英语国家概况 试题和答案

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(822 ,~~j) {英语国家概况。 n 试题第 1 页(共 3 页)
2008 年 7 月

knownas (a) the Black Muslims (b) Federal Bureau of Investigation (c) Student for a Democratic 80ciety (d) Ku Klux Klan 8. Three of the following changes among many blacks took place after 1960s. Whi.:h of them is Not true? (a) Bl acks felt more and more confident that 也ey would be fully integrated into the mainstre缸n of American life. (b) Bl acks felt 由at the black community ought to coexist wi也 other groups. (c) Bla..cks felt 也at "black is beauti且11". (d) Blacks fe 1t more and more proud ofthemselves. 9. Cyrus H McConnick invented (a) 由.e electric b u1 b (b)也.e revolver (c) the mechanica1 reaper (d) the railroad 10. The State of C a1ifornÏ a is on (功 the At1 antic Coast (b) 也e Gu1f of Mexico (c) 也e Pacific Coast (d) Caribbean Sea Section Two There are αltogether 20 blanks in the Jollowing sentences. Fill in the blanks and write your α凡swers at the con飞?sponding places on the ANSWER SHEE T. β o points) 1. The New World of America was peopled as a result of two long-continuing immigration movements, the frrst one 丘om and the se∞nd 企'om and 2. The city where the of Independence was signed and where the U.8. Constitution was made is new ventures , money was needed. That money was 3. When starting business or knownas 4. The Great ofthe 1740s tried to breathe new feeling and strength into religion, and cut across 也e lines of 5. "ηle Masque of the Red Death" and were stories written by 6.ηle Puritans introduced education for all children and public taxation for in the 17也 cen阳ry. 7. The civil rights movement, toge出町 with 一一一一-一 and during the 1960s had been d四ply rooted in the US history. 8. The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the US is who make up about percent of the population. 9. The fi部nily made significant con位ibution in the history of transportation. 10. Within the Natíonal Park, there is 一一一__, a field of fal1en trees that
(82241J) 《英语国家概况。 n 试题第 2 页(共 3 页) ~:二
have tumed to stone by a process of mineralization known as petrifaction. Section Three There are 10 questions in this part. Decide whether each statement is true or false. Put a T for true and a F for false on归 the answer sheet. (20 point,呗 1. Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. 2. The agreement that set this plan of cooperation among different states after the War of American Independence was called the Constitution of the United States. 3. The frrst factory in the United States was a cotton textile mil1. 4. According to the First Amendment tot the Constitution ofthe United States, there would be a state-supported religion. 5. Rip Van Winkle was a character created by James Fenimore Cooper. 6.ηle Servicemen's Readjus恤ent Act, or GI Bill of Ri ghts , gave veterans priority in 也lding better jobs. 7. "We shall overcome" is a verγfarnous anti-war song during the1960s. 8. The 1盯gest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the United States now is the blacks, or A丘o-Americans, who account for 11.7% of the population. 9. John H. Hal1 invented sewing machines, typewriters. and bicycles. 10. Pax American indicates American policy to create a world order dominated by the United States. Section Four: Explain the following 5 terms in no more than five ANSWER SHEET. β o points) 1. The Articles of Confederation 2. Religious liberty in the U.S. 3. Elementary school: 4. The black "underclass" 5. The Grand Canyon National P缸k
广东广播电视大学 2008 年上半年期末考试
英语教育专业《英语国家概况 (2)>> 试题
Section One Th ere are 10 questions in this part. Each question is followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the correct answer to each 01 the questions and write your answer at the corre,明onding p/ace on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 point呗 1. Which of the following was NOT one of the 也ree forces that led to 也emρdem development of Europe? (a)ηle growth of capitaI ism. (b) The Renaissance. 。) The Religious Re岛rmation. (d)ηle spiritualleadership of the Roman Catholic Church. 2. According to 由e auth心r, the Articles of Confederation failed because of the fo l1 owing reasons. Which is not true? (a) The new states did not cooperate with the Congress or with each other. (b) Some new states wanted ωbe 丘ee 企om 也e Union. (c)τhe Congress cou1d not raise money to pay the national 盯my and to 归y debts owed to France and other nations. (d) The Congress had no power to tax any citizen. 3. The "American sys恒m" of mass production was first used in (a) c缸 industry (b) texti1e indus位y (c) firearms industry" (d) agric叫ture 4. Which of the following is unconstitutional in the US? (a) Cathοlics can build their own schools and hospitals. (b) Non-Catholics can goωCatholic-run schools. (c) Pub1ic money is provided to support religious schools. (d)Women have the right to abortion. 5. Which ofthe following is considered an Am erican maste甲 iece? (a)τheL部t of the Mohicans (b)刀le Legend of the Sleepy Ho l1 ow (c) 叮he Masque of the Red Death" (d) Moby Dick . 6.τbe expenditure in America public schools is guided or decided by (a) teachers (b) students (c) headmasters (d) boards of education 7. The most notorious terrorist group against black civil rights workers in the South was