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安徽农业科学,J.Anhui Agric.Sci. 2018,46( 20) :110-112,128
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土壤 pH㊃ 淹水调控与低镉积累品种在水稻大田生产上的降镉效果
( 湖南省新化县农业局,湖南新化 417600)
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
摘要㊀ [ 目的] 研究土壤 pH㊁淹水调控与低镉积累品种在水稻大田生产上的降镉效果㊂ [ 方法] 通过土壤 pH㊁淹水调控与低镉积累品种 等多项镉污染防治措施的应用,探索镉污染稻田水稻安全生产技术模式㊂ [ 结果] pH<6.5 时,VIL㊁V㊁IL 3 种处理均使土壤有效 Cd 上升, 上升幅度表现为 VIL <IL< V,且 VIL 与 V㊁IL 处理有较大差异;当土壤 pH>6.5 时,VIL㊁IL 处理有降低土壤有效 Cd 的效果㊂ 2 种处理均 能对水稻糙米 Cd 积累产生明显的负影响,其影响程度和一致性表现为 VIL >V>IL,且 VIL㊁V 处理效果远优于 IL 处理㊂ [ 结论] 在不同 环境因素下,单一的淹水管理+土壤 pH 调控或低镉积累型品种措施,在降低糙米 Cd 积累效果方面不稳定,多措施的综合应用能取得更 好的效果㊂ 关键词㊀ 镉污染防治;糙米 Cd 含量;淹水管理+石灰施用;低镉积累品种 中图分类号㊀ S 158.4㊀ ㊀ 文献标识码㊀ A㊀ ㊀ 文章编号㊀ 0517-6611( 2018) 20-0110-03 Cadmium Reduction Effects of Soil pH, Flood Control and Low Cadmium Accumulation Variety in Rice Field Production KANG Liu⁃sheng㊀ ( Agriculture Bureau of Xinhua County in Hunan Province,Xinhua, Hunan 417600) Abstract㊀ [ Objective] To study cadmium reduction effects of soil pH, flood control and low cadmium accumulation variety in rice field pro⁃ duction. [ Method] Through the application of a number of measures to prevent and control cadmium pollution, such as soil pH, flood control and low cadmium accumulation variety, the safe production technology model of rice in cadmium⁃contaminated rice fields was explored. [ Re⁃ sult] When pH<6.5, VIL, V and IL all increased the soil effective Cd content, and the increase range was VIL <IL< V. There was significant differences between VIL and V, IL. When soil pH> 6.5, VIL and IL treatment had the effect of reducing soil Cd. Both treatments had a signifi⁃ cant negative effect on Cd accumulation of rice , and the degree and consistency of these two treatments were VIL >V>IL, and the effect of VIL and V was much better than that of IL. [ Conclusion] Under different environmental factors, single flood management + soil pH adjustment or low cadmium varieties of oic increase, reducing brown rice Cd accumulation effect is not stable, the integrated application of many measures can obtain a better result. Key words㊀ Cadmium pollution prevention;Cd content of brown rice;Flood management + lime application;Low cadmium accumulation variety
㊀ ㊀ 随着我国工农业的快速发展和城市规模的不断扩大,污 已造成了大量的耕地污染,面积约达 1.0ˑ10 hm
7 2 [1]
水㊁废气㊁毒渣毒泥等污染源与量显著增多, 因其不当排放, 护部㊁ 国土资源部共同发布的 ‘ 全国土壤染污状况调查报 告“(2014 年) 显示,耕地土壤点位超标率为 19.4%,其中镉污 染率达 7.0%,是无机物污染类型中占比最高的一种㊂ 镉污 染严重破坏了农作物的生长环境,威胁了人们身体健康及生 命安全,镉污染土壤治理已成为业界共同关注的重大问题㊂ pH㊁Eh 进行调控,或通过筛选可食部位低镉积累型品种等手 段,降低镉在作物中的积累,均有一定的效果,但目前此类研 究大多集中在实验室环境下进行,在大田中的应用较少㊂ 大 多认为, 镉等重金属污染土壤的修复是一个复杂的系统工 程,单一的修复技术, 不是难以实施, 就是很难达到预期效 果,无法从根本上解决镉等重金属的污染问题
㊀ ㊀ ㊀
土壤 pH㊃ 淹水调控与低镉积累品种在水稻大田生产上的降镉效果
( 湖南省新化县农业局,湖南新化 417600)
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
摘要㊀ [ 目的] 研究土壤 pH㊁淹水调控与低镉积累品种在水稻大田生产上的降镉效果㊂ [ 方法] 通过土壤 pH㊁淹水调控与低镉积累品种 等多项镉污染防治措施的应用,探索镉污染稻田水稻安全生产技术模式㊂ [ 结果] pH<6.5 时,VIL㊁V㊁IL 3 种处理均使土壤有效 Cd 上升, 上升幅度表现为 VIL <IL< V,且 VIL 与 V㊁IL 处理有较大差异;当土壤 pH>6.5 时,VIL㊁IL 处理有降低土壤有效 Cd 的效果㊂ 2 种处理均 能对水稻糙米 Cd 积累产生明显的负影响,其影响程度和一致性表现为 VIL >V>IL,且 VIL㊁V 处理效果远优于 IL 处理㊂ [ 结论] 在不同 环境因素下,单一的淹水管理+土壤 pH 调控或低镉积累型品种措施,在降低糙米 Cd 积累效果方面不稳定,多措施的综合应用能取得更 好的效果㊂ 关键词㊀ 镉污染防治;糙米 Cd 含量;淹水管理+石灰施用;低镉积累品种 中图分类号㊀ S 158.4㊀ ㊀ 文献标识码㊀ A㊀ ㊀ 文章编号㊀ 0517-6611( 2018) 20-0110-03 Cadmium Reduction Effects of Soil pH, Flood Control and Low Cadmium Accumulation Variety in Rice Field Production KANG Liu⁃sheng㊀ ( Agriculture Bureau of Xinhua County in Hunan Province,Xinhua, Hunan 417600) Abstract㊀ [ Objective] To study cadmium reduction effects of soil pH, flood control and low cadmium accumulation variety in rice field pro⁃ duction. [ Method] Through the application of a number of measures to prevent and control cadmium pollution, such as soil pH, flood control and low cadmium accumulation variety, the safe production technology model of rice in cadmium⁃contaminated rice fields was explored. [ Re⁃ sult] When pH<6.5, VIL, V and IL all increased the soil effective Cd content, and the increase range was VIL <IL< V. There was significant differences between VIL and V, IL. When soil pH> 6.5, VIL and IL treatment had the effect of reducing soil Cd. Both treatments had a signifi⁃ cant negative effect on Cd accumulation of rice , and the degree and consistency of these two treatments were VIL >V>IL, and the effect of VIL and V was much better than that of IL. [ Conclusion] Under different environmental factors, single flood management + soil pH adjustment or low cadmium varieties of oic increase, reducing brown rice Cd accumulation effect is not stable, the integrated application of many measures can obtain a better result. Key words㊀ Cadmium pollution prevention;Cd content of brown rice;Flood management + lime application;Low cadmium accumulation variety
㊀ ㊀ 随着我国工农业的快速发展和城市规模的不断扩大,污 已造成了大量的耕地污染,面积约达 1.0ˑ10 hm
7 2 [1]
水㊁废气㊁毒渣毒泥等污染源与量显著增多, 因其不当排放, 护部㊁ 国土资源部共同发布的 ‘ 全国土壤染污状况调查报 告“(2014 年) 显示,耕地土壤点位超标率为 19.4%,其中镉污 染率达 7.0%,是无机物污染类型中占比最高的一种㊂ 镉污 染严重破坏了农作物的生长环境,威胁了人们身体健康及生 命安全,镉污染土壤治理已成为业界共同关注的重大问题㊂ pH㊁Eh 进行调控,或通过筛选可食部位低镉积累型品种等手 段,降低镉在作物中的积累,均有一定的效果,但目前此类研 究大多集中在实验室环境下进行,在大田中的应用较少㊂ 大 多认为, 镉等重金属污染土壤的修复是一个复杂的系统工 程,单一的修复技术, 不是难以实施, 就是很难达到预期效 果,无法从根本上解决镉等重金属的污染问题