我眼中的英国 演讲稿





































中石油2016通用英语选读课文49The British through My Eyes我眼中的英国人

49 The British through My Eyes 我眼中的英国人 1.While I was studying in London as a visiting scholar<学者>,I came to know more of the British culture and customs.During one year’s study,I noticed that the British behaved quite differently in many ways compared to<与…相比> the Chinese. 1.作为一名访问学者,在伦敦学习的一年时间里,我对英国的文化与习俗开始有了更多的了解,注意到英国人在许多方面与我们中国人的表现大不相同。 2.British people tend to be<趋向于> rather conservative.The conservative attitude is only to accept things familiar to<熟悉的> them and to be suspicious of<怀疑>anything that is strange or foreign.They like antiques so much that they never hesitate<犹豫> to spend money buying them even if they are useless.A lot of British people remain strongly attached to<使依恋,把…放在>coal or wood fireplaces<壁炉>,even though<尽管> it causes a great deal of <大量>work and adds to the pollution of the air.Some of them liked to spend a great deal of money and trouble putting in a dummyfireplace,which would never be used;they thought a living room without a fireplace would be a room without a basic characteristic of cosiness<基本特性cosiness n舒适,安逸>.Many rooms are in fact heated by gas or electric fires,but they are usually placed in front of old-style fireplaces,and many people choose electric fires designed so as to look like coal fires,with imitation pieces of coal which are lit<发光light的过去式及过去分词> when the current<电流> is turned on. 2.英国人一般相当保守。他们保守的态度表现在他们只接受他们熟悉的东西,而对任何外来的或陌生的东西持怀疑态度。他们非常喜欢古董,以至对那些即使没什么用处的东西,也会毫不犹豫地买回来。现在,尽管使用煤或木头的壁炉很麻烦,而且会增加空气污染,但是仍有许多英国人家非常喜欢使用。他们有些人会不惜花钱和费事,给房间安装上一个从不使用的假壁炉。他们认为,居室里如果没有壁炉就失去了让人感觉舒适惬意的基本特点。许多房间实际上是用煤气或电炉取暖的,但取暖器通常放在老式壁炉前面。许多英国人喜欢选择外观设计像烧煤的壁炉式的电暖气,当电源接通时,里面的假煤块就会发出红光。 3.To other Europeans,the best-known quality<特点>of the British,and in particular<尤其是> of the English,is “reserve.”A reserved person is one who does not talk very much to strangers,does not show much emotion<情绪>,and seldom gets excited.It is difficult to get to know a reserved person;he never tells you about anything of himself,and you may work with


The Queens speech at the China State Banquet 2015.10.20 Mr. President, Prince Philip and I are delighted to welcome you and Madame Peng to Buckingham Palace this evening. Your visit to the United Kingdom marks a milestone in this unprecedented year of co-operation and friendship between the United Kingdom and China, as we celebrate the ties between our two countries and prepare to take them to ambitious new heights. The United Kingdom and China have a warm and longstanding friendship. Prince Philip and I recall with great fondness our visit to China almost thirty years ago, where we were privileged to experience your country’s rich history and culture, including the Great W all, the Forbidden City and the Terracotta Warriors: all unforgettable memories of China’s ancient civilization. Yet it was China’s desire to shape a new future which captivated us the most. We were struck by the energy and enthusiasm with which China’s l eaders were forging ahead with a new and ambitious future for the Chinese people; and I well recall our discussions with the late paramount leader Mr. Deng Xiaoping, who was foremost among these leaders in setting a clear direction for China with his polic y of reform. It was also Mr. Deng’s visionary concept of One Country Two Systems which opened the way for the return of Hong Kong to Chinese sovereignty under the Sino-British Joint Declaration. Almost thirty years later, Mr Deng’s vision has borne remark able fruit. Rapid economic growth and development has transformed the lives of people across China and lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty: a huge and historic achievement with far reaching positive effects on people’s lives. I was delighted that my grandson Prince William was able to witness these changes during his


英国女王演讲稿英文版2021解析 I am speaking to you at what I know is an increasingly challenging time. A time of disruption in the life of our country: a disruption that has broughtgrieftosome,financial difficulties to many,andenormous changesto the daily lives of usall. 女王演讲开场的排比写得真的棒,很好地解释了什么叫“层层递进”:体现了这场危机对some、many到all的progression,以及disruption的具体体现:悲痛、经济损失以及其他生活的巨大改变。 I want to thank everyone on the NHS (NationalHealth Service) front line, as well as care workers and thosecarrying out essential roles, who selflessly continue their day-to-day duties outside the home in support of us all. I am sure the nation will join me in assuring you that what you do is appreciated andevery hour of your hard workbrings us closer toa return to more normal times. 不出意外地,女王也是大力表达了对医护工作人员和其他兢兢业业的工作者表达了感谢。大家注意此处的return,虽然不是大词,但是却很能精准表现人们对正常生活的渴望。 I also want to thank those of you who are staying at home,thereby helpingto protect the vulnerable andsparing many families the painalready felt by those who havelost loved ones. Together we aretacklingthis disease, and I want to reassure you that if we remainunited and resolute, then we will overcome it. 这句话是海豚最喜欢的一段话,无论是文本传达的message还是语言表达本身,都很值得我们学习!无论是哪个国家,医疗工作者和其他付出极大贡献的人们,都是在“protect the vulnerable”以及“spare many families the pain”。从语法上来看,整个句子使用了非谓语现在分词(thereby doing)已经过去分词修饰(felt by those)以及从句,可以说是一句意义丰满的长句了。 I hope in the years to come everyone will be able to take pride in how they


英国演讲稿 尊敬的各位领导、老师和同学们: 大家好!我很荣幸能在这里参加演讲比赛,并且与大家分享有关英国的一些有趣和重要的信息。今天我将围绕英国的历史、文化、教育和风景等方面进行介绍。 首先,让我们来了解一下英国的历史。英国的历史可以追溯到几千年前,这个国家曾经是强大的罗马帝国的一部分。随着时间的推移,英国经历了诸多王朝的统治,如亨利八世时期的都铎王朝和维多利亚女王时期的维多利亚时代。这些王朝对英国的政治、经济和文化发展产生了重要的影响。 英国文化是丰富多样的,从文学、音乐、舞蹈到体育等方面都有独特而重要的贡献。英国文学给世界留下了众多经典作品,如莎士比亚的戏剧和狄更斯的小说。英国音乐界也涌现出众多杰出的音乐家和乐团,如披头士乐队和伦敦交响乐团。此外,英国体育也非常受欢迎,足球和板球是最受欢迎和广泛参与的体育运动。 英国的教育体系也是全球瞩目的。英国拥有众多优秀的大学,如牛津大学和剑桥大学,这些学府培养了无数的优秀人才。在英国的教育体系中,注重培养学生的创造力、思辨能力和批判性思维。这个体系强调自主学习和积极参与,这种教育理念赋予学生广泛的知识和技能,使其能够在全球范围内具有竞争力。 最后,我想和大家分享一下英国的壮丽风景。英国拥有丰富的自然资源和美丽的

景观,如湖泊、山脉和历史建筑等。英格兰的湖区和苏格兰的高地是著名的旅游景点,吸引着来自世界各地的游客。此外,伦敦也是英国最热门的旅游城市之一,这个城市有着丰富的历史遗迹、文化场所和现代化的建筑。 总结一下,英国是一个具有悠久历史、丰富文化和优质教育的国家。无论是英国的历史,还是其文化、教育以及壮丽的风景,都能给人们带来深刻的启示和欣赏。希望通过今天的演讲,大家能对英国有更深入的了解,并且能够对英国有更多的兴趣和好奇心。 谢谢大家!


我眼中的世界英语演讲稿三分钟 大家好,今天我想和大家分享一下我眼中的世界。 In my eyes, the world is a beautiful and diverse place. We have different cultures, landscapes, and languages that make our planet unique and fascinating. 我认为世界是一个美丽而多样化的地方。我们拥有不同的文化、景观和语言,这使得我们的星球显得独特而迷人。 However, our world is facing many challenges such as climate change, poverty, and inequality. It's our responsibility to work together to tackle these issues and make the world a better place. 然而,我们的世界面临着许多挑战,如气候变化、贫困和不平等。我们有责任共同努力解决这些问题,使世界变得更美好。 As an English learner, I believe that language is a powerful tool that can connect people from different parts of the world. Through learning English, I've been able to communicate with people from different countries and cultures, and it's opened up a whole new world for me. 作为一名英语学习者,我相信语言是一个强大的工具,可以连接来自世界不同角落的人们。通过学习英语,我能够与来自不同国家和文化的人交流,这为我打开了一个全新的世界。 In conclusion, the world is a beautiful and diverse place,


英国英语演讲稿 Ladies and gentlemen, Today, I am honored to stand before you and deliver a speech on a topic that is close to my heart - the United Kingdom and its rich cultural heritage. As we all know, the United Kingdom is a nation steeped in history and tradition, with a unique blend of cultures that have shaped its identity over the centuries. First and foremost, we cannot discuss the UK without acknowledging its monarchy. The British royal family has long been a symbol of tradition and continuity, serving as a link between the past and the present. From the iconic figure of Queen Victoria to the beloved Queen Elizabeth II, the monarchy has captured the imagination of people all over the world. The pomp and pageantry of events such as the Changing of the Guard and the State Opening of Parliament showcase the grandeur that is associated with the British monarchy. Moving on to literature, the UK has produced some of the greatest writers and playwrights in history. From William Shakespeare to Jane Austen, the works of these literary giants continue to captivate readers to this day. The UK is also home to the world-renowned Oxford and Cambridge universities, which have produced numerous Nobel laureates and scholars throughout the years. The British Library, with its vast collection of books and manuscripts, is a testament to the country's love for knowledge and learning. In the field of music, the UK has given birth to some of the most


英国女王伊丽莎白二世在2022年英国议会英语演讲 稿 英国女王伊丽莎白二世在20xx年英国议会英语演讲稿 My Lords and Members of the House of Commons, My government’s legislative programme will continue to deliver on its long-term plan to builda stronger economy and a fairer society. To strengthen the economy and provide stability and security, my ministers will continue torce the country’s deficit, helping to ensure that mortgage and interest rates remain low. An updated Charter for Budget Responsibility will be brought forward to ensure that futuregovernments spend taxpayers’ money responsibly. My government will also continue to cut taxes in order to increase people’s financial security. My ministers will implement measures to increase further the personal allowance and tofreeze fuel duty. Measures will be brought forward for a married couple’s allowance, which will recognisemarriage in the tax system. Legislation will be introduced to help make the United Kingdom the most attractive place tostart, finance and grow a business. The bill will support small businesses by cuttingbureaucracy and enabling them to access finance. New legislation will require ministers to set and report on a deregulation target for eachParliament. The legislation will also rce delays in employment tribunals, improve thefairness of contracts for low paid workers and establish a public register of panybeneficial ownership. Legislation will be introduced to provide for a new statutory code andan adjudicator to increase fairness for public house tenants. Legislation will impose higher penalties on employers


英国首相卡梅伦演讲稿 尊敬的各位贵宾,女士们,先生们,大家好! 今天,我非常荣幸能够站在这里,向大家分享英国首相卡梅伦的一次重要演讲。这次演讲发生在2016年,是卡梅伦在英国脱欧公投前夕发表的一次讲话。在这次 演讲中,卡梅伦强调了留在欧盟的重要性,以及脱欧可能带来的不确定性和风险。他呼吁英国人民认真考虑脱欧的后果,慎重做出选择。 卡梅伦在演讲一开始就提到了英国的繁荣和稳定是建立在与欧盟的紧密合作基 础之上的。他指出,英国在欧盟内部有着重要的地位和影响力,能够参与制定欧盟的政策和规则,从而保护英国的利益。同时,他也强调了欧盟市场对英国经济的重要性,指出脱欧可能会导致英国失去欧盟市场的便利和优势,对英国经济造成不利影响。 卡梅伦还在演讲中提到了脱欧可能带来的不确定性和风险。他指出,脱欧后英 国将面临重新谈判贸易协定、重新制定法律法规、重新规划移民政策等诸多挑战,这将耗费大量时间和精力,给英国带来政治、经济和社会方面的不稳定。同时,他也警示脱欧可能导致英国失去欧盟的支持和合作,影响英国在国际事务中的地位和声誉。 最后,卡梅伦呼吁英国人民认真考虑脱欧的后果,慎重做出选择。他表示,脱 欧并非解决英国问题的唯一途径,英国应该通过积极参与欧盟内部改革,争取更好的待遇和更大的发展空间。他希望英国人民能够团结一致,保持对欧盟的支持,共同创造一个更加繁荣、稳定的未来。 在这次演讲中,卡梅伦以坚定、严谨的语言,清晰地阐述了留在欧盟的重要性,以及脱欧可能带来的不确定性和风险。他的演讲充分展现了一位领导者的担当和智慧,为英国人民提供了明晰的思路和选择。希望我们能够从中汲取智慧,共同努力,为实现国家繁荣、人民幸福而奋斗!


梅姨演讲稿回顾:探寻英国对欧盟的立场梅姨演讲稿回顾:探寻英国对欧盟的立场 2018年3月2日,英国首相特雷莎·梅在迦途市政厅发表了一场重要演讲,题为“英国脱欧迈向未来”。这场演讲探寻了英国在脱欧后对欧盟的立场和方向,成为英国与欧盟关系走向的重要里程碑。这篇文章将回顾梅姨演讲的主要内容和涉及到的问题。 一、背景 2016年6月23日,英国公投决定退出欧盟,即所谓的“脱欧”。自始至终,英国对欧盟的立场不断变化,导致了英国内部政治的不稳定和英国与欧盟关系的紧张。在2018年3月1日之前,英国政府并未公开确立其脱欧后与欧盟的关系和立场,不少欧盟成员国对此表示强烈不满。因此,梅姨在这场演讲中需要明确自己的立场和方向,以维护英国和欧盟的关系和稳定。 二、主要内容 1. 脱欧后的关系 在演讲中,梅姨明确表示英国将与欧盟保持紧密的关系,但不会成为欧盟成员国或欧盟核心国家的一部分。关于英国与欧盟的脱欧关

系,梅姨提出了两个模型:挪威模型和加拿大模型。挪威模型是指英国和欧盟采取类似于挪威与欧盟之间的关系,即加入欧洲经济区,实现与欧盟内部市场的单一市场自由贸易,但仍需遵守欧盟内部市场的规则和法规。加拿大模型是指从加拿大和欧盟之间的自由贸易协定中学习,实现英欧之间的自由贸易协定,但并不涵盖服务行业等领域。 2. 边境问题 关于英爱边界问题,梅姨表示英国和爱尔兰之间并不想建立硬边界,即在英爱两国之间建立通关站等设施,阻止人员和货物的自由流动。梅姨表示英国和爱尔兰有着紧密的历史和文化联系,不应该因为脱欧而阻碍英国和爱尔兰之间的流动和合作。 3. 经济问题 在演讲中,梅姨表示英国与欧盟之间的合作不仅限于贸易和投资领域,还包括安全、防恐、科技等方面。她重申了英国是自由贸易国家的形象,希望在脱欧后能够与全球各国建立更紧密的贸易关系。 三、问题与解答 1. 市场准入


英国演讲稿4篇 easter is the most important date in thechristian calendar, and an incredibly special timefor people across britainand around the world. last month i was in jerusalem and bethlehemand i got tosee for myself the places where jesus was born and died. it was anextraordinaryexperience to be in those places where so much history began. today, XX years on, easter is not just atime for christians across our country to reflect,but a time for our wholecountry to reflect on what christianity brings to britain. all over theuk,every day, there are countless acts of kindness carried out by those whobelieve in andfollow christ. the heart of christianity is to “love thyneighbor” and millions do really live thatout. i think of the alpha coursesrun in our prisons, which work with offenders to give them anew life insideand outside prison, or the soup kitchens and homeless shelters run bychurches.and we saw that same spirit during the terrible storms that struck britainearlier thisyear. from somerset to surrey, from oxford to devon, churchesbecame refuges, offeringshelter and food, congregations raised funds andrallied together, parish priests even canoedthrough their villages to rescueresidents. they proved, yet again, that people’s faith motivatesthem to dogood deeds. that is something this government supportsand celebrates, and it’s why we haveannounced more funding for the nearneighbours programme bringing together even morefaiths in even more cities todo social action. and as we celebrate easter, let’s also think ofthose who


介绍英国的演讲稿 1. 跪求引见英国的英语演讲稿,是关于景点的,帮帮忙啊 英国王室的英文引见 British Royal Family The British Royal Family is a shared royal family. This article describes the Royal Family from the perspective of United Kingdom. In some other Commonwealth Realms, the concept, function and position of the royal family is similar, but the historical and cultural significance may differ. For information on the Royal Family in the other Realms, see Other Realms.Close relatives of the monarch of the United Kingdom are known by the appellation The Royal Family. Although there is no strict legal or formal definition of who is or is not a member of the Royal Family [1], and different lists will include different people, those carrying the style His or Her Majesty (HM) or His or Her Royal Highness (HRH) are generally considered members, which usually results in the application of the term to these persons:the monarch (the king or queen); the consort of the monarch (his or her spouse); the widowed consorts of previous monarchs (Queen Mother or Queen Dowager); the children of the monarch; the grandchildren of the monarch; the spouses and the widowed spouses of a monarch's son and male-line grandsons; and before 1917, great-grandchildren in the male line. The current British


我眼中的英国教育 一、英国的教育体制 英国是一个有着悠久教育传统的国家。它的教育专务由教育及科学部管辖。全国一共分为105个地方教育委员会,分别提供区内的学校、学院及其他有关教育服务。英国的教育体系经过几百年的沿革,相当的完善和复杂,且具有非常大的灵活性。总体来说分为三个阶段:义务教育,延续教育和高等教育。就课程和学历资格而言,英国存在两种不同的体制,一种是英格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰教育体制,另一种是苏格兰教育体制。 幼儿3岁之前在家庭接受教育,3—5岁,在幼儿园接受教育。从5岁开始接受义务教育,5-11岁为小学阶段。其中5-6岁为阶段Ⅰ,不需要考试,只填学生成长档案;7-11岁为阶段Ⅱ,分别参加7岁和11岁两次统考。12-16岁为普通中等教育阶段,16岁参加GCSE考试。17-18岁为普通高级教育阶段,17岁参加AS考试,18岁参加A2考试。GCSE、AS、A2考试均为全国统考,其成绩以A-G作等级,作为大学录取依据。AS、A2的考试如果没有达到录取大学的标准,也可以先读大学,一年后再考。这样的教育体制,为孩子提供了更宽松的时间和空间,学习不会成为他们的负担,他们有更多的选择和发展。 二、英国的小学教育 1、教学大纲 教育部提供一份内容丰富而且均衡的教学大纲,大纲针对儿童的年龄、能力、态度,以及学习方面的特殊要求而设计。1996年英国教育法将内容丰富且均衡的教学大纲定义为: (1)能促进学生的精神、思想、文化、感情以及体能方面的全面发展。 (2)使学生能够对将来成年生活中面临的机遇、责任等做好相应准备。 教育部只提供教学大纲和目标,不提供教本,教本由各个学校自订或自己设计。 2、校管会 20年前,学校受地方教育局管理,现在地方教育局权利逐步缩小,取而代之的是校管会。校管会成员有五种人员组成:一是家长代表3—4人(家长选举);二是老师代表,必须是教课的老师2名;三是非教学员工1人;四是当地有影响的人物4人(如科学家、体育明星等);五是地方党派4人(获胜的党派才有资格选派人员到校管会担任一定管理任务,参与讨论,没有多大的权利)。国家对学校的拨款是由校管会决定的,它还决定所有员工的聘任,包括校长的聘任。英国法律规定每学期开一次校管会成员会议。校管会的所有人员没有薪水,无偿奉献,有时还要向单位请假,参加校管会活动。每一个校管会成员联系学校的某一个学科,了解学科教学情况,向校管会反映情况。 校管会下面设有财务分会、员工分会、建筑和环境分会等。财务分会主要负责国家对学校的拨款怎样使用和分配。员工分会负责管理教师的发展、再教育。建筑和环境分会负责学校建筑、环境方面的整修维护。教职员工的聘用面试由校长和校管会负责,改变了以前由教育局任命的做法。教育局权利减弱,校管会权利加大是英国教育的发展趋势。校长受校管会约束,校长和校管会主席关系怎样至关重要,合作不愉快会给学校带来困难。 3、学校的规模 英国所有小学的规模都比较小,一般小学两三百人,最大的也就500多人,从来没有一所学校学生达1000人以上。有一所乡村小学学生人数最少,全校只有2个学生,却有五个教师。每所小学一个班级人数最多不得超过30人,一般都是单轨,大部分小学里附有幼儿园。小学教师大多数为女教师,男教师比较少。基本上实行包班教学。学生学习非常轻松。每天早晨9点到校上课,下午3点半放学。每年除了放寒暑假外,每学期第6周和第12周都放假休息1周,师生每学期休息的时间比较长。 4、教师与工资



介绍英国的英语演讲稿 下面品才网小编为您整理了介绍英国的英语演讲稿,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎大家阅读和参考。 介绍英国的英语演讲稿English style of eating habits is also easy, pay attention to nutrition. Breakfast is usually porridge milk or a cup of red juice, coated with butter toast, fried bacon or sausage, eggs. At noon, the children eat lunch at school, adults at lunch on the job on the vicinity to buy a sandwich, a cup of coffee on, just kill. Only to the weekend, the British people will be rich on a table. Usually the main course is meat, such as grilled chicken, roast beef, fish and so on. A wide variety of vegetables, like cabbage, fresh peas, potatoes, carrots and so on. Vegetables in general are no longer processed, mounted on a tray, poured from the supermarket to buy ready-made sauce will be consumed. After the main course there will always be together digestible of sweets, such as cooking fruit, fruit pudding, cheese, ice cream and so on. Fried fish and fries (Fish and chips)


20XX英国演讲稿(3篇) 20XX英国演讲稿(3篇) i wnt to wish jewish communities, within britin nd round the world, hppy nd peceful pssover. this is time when fmilies nd friends gther round the seder tble to remember thestruggles of the jewish people to secure their freedom. every yer, they tell this story to theirchildren so it is never forgotten. nd wht this ncient journey shows us is the enduring power of people to overcome eventhe gretest of dversity nd build better future together. nd, during this celebrtion, we’rereminded of ll those people still suffering oppression, becuse of their religious beliefs, rceor creed. tht cnnot be right nd pssover is chnce for ll of us to commit ourselves gin to helpingthose –of ll fiths nd none –who fce persecution round the world. it’s lso n opportunity for us to recognise the contribution britin’s jewish communitiesmke to every re of our society. thnk you nd chg smech. 英国女王伊丽莎白二世在英国议会英语演讲稿20XX英国演讲稿(2)my lords nd members of the house of commons,
