


















Henry was an office worker in a big city. Henry was an office worker in a big city. He worked very hard and enjoyedtraveling in hisholidays. He usually went to the seaside, but one year he saw anadvertisement in a newspaper.“Enjoy country life. Spend a few weeks at West HillFarm. Good food. Fresh air. Horse riding.Walking. Fishing. Cheap and interesting.” “This sounds a good idea,” he thought. “I?ll spend a month at West Hill Farm.Ithink I canenjoy horse riding, walking and fishing. They?llmake a change from sittingby the seaside andswimming.” He wrote to the farmer. In the letter he said that hewould like to spend all of Julythere. Then on the first of July, he left for West HillFarm. But four days later, he returned home. “What was wrong with West Hill Farm?” his best friend, Ed, asked him.“Didn?tyou enjoycountry life?” “Country life was very good,” Henry said. “But there was another problem.”“Oh. What?” “Well,” he said, “the first day I was there a sheep died, and wehad roast muttonfor dinner.”“What's wrong with that?” Ed asked. “Fresh meat is the best.” “I know, but on the second day a cow died, and we had roast beef for dinner.”“Lucky you!” “You don't understand,” Henry said. “On the t hird day a pigdied and we hadroast pork fordinner.” “Let me finish,” Henry said. “On the fourth day the farmer died, and I didn'tdare (敢)stay fordinner!” 1.How did Henry find out about the farm? A. He saw it in a newspaper advertisement. B. His best friend told him.


足球小游戏 11月19号 8:30-11:00 足球基本技术教学大量重复练习 一、一人停球一人传球练习 练习方法:两人相对站立2米左右,一人后退,一人向前传球,后退的踩停球后,继续后退,向前队员上前继续传球给后退队员,以此类推 二、两人行进间传球练习 1、后插上传球练习 2、后插上脚由内向外绕球一圈停球在传球的练习 注意:左脚停右脚传球,右脚停球左脚传球 三、三人间行进间传球 1、一脚传球的练习 2、停球传球的练习 3、脚由内向外绕球一圈停球在传球的练习 4、脚由内向外绕球一圈,前脚掌拉球,另只脚外侧拨球,在传球的练习 注意:1、左侧用左脚传,右侧用右脚传。 2、要不停的运用小碎步来移动。

四、半高球传球练习 1、脚背传球练习 一人手抛半高球,一人用脚背回球。 注意:大腿抬高,脚背绷直,小碎步移动,球不能旋转 左右脚各连续做5次,两人交换。 2、双脚交替触球后,脚背回传球练习 ①左脚脚内侧接起球后,右脚脚背回球。反之 ②左脚脚外侧接起球后,右脚脚背回球。反之 ③外侧接起球后,另只脚内侧垫高球,脚背回球。 ④大腿接球后,另只脚脚背回球。 ⑤胸部停球后,脚背回球。(胸部停球时,两只脚前后站立) 3、脚内侧回半高球练习 4、前交叉步脚内侧回半高球练习 5、侧滑步脚内侧回半高球练习 五、头球练习 两脚前后站,脚尖向前,注意5次练习后前后脚换位置。 六、后退交叉步脚内侧回半高球(交叉两步) 七、后退交叉步头球(交叉两步) 八、原地起跳头球(两脚前后站)

九、门前射门动作运用 在门前进行射门练习,运用前面练习的动作 1、门前跃起接手抛球头球攻门练习 2、门前包抄接手抛半高球球脚内侧推射练习 3、门前背对球门大腿停球转身射门练习 4、门前背对球门脚背挑球转身射门练习 5、门前侧对球门胸部停球射门练习 6、门前脚背凌空射门练习


编辑: Becky
I have a rabbit habit. I like to crunch and chew On celery logs and carrot sticks, And apple wedges, too. I have a rabbit habit. I like to chomp and munch On crispy greens and juicy grapes. Mmm…rabbit food for lunch! 1. What is a rabbit habit? _____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 2. List four action verbs in this poem. __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________
The King of the Jungle
The lion is the king of the jungle. They are big and strong. Lions weigh 400 pounds and stand 4 feet tall. If you feel the hair on its face, it is soft. You can find a lion in Africa. They can live for 15 years in the wild. They like to sleep in the grass at night. Lions eat meat, such as zebras, giraffe, and buffalo. Lions live in groups, called “prides”, with about 15 other lions. Would you like to have a lion as a pet? 1. The lion is the King of the _______________. A) Jump Rope B) Africa C) Jungle D) Forest 2. Lions are big and strong. They weight _______ pounds. A) 4 B) 40 C) 400 D) 4000 3. Lions can live for _________ years in the wild. A) 5 B) 10 C) 15 D) 20 4. Lions eat meat, such as ___________________________. A) Pork Chops B) Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, and Chicken C) Plants D) Zebras, Giraffe, and Buffalo 5. Lions live in groups called ___________. A) Herds B) Prides C) Groups D) A Gaggle
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趣味阅读 ( A ) Most cats like to catch mice and eat them. But this cat and this mouse got on well(相处得好). I will tell you why they were friends. One day, the cat ran into a net (网) and could not get out of it. He bit(咬)with his teeth, but it was no use. Then t he cat heard a little voice: “I will help you. But you must promise (答应)not to hurt me when you get out.” The cat looked round and saw a mouse. “Please help me,” said the cat. “I will not hurt you.” So the mouse bit at the net with her teeth and made a small hole, then the cat got out. “Thank you,” said the cat. “I will do you a good turn (回报你)one day.” Not long after this, the cat heard “Squeak(吱吱的叫声)! Squeak!” He looked about and saw the mouse in a corner. Her tail(尾巴)was in a trap(老鼠夹)and could not get out. The cat opened the trap and helped the mouse. After this, the cat and the mouse became good friends. 1. Which of the following sentence is true? A. Every cat likes to catch and eat mice. B. No cat likes to catch and eat mice. C. Most cats like to catch and eat mice. D. Cat and mouse are always good friends. 2. Who can make a hole on the net? A. The cat. B. The mouse. C. Both of them. D. No one. 3. Which part of the mouse was in a trap? A. Her leg. B. Her tail. C. Her hand. D. Her nose. 4. The cat and the mouse became good friends because __________. A. the cat didn’t like to eat mouse B. the mouse had helped the cat C. they helped each other(彼此) D. the cat had helped the mouse ( B ) A little boy didn’t say a word until he was three years old. His mother took him to every doctor, but there was no use. He was healthy and bright , so the doctors told his mother not to worry. One morning the boy suddenly knocked on the table and cried out, “These eggs are terrible!” The mother was ver y glad at hearing her son speak, and asked, “Why didn’t you say anything before?” “Well.” He answered, “up to now, the eggs have been very good.” 1. Why didn’t the little boy say a word? A. He didn’t want to say. B. He couldn’t say. C. He was ill. D. There was something wrong with his health. 2. The little boy didn’t say a word before he was ___________years old. A. one B. two C. three D. four 3. What made the boy say his first word? A. An apple. B. A banana. C. An egg. D. A pear. 4. The mother was very _________ after hearing her son speak. A. anxious B. worried C. angry D. glad 5. The boy was ________ after seeing every doctor. A. ill B. healthy and bright C. foolish D. surprising ( C ) One afternoon Mary and her little brother Tom were playing hide-and-seek(捉迷藏)in the street just outside the pose office. Mary had closed her eyes when Tom found that the door of the letterbox had been opened. The postman had just taken all the letters out and gone into the post office. Tom climbed into the letterbox and closed the door from the outside. When he knew he couldn’t get out, he became very afraid and began to cry. At the same time, Mary was looking for him everywhere, but she couldn’t find him. Then she came back to the letterbox, and heard her brother crying in it. She ran to tell the postman. With the help of the postman, Tom got out of the letterbox. “Next time if you want to play hide-and-seek, don’t hide in the letterbox.” 1. Mary and Tom were playing __________. A. near the post office B. at home C. in the court D. at school 2. When playing, Tom hid himself ___________. A. under a table B. in a room C. in a letterbox D. behind a tree 3. Tom cried in the letterbox because ___________. A. he was missing his mother B. he was hungry C. his leg was hurt D. he couldn’t get out of it 4. Who helped Tom get out of the letterbox? A. His mother. B. Mary. C. The postman. D. A neighbor. 5. Why the door of the letterbox was opened when Tom found it? A. The postman forgot to lock it. B. It was often opened. C. Tom opened it. D. The postman had no time to lock. ( D ) Long ago in a quite village, there was a place named the House of 1,000Mirrors. A happy little dog heard of this place and decided to visit it. When he arrived, he jumped up and down and looked everywhere. To his surprise, he found himself looking at 1,000 other happy little dogs. He smiled a great smile, and saw 1,000 little dogs smiling in the mirrors. As he left the house, he thought, “This is a wonderful place. I will come back often. Another little dog decided to visit the house. He was not as happy as the first one. He slowly walked into the house


训练计划-趣味游戏(热身) 趣味游戏1 练习说明: (1)在15×15米的场地内. (2)10人1组,每人1球. (3)在区域内随意控球(教练员指定动作) (4)听到哨声用不同的部位进行停球动作. (5)动作失误和动作缓慢者被淘汰,最后剩下的球员为胜利者. 趣味游戏2 练习说明: (1)在15×10米的场地内. (2)球员分成5人1组,每组1球. (3)队员依次颠球,10次后全部跑到对面终点,先到达的一组为获胜。(4)可落地一次或空中不落地.

趣味游戏3 练习说明: (1)8人1组,两名防守球员,6名进攻球员. (2)进攻球员带球通过两名球员的防守区域,防守球员只能在区域内破坏进攻球员的球。(3)可通过增加防守区域的球员人数来增加难度. 趣味游戏4 练习说明: (1)用12个标志筒在不同的位置摆放6个球门,球门大小2米. (2)12名球员分成两组,一人一球. (3)每组在规定的20分时间内分别穿越不同的小球门(不能反复穿越同一个球门),次数最多者获胜。 (4)有球/无球 趣味游戏5 练习说明:

(1)15×20米场地内 (2)8名球员分成2组,9个球. (3)教练员发令后两边球员分别依次出来拿球(用手/脚) (4)每次只能拿一个球,先拿到5球者的一组胜利. 趣味游戏6 练习说明: (1)每组5名球员,其中每组安排1名无球球员在球门里接应。 (2)两组第1名球员同时带球出发,在标志筒之间做教练员规定的动作,到达中间后挑球给球门里接应的球员,完后跑到球门里成为接应球员,然后第第2名球员带球出发,哪一组球员都成功到达球门区域后方为获胜. 训练计划-控球 控球1 练习说明: (1)15×20米场地内,10球员,2人1组. (2)在20米距离内做教练员指定的控球动作. (3)注意抬头观察. (4)左右脚反复练习.


A farmer had a cow. He took very good care of this cow and one day when it was ill, he was very worried. He telephoned the vet. “What’s the problem?” The vet asked him when he arrived. “My cow’s ill,” the farmer said. “I don’t know what's the matter with her. She’s lying down and won’t eat. She’s making a strange noise.” The vet looked over the cow. "She’s certainly ill," he said, "and she needs to take some very strong medicine." He took a bottle out of his box, put two pills into his hand and said, "Give her these. The pills should make her better." “How should I give them to her?” the farmer asked. The vet gave him a tube and said, "Put this tube in her mouth, then put the pills in the tube and blow. That’ll make it." The next day the vet came to the farm again. The farmer was sitting outside his house and looked more worried. “How’s your cow?” the vet asked. “No change,” the farmer said, “and I’m feeling very strange myself.” “Oh?” the vet said, "Why?" “I did what you said,” the farmer answered. “I put the tube in the cow’s mouth and then put two pills down it.” “And?” the vet asked. “The cow blew first,” the farmer said. 1. In the story, the vet must be _________. A. the farmer's friend B. a milk factory C. a hospital for cows D. a doctor for animals 2.The farmer asked the vet for help when his cow _______ A. couldn't lie down B. didn't eat the pills C. couldn't make any noise D. was ill 3.What medicine did the vet give the farmer? A. Bottle of pills. B. A long tube. C. Two pills. D. A small box. 4.The vet taught the farmer how _________. A. to blow the tube B. to make the cow take the pills C. to take the medicine D. to put the tube in his mouth 5.Which of the following is true? A. The farmer ate the pills himself. B. The cow got better after taking the medicine. C. The vet came to help the farmer change the cow the next day. D. The farmer waited for the vet outside his house the next day.


幼儿园体育课教案——《足球小世界》 学习阶段水平中班、大班学生:约40人单位:XXXXX 执教:陈文 教学内容1、足球传控球练习 2、趣味游戏:传递奥运火炬 教学目标: 1、学生能积极参与小足球的学习与游戏活动,培养学生对足球运动的兴趣。 2、通过对足球传控球的练习,使80%的学生能掌握足球传控球的技术。 3、通过游戏活动,培养学生的合作与竞争意识,体验与他人合作学习的心理感受。 教学重点:脚内侧传球和前脚掌停球的动作方法。 教学难点:传停球的力度和准确性。 课序教学内容教师教法与学生活动组织与要求时间 准备部分1、教学常规 准备活动队列练习 2、看谁的平衡能力好 把球放头上、背上、胸前、手 臂、大小腿等 3、看谁的控制能力好 1、师生问好 2、进入训练营 3、学生自主尝试熟悉球性 4、传控球习 1、2、组织 ×××××× ×××××× ×××××× ×××××× △ 3、组织:散点 4、组织两人一组散点 5、组织:散点 3 6 基本部分趣味游戏:传递奥运火炬 教师讲解规则并模仿示范动作 学生认真听讲 全班4队,每组一个火炬。站起 跑线后,”哨响”,把足球踢出起跑 线,快速跑上去把球停在长方形 内,再往前跑绕过安全桩回来把球 传给下一个同学,下一同学先停住 球,等奥运火炬传到自己手中再继 续进行。最先传完火炬的队就是胜 利队,奖励笑脸。尝试一次,比赛 一次。 要求:如果球没有传到自己队的方 框里,就必须踢回来防好后再继续 进行。 组织: ×××× ×××× ×××× ×××× ×××× ↓↓↓↓ 10

放松部分1、歌曲《生命之杯》放松舞蹈 2、课堂小结 评出本课的小足球明星 1、在音乐伴奏下,围在教师身边, 跟着教师唱起来,跳起来。 要求:自我放松,欢快舞蹈 1、组织:围教师散点 2、组织:散点坐草地上 5 场地 器材足球32只,图片一张,火炬4个,录音机一只


找夏天 夏天到了,老师带我们去找夏天。田野间,我看到了一片绿油油的稻(dào)田。果园里,我看到了红红的桃子。湖边,我看见游(yóu)人在划(huá)船,一位老爷爷坐在树下钓(diào)鱼,还有一群淘(táo)气的小孩在粘(zhān)知(zhī)了(liǎo)…… 夏天多美啊! 1、用“横线”在文中画出表示颜色的词。 2、“我”看到了什么用“波浪线”在文中画出来。 3、你找到夏天了吗? 我看 见 ,知道夏天来了。 4、这篇短(duǎn)文共有个自然段。 送伞 有位老奶奶,等(děnɡ)车雨里站。 东东看见了,赶(ɡǎn)紧(jǐn)跑上前。 踮(diǎn)起小脚尖,送上小雨伞。 奶奶乐坏(huài)了,亲他胖脸(liǎn)蛋(dàn)。 1、东东是怎么做的,用“------------”画出表示东东动作的词。

2、下雨了,东东看见(),就 ()。 3、写句子。 (),我看见(),就 ( 小明生病了,直叫肚子疼。妈妈带他去医院看病。 医生问小明吃了脏东西没有,小明摇摇头。医生看了看他的手,发现他的手很脏,指甲也很长,说:“用脏手拿东西吃会生病的。” 小明记住医生的话,做到经常洗手、剪指甲,成了一个讲卫生的孩子。 1.短文有_____个小节,第一节有_____句话。 2.小明__________________,妈妈带他去________________________。 3.小明生病的原因是什么请你用“____________”画出来。 太山公公的胡(hu)子 那是山中的瀑(pù)布吗不,那是大山公公的胡子。 这胡子呀,很长很长。你瞧(qiáo),它从山上一直拖(tuō)到山下。 拖到山下还不够(ɡòu),这胡子又伸(shēn)到山脚的小溪里,又伸到远处的小河里,又伸到更远的大江里……一直通(tōnɡ)到大海里。 1、这篇课文有()个自然段。


《刻舟求剑》教学设计 教材简析: 《刻舟求剑》这则寓言讲的是一个坐船过江的人,不慎把宝剑掉入江中,他一点儿也不着急,只在船舷上刻了个记号,准备船靠岸以后,从刻记号的地方跳下去捞宝剑。它用短小有趣、言简意赅的故事,讽刺了生活中的某些荒唐可笑的现象,揭示了一些深刻的道理,用“蠢人蠢事”——可笑的事,从反面给人启迪,耐人寻味。 学情分析: 经过几年的语文学习和实践,学生已经掌握了一些学习语文的方法,具备了一定的独立学习语文的能力,这则寓言虽然是文言文,但是有译文可供借助,学生学起来就容易多了。因此,和现代文的教学一样,仍坚持以自读为主,重在感悟、积累的策略。教学中,尽量让学生自主、合作和探究学习,让他自己质疑、释疑,教师适当点拨、扶助,必要时精当讲解,但是不讲语法。 设计理念: 教学中要突出以读代讲的特点。文言文的教学和现代文一样,仍然要坚持以读为主,重在感悟,教给学生学习文言文的方法,引导学生学习、总结学习寓言故事的一般方法:读故事——明道理——受教育 教学目标: 1、学习本课生字,和译文对照(或查字典验证)弄懂字义。 2、继续了解古今汉语词义和表达上的不同,弄懂每则寓言的寓意,并用自己的话表达出来。 3、指导学生正确朗读文言文。 4、让学生初步接触文言文,为以后的学习打一点基础,同时,引导学生从这则寓言中领悟一些生活中的道理。 教学重点、难点: 1、了解寓言内容,引导学生抓住对话中的关键性的话展开思考、讨论可作为教学的重点。指导朗读也是本课的教学重点。 2、继续了解古今词义和表达上的不同,弄懂寓言的寓意,并用自己的话表达出来,是学习本课的难点。 教学准备:课文录音纸船 教学时数:1课时 教学过程: 一、导入新课 1、根据学生对以前寓言故事的学习,归纳总结:什么是寓言? 2、我国古代有许多寓言,请同学们说说自己听过或读过的寓言故事? 3、师导:今天老师和同学们再一起学习一则寓言《刻舟求剑》,看看这则寓言将会给大家讲述一个怎样的故事?会告诉我们一个怎样的深刻道理? 4、自读《刻舟求剑》,注意读准字音,并思考:这篇文章主要讲述了一个怎样的故事? [调动学生已有的知识经验,既是对以往所学知识的回顾,又很好地领悟了文言文的特点。让学生带着问题走进教材,学生能够深入的读书,深入地理解课文,对于调动学生学习积极性是非常重要的。】 二、自读自悟、整体感知 1、听朗读磁带读课文,听清语气语调、节奏、句子的停顿,注意自己正音。 2、用自己的话说说这则寓言讲了一件什么事?


小故事文言文及翻译 1、刻舟求剑 原文: 楚(周代国名,都城在今湖北江陵县北)人有涉江者,其剑自舟中坠于水,遽契(jù qì)其舟,曰:“是吾(wú)剑之所从坠。”舟止,从其所契者入水求之。舟已行矣(yǐ),而剑不行,求剑若此,不亦惑乎! ————节选自《吕氏春秋·察今》译文: 楚国有个渡江的人,他的剑从船里掉入水中,他急忙在剑掉下去的地方刻了个记号,说:“这儿是我的剑掉下去的地方。”船停下来后,他便从自己刻记号的地方下水去寻找剑。船已经向前走了,而剑没有,像这样找剑,岂不是太糊涂了吗? 2、自相矛盾 原文: 楚人有鬻盾与矛者,誉之曰:“吾盾之坚,物莫能陷也。”又誉其矛曰:“吾矛之利,于物无不陷也。”或曰:“以子之矛陷于之盾,何如?”其人弗能应也。夫不可陷之盾与无不陷之矛,不可同世而立。 译文: 楚国有个卖矛和盾的人,夸他的盾说:“我的盾很坚固,任何武器都刺不破它。”又夸他的矛说:“我的矛很锐利,没有东西穿不透的。”有人质问他:“拿你的矛去刺你的盾,结果会怎样?”那人便答不上话来了。本来,坚不可破的盾和无坚不穿的矛是不可能同时并存的。 3、郑人买履 原文: 郑人有欲买履者,先自度其足,而置之其坐,至之市而忘操之。已得履,乃曰:“吾忘持其度。”反归取之。及反,市罢,遂不得履。人曰:“何不试之以足?” 曰:“宁信度,无自信也。” 译文: 有个想要买鞋子的郑国人,他先在家里量了自己的脚,把尺码放在了他的座位上。到了前往集市的时候,却忘了带量好的尺码。他已经拿到鞋子,(才发现自己忘了带尺寸了)就说:“我忘记带尺码了。”返回家去取尺寸。等到他赶回来,集市已经散了,最终没有买到鞋。有人问他说:“你为什么不用自己的脚试一试鞋子的大小呢?”他回答说:“我宁可相信尺码,也不相信自己的脚!” 4、买椟还珠 原文: 楚人有卖其珠于郑者,为木兰之柜,薰以桂.椒,缀以珠玉,饰以玫瑰,辑以翡羽。郑人买其椟而还其珠。此可谓善鬻椟矣,未可谓善鬻珠也。 译文: 有一个楚国人卖他的珠子给郑国人,用木兰做了一个匣子,用桂椒熏染它,用珠玉装饰它,再用火齐珠镶嵌它,最后用翠鸟的羽毛点缀它。但那个郑国人买了他的匣子却退还了他的珍珠。这可以说是善于卖匣子了,不能说是善于卖珍珠。


阅读理解练习(1) A farmer had a cow. He took very good care of this cow and one day when it was ill, hewas very worried. He telephoned the vet. “What’s the problem?” The vet asked him when he arrived. “My cow’s ill,” the farmer said.“I don’t know what“sthematter withher. She’s lyingdown and won’t eat. She’s making a strange noise.” The vet looked over the cow. “She’s certainly ill,“ he said, “and she needs to take somevery strong medicine.“ He took a bottle out of his box, put two pills into his hand and said, “Give her these.The pills should make her better.“ “How should I give them to her?” the farmer asked. The vet gave him a tube and said, “Put this tube in her mouth, then put the pills in t hetube and blow. That’ll make it.“ The next day the vet came to the farm again. The farmer was sitting outside his houseand looked more worried. “How’s your cow?” the vet asked. “No change,” the farmer said, “and I’m feeling very strange myself.” “Oh?” the vet said, “Why?“ “I did what you said,” the farmer answered. “I put the tube in the cow’s mouth and thenput two pills down it.” “And?” the vet asked. “The cow blew first,” the farmer said. 1. In the story, the vet must be _________. A. the farmer“s friend B. a milk factory


小学生足球趣味游戏 训练计划-趣味游戏(热身) 趣味游戏1 . (3)队员依次颠球,10次后全部跑到对面终 点,先到达的一组为获胜。 (4)可落地一次或空中不落地.

练习说明: (1)8人1组,两名防守球员,6名进攻球员. 6个 同的小球门(不能反复穿越同一个球门),次数最多者获胜。 (4)有球/无球

练习说明: (1)15×20米场地内 (2)8名球员分成2组,9个球. 名无球 为接应球员,然后第第2名球员带球出发, 哪一组球员都成功到达球门区域后方为获 胜. 训练计划-控球

控球1 练习说明: (1)15×20米场地内,10球员,2人1组. (2)在20米距离内做教练员指定的控球动作. (3)注意抬头观察. (4)左右脚反复练习. (1)标志筒之间相距3米. (2)每个区域3名球员并编上号码. (3)分别在自己的区域内做控球动作. (4)听教练哨音按号码顺序把球交换给下一名球员,无球队员处于慢跑状态. (5)注意抬头观察,双脚反复练习. 控球5

(1)标志筒之间相距10米. (2)3人一组,每组2球. (3)两边球员按照教练员要求,用身体不同部位进行控球,5分钟换一名球员. (4)保持好重心,触球部位准确,强调双脚反复练习. (5)相互之间交流,有高质量的喂球. 控球6 做控球练习。 . (2)4组球员相互之间有目标的传接球. (3)触球部位准确,注意传球的准确性和力量. (4)抬头相互之间多进行交流. (5)接球是的身体位置 增加难度(球的数量/触球次数) 传接球3

(1)12名球员,2个球. (2)球员在运动中传接球. (3)触球部位准确,注意传球的准确性和力量. (4)抬头进行交流. (5)增加难度(球的数量) 传接球4 (3)里面球员可选择多种传球方式给外侧的球员. (4)外侧球员接球后和里面的球员交换,五分钟交换一组. 传接球7 练习说明: (1)20×20场地内,8名球员分成两组,1个球. (2)4V4传接球对抗练习.


阅读下面的文字,完成1—3小题。(本题共3个小题,9分) 谈趣味(节选) 朱光潜 一个人不能同时走两条路,出发时只有一条路可走。从事文艺的人入手不能不偏,不能不依傍门户,不能不先培养一种偏狭的趣味。初喝酒的人对于白酒红酒种种酒都同样地爱喝,他一定不识酒味。到了识酒味时他的嗜好一定偏狭,非是某一家某一年的酒不能喝得畅快。学文艺也是如此,没有尝过某一种门户某一派别的训练和滋味的人总不免有些江湖气。我不知道会喝酒的人是否可以从非某一家某一年的酒不喝,进到只要是好酒都可以识出味道;但是我相信学文艺者应该能从非某家某派诗不读,做到只要是好诗都可领略到滋味的地步。这就是说,学文艺的人入手虽不能不偏,后来却要能不偏,能凭高俯视一切门户派别,看出偏的弊病。 文学本来一国有一国的特殊趣味,一时有一时的特殊风尚。就西方诗说,拉丁民族的诗有为日耳曼民族所不能欣赏的境界,日耳曼民族的诗也有为非拉丁民族所不能欣赏的境界。寝馈于古典派作品既久者对于浪漫派作品往往格格不入;寝馈于象征派既久者亦觉得其他作品都索然无味。中国诗的风尚也是随时代变迁。汉魏六朝唐宋各有各的派别,各有各的信徒。明人尊唐,清人尊宋,好高古者祖汉魏,喜艳妍者推重六朝和西昆。门户之见也往往很严。 但是门户之见可以范围初学者而不足以羁縻大雅。读诗较广泛者,常觉得自己的趣味时时在变迁中,久而久之,有如江湖游客,寻幽览胜,风雨晦明,川原海岳,各有妙境,吾人正不必以此所长,量彼所短,各派都有长短,取长弃短,才无偏蔽。古今的优劣实在不易下定评,古有古的趣味,今也有今的趣味,我们不必强其同。 文艺上一时的风尚向来是靠不住的。在法国十七世纪新古典主义盛行时,十六世纪的诗被人指摘,体无完肤;到浪漫主义时代,大家又觉得“七星派诗人”亦自有独到境界。在英国浪漫主义盛行时,学者都鄙视十七、十八两个世纪的诗;现在浪漫的潮流平息了,大家又觉得从前被人鄙视的作品,亦自有不可磨灭处。个人的趣味演进亦往往如此。涉猎愈广博,偏见愈减少,趣味亦愈纯正。从浪漫派脱胎者到能见出古典派的妙处时,专在唐宋做功夫者到能欣赏六朝人作品时,笃爱苏辛词者能领略温李的情韵时,才算打通了诗的一关。好浪漫派而止于浪漫者,或是好苏辛而止于苏辛者,终不免坐井观天,诬天渺小。


语文趣味阅读练习 1.我忽然觉得自己仿佛(fúfó)就是一朵荷花,穿着雪白的衣裳,站在阳光里。一阵微风吹过来,我就翩翩(piàn piān)起舞,雪白的衣裳随风(飘扬飘动)。不光是我一朵,一池的荷花都在舞蹈。风过了。我停止了舞蹈,静静地站在那儿。蜻蜓飞过来,告诉我清早飞行的快乐。小鱼在脚下游 过,告诉我昨 夜做的好梦。。。。。。 过了一会,我才记起我不是荷花,我是在看荷花呢。(《荷花》) 1、在文中的括号里选择正确的拼音和词语,打上“√”。 2、在文中有一个AABC式的词语(翩翩起舞),请你照着写两个这样的词。 翩翩起 舞 3、用“~~~~”画出文中的一句“打比方”的句子,并仿写一句比喻句。

4、“我”为什么会忘记自己是在看荷花呢? 2.有一天,鸡看见鸭子在水里自由自在地游泳,非常羡慕,便请教鸭子,问它怎样才能学会游泳,鸭子说:“不用学。鸭妈妈带我们下水,也并不教,只喊一声…跳?,我们扑通扑通往下跳,就会了。” “啊,太好了!只要有勇气就够了,这么容易!”鸡认为自己领悟了奥(ào)秘。 第二天,鸡来到小河边,鼓起勇气,“扑通”一声跳入水,天哪,它一不会换气,二不会动作,三不能保持平衡(héng),没用多大工夫就灌(guàn)了一肚子水!幸亏鸭子及时将这“落汤鸡”救上了岸。 鸡半死不活地躺在沙滩(tān)上,总结道:“ 。”

1.联系上下文,展开合理想象,将获救后鸡说的话补充完整,写在文中横线上。 2.写出与下面词语意思相近的词。 领悟──()奥秘── () 3.鸡学游泳却变成“落汤鸡”的原因是它一不会,二不会,三不 能。 4.“只要有勇气就够了”,你同意鸡的看 法吗?为什么? 3..海底动物常常在窃窃私语,只是我们听不到而已。()你用上特制的水中听音器,()能听到各种各样的声音:有的 像一样嗡嗡,有的像一样啾啾,有的像一样汪汪,有的像在打呼噜……它们的时候发出一种声音,的时候发出另一种声音,的时候还会发出警 报。
