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E -mail:leiqun@petr
雷群 万玉金 李熙喆 胡勇
摘 要 美国是目前致密砂岩天然气产量最多的国家,历经40年逐步形成了气藏描述、井网加密、增产改造及钻井完井等系列配套技术,其成功的开发实践将为我国致密砂岩气藏开发提供宝贵的经验。
关键词 美国 致密砂岩 气藏 开发 压裂 增产 工艺 经验 DOI:10.3787/j.issn.1000-0976.2010.01.012
0 引言
美国致密砂岩气开采始于20世纪70年代,2008年致密砂岩气产量达到1757@108m 3,约占美国天然气总产量的30%以上。
1 美国致密砂岩气藏储层与开发特征
1.1 致密砂岩气藏储层特征
1)孔隙度、渗透率均比较低,产气层的渗透率都在0.01@10-3L m 2以下,孔隙度一般为3%~12%。
1.2 致密砂岩气藏开发特征
m 3
/d 之间,只有Pinedale 、Jonah 和Wilcox 3个气田产量较高,平均单井产量在2@104
m 3
/d 之间。
m 3
m 3
m 3。
3)气井以定压方式生产,单井初期产量高,具有投资回收期短、地层能量充分利用、快速获得动态资料等优点,但单井递减速度较快,早期递减率超过40%,单井生产期可长40a 。
45#第30卷第1期 开 发 工 程
1996年,美国A RI公司在科罗拉多皮申斯盆地Rul-i son致密砂岩气田北部应用三维地震及裂缝预测技术,优化布井,单井控制储量由使用三维地震之前的0.51@108m3提高到0.96@108m3,亿立方米天然气储量勘探开发成本由177万美元降到114万美元。
Rulison气田主要产层是晚白垩世M esaver de Gr oup,埋藏深度在1100~1600m,属于典型的透镜状致密砂岩气藏。
透镜体厚6~18m、宽150~450 m,砂体平面连通性差;储层孔隙度介于6%~12%、渗透率介于0.005@10-3~0.03@10-3L m2,根据RM T 统计表明Ruliso n气田William s Forks气藏储量丰度为14.7@108m3/km2。
对Williams Fork透镜状砂体上的3口距离很近的井进行多井试验,结果表明井与井之间的测井相关性较差。
预测结果显示,气藏在生产20a后,气井的单井累积产量平均0.51@108 m3,泄气面积平均为0.05km2。
Williams Forks气藏早期井网密度为0.65km2/井,甚至更大。
1996年,钻4口井进行0.08km 2
1998~2000年期间,在试验区又加密了12口井,使得试验区(2.59km 2
)的井数达到30口(有效井网密度为0.08km 2
/井),这些气井的初期产量为2.83@104~5.7@104m 3/d,预计单井最终累计产量为0.4@108
m 3。
1)随着井网密度的增加,每口井的可采储量保持相对比较稳定;对W illiams Fo rks 砂岩气藏,当井网密度为0.08km 2
/井时,2.59km 2
m 3。
2)从2001年末到2003年初,加钻了10口井,使总井数达到40口,井网密度只有0.04km 2/井。
m 3
/d,比之前井网密度为0.08km 2
/井和0.16km 2/井的井更有优势。
根据1年的生产数据,预计平均单井累计产气可达0.57@108m 3。
在对近期钻的井网密度为0.08km 2/井的加密井压力测试中,发现98个独立砂岩体测试中的6个有气藏压力部分衰竭现象。
如果64口井全部投产,预计该区域累计产气量大于31.71@108m 3(表1)。
根据预测,试验区域的采收率将达到75%,而0.65km 2的井网密度的采收率仅为10%。
2.3 增产工艺技术
2.3.1 分层压裂技术
在Jonah 气田运用连续油管压裂技术,能够在36h 内完成11级水力压裂施工,将施工时间由5周缩短至4d,同时产量增加90%以上。
2.3.2 大型压裂技术
自20世纪80年代以来,以美国Wattenberg 气田压裂技术研究与应用为基础,提出大型压裂概念,通常要求支撑半缝长大于300m,加砂规模大于100m 3
一般具有以下特点的储层适宜大型压裂:气测渗透率小于0.1@10-3L m 2,砂层厚度一般为20m 以上,且平面上分布稳定,人工裂缝方位与有利砂体展布方向一致。
美国Wattenberg 气田,储层埋深2316~2560m,砂层厚度15~30m,渗透率0.005@10-3~0.05@10-3
L m 2。
一般加砂量90~150m 3
,最大255m 3,压后缝长400~600m,压后稳产2.0@104
~ 3.5@104
m 3
m 3
/d 。
2.3.3 水平井分段压裂技术
2.4 钻采工艺技术
小井眼是指完井井眼尺寸小于152.4mm,或全井60%以上井眼尺寸为152.4mm 。
小井眼技术[4-5]的优点主要体现在井场占地面积小,钻井设备轻,工作量少,只需常规钻井三分之一的工作人员,钻井费用低,井场各项费用减少60%,节约钻井成本15%~40%,在低渗透、特低渗透气藏,水平井、分支井、深井最大垂直井深超过6000m 的区域适合进行小井眼钻井。
47#第30卷第1期 开 发 工 程
3 几点启示
参 考 文 献
[1]REEV ES J J.A dvancing 3D seismic inter pretatio n methods
to find the sweet spo ts in tig ht g as r eser vo irs[J].Journal o f Society of Ex plor ation G eo phy sicists,2006,25.
[2]CIPO LL A C L ,WO OD M C.A St at istical appr oach to in -fil-l drilling studies:Case histor y of the O zona Canyon sands [J].SPE Reserv oir Eng ineering ,1996,11(3):196-202.[3]SU RJAA T M ADJA J B,M CD AN IEL B W ,BRIA N C,et al.
Effect ive st imulatio n of multilater al complet ions in the James L ime for mation achiev ed by co ntr olled indiv idual placement o f numero us hydraulic fr actur es[C]M SPE Eur o -pean Fo rmatio n Damage Conference.T he H ag ue,N ether -lands:[s.n.],2003.
[4]COH EN J,L EIT K O C E,L ON G R C.H ig h -po wer slim -hole dr illing system[C]M IA DC/SPE Drilling Conference,N ew O rleans,Lo uisiana,2000.
[5]孙宁,苏义脑.钻井工程技术进展[M ].北京:石油工业出版
(收稿日期 2009-05-27 编辑 韩晓渝)
º页岩气开采技术取得突破性进展; »油藏数值模拟能力达到十亿网格节点;
¼双程逆时偏移技术解决复杂条件地震成像难题; ½高密度宽方位地震勘探技术实现规模应用; ¾有缆钻杆技术突破钻井自动化信息传输瓶颈; ¿井间电磁测井仪器研发取得新进展; À过钻头测井系统投入商业应用;
Á非接触式磁力断层摄影术可有效实现管道完整性检测; Â多产丙烯联产己烯-1的组合技术开发成功。
(天工 摘自5中国石油报62010-01-13)
48# 天 然 气 工 业 2010年1月
Sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary features of the Permian in pre -salt Kenjiyake oilfield,Kazakhstan Wang Yibo 1,Zhu Xiao min 1,Wang Jiping 2,Li Dejiang 3,Du Jinling 4
(1.K ey L ab f or H y dr ocar bon A ccumulation Mechanism ,M inistr y of E ducation,China University of P etr o -leum ,Beij ing 102249,China;2.Ex p lor ation and Dev elop ment Resear ch I nstitute,P etroChina Chang qing Oilf ield Comp any ,X i 'a n,S haanx i 710021,China;3.L angf ang Br anch,P etroChina P etroleum E x p lor ation and Dev elop ment R esear ch I nstitute,L angf ang,H ebei 065007,China;4.Bor ehole Seismic Ser vice Center ,Bur eau of Geop hy isical Pr osp ecting ,CN P C,Zhuoz hou,H ebei 072751,China)
NATUR.GAS IND.VOLUME 30,ISSUE 1,pp.42-44,1/25/2010.(ISSN 1000-0976;In Chinese)
Abstract:T he Per mian in the pre -salt K enjiy ake oilfield,Kazakhstan,consists o f terr igenous detr ital r ocks depo sited on the Carbon -iferous platfo rm and is o verlain by a super -t hick salt do me.N o unified sequence str atig raphic framew or k has been established in the study ar ea till now.T he ty pes and distr ibution of sedimentar y facies are unclear.T he r eser vo ir sandsto nes are thin in thickness and var iable in shape.A ll these fact ors are challeng ing the ex plor ation and develo pment o f the pre -salt P ermian o il and g as r eser vo irs.U nder the g uidance o f sequence str atig raphy theo ries,co re,lo gg ing and 3D seismic data are integr ated to divide t he Per mian into three thir d -o rder sequences,namely S Ñ,S Òand S Ó,accor ding to the characterist ics of sequence bo unda ries.Based o n an iso chr o -nous stratigr aphic fr amew o rk,sever al ty pes of sediment ary f acies,including braided r iver delta fro nt ,litto ral to ner itic,delta fro nt slump turbidite facies,ar e identified in the study a rea acco rding to cor e,logg ing and seismic facies.In addition,the featur es of each facies ar e analyzed,and the areal dist ribution of sandbo dies in each sequence is ident ified.It is believed that the braided river delta front and delt a f ront slump tuibidite are favo rable r eser vo irs.
Key words:pr e -salt Kenjiyake o ilf ield,Per mian,sequence str atig raphy,sedimentar y featur e,seismic ex plor atio n,log g ing ,cor e,re -search
Wang Yibo,bor n in 1978,is now studying fo r a Ph.D deg ree wit h her interest in research o f sequence st ratig r aphy and lo gg ing geo -l o gy.
Add:M ail Bo x 291,Chang ping,Beijing 102249,P.R.China
Tel:+86-10-89733901 Mobile:+86-131******** E -mail:cup_w y b@y aho o.co
A study on the development of tight gas reservoirs in the USA Lei Q un,W an Yujin,Li Xizhe,H u Yong
(L angf ang Br anch,P etroChina Petr oleum Ex p lor ation and Develop ment R esearch I nstitute,L angf ang ,H e -bei 065007,China)
NATUR.GAS IND.VOLUME 30,ISSUE 1,pp.45-48,1/25/2010.(ISSN 1000-0976;In Chinese)
Abstract:T he U SA is one of the lar gest pro ducers of tight sand gas in the w or ld.In the last fo ur decades,an integr ated techno lo gy has been established,which includes g as reservo ir descr iption,w ell patter n thickening ,st imulation,dr illing and completion,etc.Its successful develo pment practices prov ide valuable ex per iences fo r China to dev elo p t ight sand gas reservo ir s.Based on the in -depth investig ation into t he r eser vo ir character istics,the dev elopment feat ur es and key technolog ies of tig ht sand gas r eser voirs in the U SA,sev eral po ints of enlig htenment have been achieved: a.T hr ee -dimensional seismic techno lo gy can effectively im pr ove the suc -cess rat e of dev elopment w ells;b.W ell pattern t hickening can effectively enhance the recov ery of mult-i lay er and lenticular gas reser -v oir s; c.Separate layer fracturing in vert ical w ells is one o f the main stimulations of tight sand g as reserv oir develo pment; d.Slim ho le,quick dr illing,simplification and optim izat ion o f surface facilities are the key metho ds to r educe the co st.T hese experiences will play a posit ive r ole in the dev elo pment of low -per meability sandstone gas r eser vo irs in China.Key words:U SA,tig ht sand,g as r eser vo ir development,fracture,st imulatio n,techno log y,ex per ience DOI:10.3787/j.issn.1000-0976.2010.001.012
Lei Qun,professor of senior eng ineer ,w as bo rn in 1963.He is a docto ral tutor and o ne of advanced ex per ts for the CN PC.He is mainly eng aged in oil and g as development r esear ch.
139# Na tura l Gas Industry ,Vo l.30,Issue 1,2010
Add:M ail Bo x 44,Wanzhuang,Lang fang ,H ebei 065007,P.R.China Tel:+86-10-69213526 E -mail:leiqun@petr
Productivity analysis of horizontal gas wells for low permeability gas reservoirs Zhang Liehui 1
,Zhang Su 1
,Xiong Yanli 2
,Wang Rui 1
,Zhu Bin
(1.State K ey L ab of Oil &Gas Reservoir Geology and Ex p loitation,Southw est P etr oleum Univer sity ,Chengdu,S ichuan 610500,China;2.Ex p lor ation and Develop ment R esear ch I nstitute,P etroChina S outhw est Oil &Gasf ield Comp any ,Chengdu,Sichuan 610051,China)
NATUR.GAS IND.VOLUME 30,ISSUE 1,pp.49-51,1/25/2010.(ISSN 1000-0976;In Chinese)
Abstract:In recent years,with the r apid develo pment of low -permeability o il and g as fields,the pro blem of seepage w ith t hr esho ld pr essure in lo w per meabilit y format ion has become an import ant issue which has been w idely concerned.H or izontal wells,as a dev e-l o pment means o f enhancing the deliver ability of oil and gas w ells,has beco me one o f the most impo rtant technolo gies to efficiently ex plo it o il and gas reserv oirs for its unparallel adv antag es in technolog ical and econom ic aspects co mpar ed w ith conventio na l v ertical wells.T hroug h ex tensive sur vey and study,it is sho wn that curr ent deliverability pr ediction fo r hor izontal w ells in low permeability gas r eser voirs do es not take the impact of thr eshold pressure into acco unt,which leads to t he difference betw een the predicted deliv -er abilit y and the actual o ne.By tr ansfo rming t he flow v elocity equatio n,we can conclude that the differ ential pressur e caused by the gas flow is due to the Darcy flo w,thr esho ld pressur e,and t he high -speed non -Dar cy.In v iew of this,the deliv erability equatio n w ith co nsiderat ion of the threshold pr essure g radient and hig h -speed no n -D arcy effect ,and t he effects of threshold pr essure on the deliv er -ability of hor izontal w ells in low permeability g as reserv oirs ar e presented and analy zed in this paper.Studies have sho wn t hat the level of the threshold pressur e affects the entire flow pr ocess and has g reat impact o n the g as pro duction of ho rizo ntal w ells,and that the pressure loss in t he fo rmatio n incr eases w ith the incr ease o f the thr esho ld pressur e g radient,and the level of gas pro ductio n in ho rizontal wells also sho ws linea r decline.
Key w ords:low permeability gas reserv oir ,hor izontal w ell,exploitation,threshold pressur e,non -Darcy flow ,velocit y,deliv erabil-i t y,mathematical model
Zhang Liehui,pro fesso r,bor n in 1967,is a doctor al tuto r.H e is mainly eng aged in teaching and r esear ch o f r eser voir seepage and reservo ir eng ineering and numer ical simulat ion.
Add:N o.8,Xindu Rd.,Xindu Dist rict,Chengdu,Sichuan 610500,P.R.China Tel:+86-28-83032241 E -mail:zlhdyy zbn@
Experimental research status and several novel understandings on gas percolation mechanism in low -permeability sandstone gas reservoirs
Gao Shusheng 1,2,Xiong Wei 2,Liu Xiangui 2,H u Zhim ing 2,Xue H ui 2
(1.S chool of Energy Resources,China Univ er sity of Geosciences ,Beij ing 100083,China;2.L angf ang Br anch,P etr oChina P etr oleum Ex p lor ation and D evelop ment R esearch I nstitute,L angf ang,H ebei 065007,China)
NATUR.GAS IND.VOLUME 30,ISSUE 1,pp.52-55,1/25/2010.(ISSN 1000-0976;In Chinese)
Abstract:T he study o n the perco latio n mechanism of low -permeability gas reserv oir s is co nducive to establish reasonable and effectiv e development po licies.For the lo w -permeability sand g as reserv oir s,ex per imental studies o f gas per colat ion mechanism mostly focus on four ar eas,i.e.,g as slippag e effect,star ting pr essure gr adient,high -speed no n -Da rcy flow effect,and the impact o f water satu -r atio n.T he do mest ic and fo reig n r esear ch data abo ut low -per meabilit y sandsto ne gas reservo ir flow mechanism are analyzed and sum -mar ized.After carr ying out suff icient ex per imenta l studies targ eting the g as percolation mechanism o f low -per meabilit y sandsto ne,we g ot sever al new understandings:F ir st,in the actual product ion pr ocess,due to the high abandonment pressur e,there is no need
#140# Na tura l Gas Industry ,Vo l.30,Issue 1,2010。