished at once? ---Yes, it will.
Will / Shall + s +be done…?
Thousands of words w__ill_b_e__c_o_p_ie_dby the student who chats in class. (copy)
4 The headteacher will punish the student.
8 The student will be punished by the headteacher.
The teacher will punish the student .
The student will be punished (by the teacher) . The teacher will not allow students to use phones in school. Phones will / shall not be allowed to use in school.
1 The teacher will send the 5 The student will be sent
student to the
to the headteacher’s
headteacher’s office.
2 The headteacher will give the student a warning if it is the first time .
6 The student will be given a warning if it is the first time.
3 The headteacher will call the parents to come to school.
7 The parents will be called to come to school by the headteacher.
order) 5.各国将会选出最优秀的运动员参加此次奥运会,并且 运动员们都会被鼓励尽己所能(encourage,do one’ best )
The 32rd Olympic Game will be held in Tokyo and a lot of preparations will be made by Japanese government. large amounts of money w__il_l _b_e_s_p_e_n_t_
possible. 1、大量的金钱将会投入到奥运会筹备工作中,新体育馆将 会在2020年前完工。 2.新的奥运村将会为运动员们建造,很多酒店也会提前 建造好以方便游客们入住 (Olympic Village,stay in) 3.马路会被拓宽,并且马路两边会种上花草树木来美化 环境。(beautify vt &vi 美化) 4.志愿者们将会提前培训好为奥运会服务,大批的警察 将会在奥运会前派到东京去维持秩序。 (train, keep
The next Teachers’ Sports Meeting will be held in our school .You are the journalist of our school newspaper and will interview the teacher who is in charge of the Sports Meeting .Cooperate with your partners and try to use Future Passive Voice to make up the dialogue.
(spend) on the preparations, and the new stadiumsw_i_ll_b_e__c_o_m__p_le_t_e_d__ (complete)
before 2020.A new Olympic Village_w__il_l _b_e_b_u__il_t (build) for the athletes and some hotels _w_i_ll_b__e_b_u_i_lt_ (build) for the
The streets _w_i_ll__b_e_li_t_ (light) by electricity. I _w_i_ll_/_s_h_a_l_l_n_o_t_b_e_i_n_v_i_te_d_ (not invite) to tomorrow’s wedding.
_W__il_l_ this house _b_e_s_o_l_d__ (sell) by the King?