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before the end of this year for four nuclear power reactors∥ as part of a huge nuclear expansion program ∥ designed to reduce dependence on imported fuel ∥ and plug growing gaps in electricity generating capacity.
*gooseberry: (bush with a) green, smooth, sour but edible berry (used for jam, tarts, etc) * veracity: truth or honesty
→ 我们就住在路边。过路人或外乡人常到我们家,尝 尝我们酿的酸果酒。这种酒很有名气。我敢说,尝 过的人,从没有挑剔过。我这话像历史学家的话一 样靠得住。
→ 人们开始在自己家里喝酒,因为1920年以后,那 是可以喝酒的惟一合法场所。
On the morning of a fine June day, my first bonny
little nursling, and the last of the ancient Earnshaw stock, was born. (E. Bronte: Wuthering Heights)
- idealized
People began drinking in their own homes
because, after 1920, that was the only legal place they could drink. → 1920年以后,人们开始在自己家里喝酒,因为那 是他们可以喝酒的惟一合法场合。
…and the rest of the morning was easily whiled(消磨) away,
in lounging round the kitchen garden, examining the bloom upon the walls, and listening to the gardener‟s lamentations (悲叹) upon blights(病虫害), in dawdling through the greenhouse, where the loss of her favorite plants, unwarily(不 小心) exposed, and nipped(使枯萎) by the lingering frost, raised the laughter of Charlotte, and in the disappointed hopes of her dairy-maid, by hens forsaking(遗弃) their nests, or being stolen by a fox, or in the rapid decrease of a promising young brood, she found fresh sources of merriment.
Peter Newmark (U.K.)
▲ Translation Unit is the minimal stretch of language that has to be translated together, as one unit.
为合适。 立足于句,放眼语篇。
→ 心与肝至为密切的关系早为人知。
As we lived near thraveler or stranger visit us to taste our gooseberry (醋栗 ) wine, for which we had great reputation, and I confess, with the veracity of an historian, that I never knew one of them to find fault with it.
or have lived in the shadow of death bring a mellow sweetness to everything they do. (Helen Keller)
→人们已经注意到大凡受到死亡威胁的人或是 死里逃生的人对于他们所干的任何事总是兴 盎然。
Barkhudarov 巴尔胡达罗夫(前苏联):
It is a good plan to imagine an argument
with a person having a different bias.
→ 借助于想象与持不同偏见的人进行辩论,是 一个很好的办法。
→ 有一个好办法,就是想象与持不同偏见的人 进行辩论。
It has often been noted that those who live,
good job of running the earth right now. Maybe, when the time comes, we ought to step gracefully aside and hand over the job to someone who can do it better. (I. Asimov: “The Difference between a Brain and a Computer”) → 那时候会怎么样?对了,人类现在也没有做好管理 地球的工作。也许到了那个时候,我们应该优雅地 让到一边,把工作交给更能干的去做。 → 到那时会怎么样呢?唉,反正人类现在也没有做好 管理地球的工作。也许到那时候,我们真该豁达大 度地让到一边,把工作交给更为称职的去做。
* (cause sth to) turn from its direction of movement
美国与中国于周三达成协议来解决一系 列的经济争端。布什政府希望该协议将缩小 贸易逆差,并挡掉这样的指责,即中国的竞 争正在伤害美国工人。
China is to invite international tenders
* bonny:very pleasant or attractive; * nursling: an infant, child, or young animal being nursed or being cared for by a nurse; * stock: person‘s line of ancestry; family line.

中国在今年年底前将就新建四个核电反 应堆进行国际招标。这是中国宏大的核电扩 展计划的一部分,旨在减少对进口燃料油的 依赖,并填补不断增大的能源生产缺口。
Even with the effort to limit the demands upon
his time, there were fears that Mandela would be overtaxed. ∥His crowded American itinerary ∥ would test the stamina of a presidential campaigner, ∥ much less a fraillooking 71-year old ∥ recovering from surgery to remove a benign cyst from his bladder.

一位法国人被指控在第二次世界大战期间杀害 犹太人。上星期巴黎一家法院作出判决,撤销对此 人犯下的战争罪行的起诉。时值极右政治力量在欧 洲大部分地区不断得势,该法院作此判决,激起法 国律师、教育工作者、政界人士和天主教神职人员 的强烈反响,纷纷要求法国正视其过去的历史。 (化繁为简)
注意语气词的使用 Then what? Well, mankind is not doing a very
→ ……大家来到菜园,一面观赏墙上的花朵,一面听着园丁抱怨 种种病虫害。接着走进暖房,因为霜冻结束得晚,再加上管理 不慎,夏洛特最喜爱的几种花草被冻死了,逗得她哈哈大笑。 最后来到家禽饲养场,只听饲养员沮丧地说起老母鸡不是弃巢 而去,就是被狐狸叼走,一窝小鸡本来很有希望,不想纷纷死 去,于是夏洛特又发现了新的笑料。就这样,上午余下的时间 很快便消磨过去了。

尽管对曼德拉的活动时间安排已尽量做 了限制,人们仍然担心他劳累过度。他的美 国行程排得满满的,即便是一位总统竞选人, 这一大圈跑下来体力也够受的,更何况是曼 德拉呢?他已71岁高龄,做了膀胱良性囊肿 切除手术后,尚未痊愈,看上去很虚弱。
A Paris court decision this past week to drop
按语言等级体系分: 音位层 phoneme (grapheme) 词素层 morpheme 词 层 word 词组层 phrase 句子层 sentence 话语层 text ★ “必要和足够层次的翻译是等值翻译” ★ “层次偏低的翻译是逐词死译” ★ “层次偏高的翻译是意译”
It has been known for a long time that there
is a first relationship between the heart and the liver.
→ 心和肝之间存在的第一关系已经被人们知道 很长时间了。 → 早为人知,心与肝的关系至为密切。
war crimes charges against a Frenchman∥ accused of killing Jews during World War II ∥ has catalyzed demands from lawyers, educators, politicians and Catholic clergymen ∥ regarding the need for France to confront its past ∥ at a time when extreme rightist forces are making political headway throughout much Europe.
→ 6月份一个阳光明媚的早晨,厄恩肖这个古老世家 的最后一代继承人出生了,这是第一个我亲自喂养 的孩子。 → 六月份一个阳光明媚的早晨,我要抚养的第一个小 宝宝,也是古老的厄恩肖家族的最后一根苗,出世 了。

Long sentences and other complications may have to be adjusted into localized expressions for better understanding. (Spatial-temporal order + Logic)
顺句操作,断句关键 Practice
The US and China on Wednesday agreed to
resolve a series of economic disputes in a deal ∥ that the Bush administration hopes will shrink the trade deficit ∥ and deflect charges ∥ that Chinese competition is hurting US workers.
翻译单位与语篇分析 Translation Unit & Discourse Analysis
第四周 Week Four
The challenge from the Third World has
always been foreseen by our shipping companies. → 来自第三世界的挑战总能被我们航运公司预 见到。 → 本航海运输公司总能预见第三世界的挑战。