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1.()A white B purple C book

2.()A school B pencil—case C crayon

3.()A foot B eraser C ruler

4.()A eyes B mouth C ears

5.()A crayon B pencil C finger

6.()A black B sharpener C bag

7.()A pink B colour C blue

8.()A head B foot C white

9.()A arm B blue C leg

10.()A hand B yellow C brown


() What ‘s your name 1: Good morning

( ) Hello ! 2: Nice to meet you , too () Bye ! 3:My name ‘s Li Li ( ) I have a pencil 4:Me too

( ) Let’s paint ! 5: Hi

( ) This is John . 6: See you

( ) Good morning . 7: Good afternoon

( ) Nice to meet you 8: Nice to meet you ( ) How are you 9:Great

( ) Good afternoon ! 10:Fine , thank you 三、选择填空,将正确答案的序号写在括号内。(20分)


A. red and yellow B. white and red

( ) 2. Mom this ________ Mike.

A. am

B. is

( ) 3. Let’s ____ to school!

A. go

B. going

( ) 4. 中国的Teacher’ s Day 是_________

A. 9月10日 B .10月1 日

()5. Clap your ___________ .

A. hand

B. hands



()7. What’s your name

My name’s _______


B. Mike

( ) 8. I have _________ eraser .

A. an

B. a

( ) _______ you

A. is

B. are ( )10. _________ are you

Fine thanks.


B. How

( ) 11. ________! I have a monkey.

A. Look

B. Look at ( ) 12. May I have a look

--_______ .

A .Sure B. sure ( ) 13. Act _____ a panda

A. is

B. like ( ) 14. I have __________ elephant .

A. a

B. an ( ) 15. ________ like a mouse.

A. Fly

B. Hunt ( ) 16. Look ____ the monkey.

A. at

B. in ( ) 17. ___________me, please

A. /

B. Follow ( ) 18. China的代表动物是________

A. panda

B. monkey

( ) 19. USA的代表动物是______

A. kangaroo

B. eagle

( ) 20. Beaver是____________(国家)的代表动物

A. China

B. Canada


()1. May I have a look

( ) 2. Oh, it’s nice.

( ) 3. Look! I have a mouse.

( ) 4. Sure .Here you are.

( ) 5. Thank you.


Zoom: Look! I have a rabbit.

Zip: Oh, really May I have a look

Zoom: Sure, Here you are.

Look at the rabbit. It’s funny.

Zip: Yes, it’s nice. I like it.

Zoom: Thank you.

( ) 1. Zip has a rabbit.

( ) rabbit is fat.

( ) rabbit is nice.

( ) likes the rabbit.

( ) has a dog.
