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(Acts whose publication is obligatory)
on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases
(Text with EEA relevance)
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Commu-nity,and in particular,Article175(1)thereof and Article95 thereof in relation to Articles7,8and9of this Regulation,
Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,
Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee(1),
Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article251 of the Treaty(2),in the light of the joint text approved by the Conciliation Committee on14March2006,
(1)The Sixth Community Environment Action Programme(3)
identifies climate change as a priority for action.That Programme recognises that the Community is committed to achieving an8%reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases in the period from2008to2012compared to1990 levels,and that,in the longer-term,global emissions of greenhouse gases will need to be reduced by approximately 70%compared to1990levels.
(2)The ultimate objective of the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change,which was approved by Council Decision94/69/EC of15December1993 concerning the conclusion of the United Nations Frame-work Convention on Climate Change(4),is to achieve stabilisation of greenhouse gas concentrations in the
atmosphere at a level which prevents dangerous anthro-pogenic interference with the climate system.
(3)Council Decision2002/358/EC of25April2002con-
cerning the approval,on behalf of the European Commu-nity,of the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the joint fulfilment of commitments thereunder(5)commits the Community and its Member States to reduce their aggregate anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases listed in Annex A to the Kyoto Protocol by8%compared to1990 levels in the period from2008to2012.
(4)Most fluorinated greenhouse gases controlled under the
Kyoto Protocol and this Regulation have a high global warming potential.
(5)Provision should be made for the prevention and
minimisation of emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases, without prejudice to Council Directive75/442/EEC of 15July1975on waste(6),Council Directive96/61/EC of 24September1996concerning integrated pollution prevention and control(7),Directive2000/53/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of18September 2000on end-of life vehicles(8)and Directive2002/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27January2003on waste electrical and electronic equipment(WEEE)(9).
(6)The primary objective of this Regulation is to reduce the
emissions of the fluorinated greenhouse gases covered by the Kyoto Protocol and thus to protect the environment.
(1)OJ C108,30.4.2004,p.62.
(2)Opinion of the European Parliament of31March2004(OJ C103E,
29.4.2004,p.600),Council Common Position of21June2005(OJ
C183E,26.7.2005,p.1)and Position of the European Parliament of 26October2005(not yet published in the Official Journal).
Legislative Resolution of the European Parliament of6April2006 and Council Decision of25April2006.
(3)Decision No1600/2002/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council of22July2002laying down the Sixth Community Environment Action Programme(OJ L242,10.9.2002,p.1). (4)OJ L33,7.2.1994,p.11.(5)OJ L130,15.5.2002,p.1.
(6)OJ L194,25.7.1975,p.39.Directive as last amended by Regulation
(EC)No1882/2003of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L284,31.10.2003,p.1).
(7)OJ L257,10.10.1996,p.26.Directive as last amended by Regulation
(EC)No166/2006of the European Parliament and of the Council(OJ L33,4.2.2006,p.1).
(8)OJ L269,21.10.2000,p.34.Directive as last amended by Council
Decision2005/673/EC(OJ L254,30.9.2005,p.69).
(9)OJ L37,13.2.2003,p.24.Directive as amended by Directive2003/
108/EC(OJ L345,31.12.2003,p.106).